22 y/o too old for pokemon?

The Steel Ninja

New member
Mar 31, 2009
Link Kadeshi said:
Like everyone else said, if you like RPG's, then get it, it's a very in-depth game that is more than some Barbie Princess game (Which I am SO getting this paycheck). I'm 27, and I've bought and played a few of them. I'm no Pokemon nut, mind you, but good games. If you haven't, get the older ones too. It'll help aclimate you with the game's universe. There is about 536,914 (+- 436) Pokemon to learn about, so get crackin'.
hey dont knock barbie goty material rite thar


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
I may be the only jailbait in this thread but I know plenty of older people who play pokemon. I've gotten to the stage were I play Fan-made ROM hacks of pokemon.


New member
Oct 21, 2008
Meh, while the newer pokemon games seem to be lacking that... certain something that the first few had.. i still play them, and i'm 22 too.

On that note, my mate and i each bought the opposite release for the last ones, so we could trade etc.. hes 29


New member
Jul 19, 2008
From the standpoint of singleplayer, the series probably peaked way back on the Color with Gold and Silver. If you don't have those, get at least one of them instead of Pearl. Cheaper, and they're of the few games that actually made considerable improvements to the gameplay and such.


The Nice-talgia Kerrick
Feb 28, 2009
Nope, you're more than fine to play whatever you like, age be damned.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
NimbleJack3 said:
Ugh, the new pokemon games. Don't get me wrong, I loved R/B/Y thru to FireRed and LeafGreen, but the DS games are just tired and full of terrible gimmicks. G/S/C had the right level of gimmicks with the PokePack or whatever it was, but the new contests and IV's and all that crap is just too much. I say have fun with the games released before Dash, but stay the hell away from DS pokemon.
Been there since R/B/Y. People only really started using them with the last gen, and the competitive battling scene has started to become strong with this gen. They're not gimmickry, they're the meta-game.


New member
May 13, 2008
Pokemon is a strangely addictive RPG.
It's the music. Turn the game off for a few days and you can still hear it. At least for Pokemon Blue and Red and Yellow (all of which I, as a 22 year old male, still play).


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Is 22 too old for a woman to play Pokemon? I certainly hope not, because I'm a 22-year-old woman who loves the games. Maybe part of it is the nostalgia factor, as I've been playing them since R/B came out, but the games continue to evolve over time and are still interesting.


New member
Feb 28, 2008
Its a good game.
Only fools who don't know the first thing about gaming (or being mature) think that they'res something wrong with using a good product.

I mean, really. Ask any real gamer, and they'll tell you that Kirby is a complete badass!

The Steel Ninja

New member
Mar 31, 2009
Caimekaze said:
NimbleJack3 said:
Ugh, the new pokemon games. Don't get me wrong, I loved R/B/Y thru to FireRed and LeafGreen, but the DS games are just tired and full of terrible gimmicks. G/S/C had the right level of gimmicks with the PokePack or whatever it was, but the new contests and IV's and all that crap is just too much. I say have fun with the games released before Dash, but stay the hell away from DS pokemon.
Been there since R/B/Y. People only really started using them with the last gen, and the competitive battling scene has started to become strong with this gen. They're not gimmickry, they're the meta-game.
Is it wrong for me to mostly just ignore the whole game-within-the-game and just worry about using the most overpowering attacks? Because my strategy has always been all-out offense. I was never a fan of what I consider lame stat-boosting moves, unless the stat-boost is a side effect of a damaging attack, like Ancient Power.


Opiner of Mottos
Mar 20, 2009
drummersbangharder said:
I just got a DSi and I am VERY tempted to buy Pokemon Pearl.
I am 22 years old. Girl.
Do you think this is abnormal?
I have had to become a sort of closet gamer, because my roomie thinks that it is odd that I am so into video games. I can't help it, I grew up with it.

I never liked the pokemon cards or show, but I liked the games. I remember having all of the older ones (red, yellow, blue, silver, gold) and I loved them.

Now that I have a DS I want to buy the pokemon game but I'm almost ashamed. I will probably hide it and play it in bed at night....I dunno. I just feel self-concious about it in front of my roomie.

Are there any 20 somethings here that still play pokemon?
There are loads of older people that still play pokemon, because although it is aimed at children, it is still a fun game for all ages, thus why they called it a family game.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
19. I still rather miss Crystal, truth be told. After playing Diamond, it seems like the series is in the decline.
From what I hear Platinum is a good Pokemon game, but prepare to be blindsided by nostalgia.(http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NostalgiaFilter)


Resident Juggler
Apr 17, 2008
i don't play pokemon anymore, but thats just cause i've been playing it since Pokemon red, and i knew about the whole thing before it ever came to America and Europe (i'm half Japanese, so i had my grand mother send me Pokemon cards to my home in England), so i've kiiinda got bored of it...


Old Hands
Apr 6, 2009
Gitsnik said:
Pokemon is a strangely addictive RPG.
It's the music. Turn the game off for a few days and you can still hear it. At least for Pokemon Blue and Red and Yellow (all of which I, as a 22 year old male, still play).
I haven't played a pokemon game in a few months and I can still hear the PokeCenter theme in my head.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
drummersbangharder said:
I just got a DSi and I am VERY tempted to buy Pokemon Pearl.

Are there any 20 somethings here that still play pokemon?
I'm 20 in June and I still play pokemon occasionally, so I don't think its weird. Btw what color is your DSi? Also, buy Pokemon Platinum :)
May 17, 2007
drummersbangharder said:
I'm just more of a homebody than my roomate is. I just think she thinks of me as a loner or homebody. I don't play all the time, but about 1-3 hour(s) per day. But she (roomie)has poked fun at it. It doesn't bother me much, but sometimes she makes me think that I am too old for it or something. I just bought the DSi and she poked fun at that. She's my best friend, but crap, she was starting to make me think I was the odd one out. They say "you don't look like the type of girl that would be a gamer"

I would love to make friends who are VG enthusiaists (girls) like me but I've yet to find anyone.
There are still a lot of people out there who think video games are for kids, and only for boys. They don't know it yet, but they're a dying breed.

I was at work a few months ago and one of the three girls there (who's 22 like me) saw my DS sitting on the table, laughed and said "How old are you?" The two other girls who were there (aged 22 and 27) started asking what games I played and telling me their favourite games. Our boss overheard (she's in her early 30s) and didn't know much about the DS, but wanted to tell us about the games she'd just bought for the Wii. I chat to the head of another department (early 30s) about games all the time. A couple of months ago, a new guy (late 20s) spotted my DS and, after we'd talked about favourite games, swapped me Castlevania for Advance Wars for a few weeks.

I got my girlfriend (21) a DSi for her birthday a couple of weeks ago. She's used it constantly since then (admittedly she's spent a lot of time reading Twilight on the internet browser, but she's also powered through Professor Layton and half of Hotel Dusk, and just started Pokemon). I introduced her to FPSes a year or two ago, and although she started out hopeless, she now sometimes beats me at online matches of Halo - and I'm pretty damn good.

Half of our female friends play at least a few games. Every single one of our male friends (ranging from 20 to early 30s) play games; they're all very normal "average" guys, not the football team but not the chess club either. f you want to chat with the boys it sometimes helps to know your Link from your Liquid Snake.

We're the last age group to have this gamer/non-gamer division. Look at any class of 14 year olds. I guarantee you all or nearly all of them play games, girls and boys alike. And they will continue to play games when they graduate from school, get jobs, start families and make lives for themselves; those lives will involve video games.

If your roommate pokes fun at you again, just tell her she's a dinosaur. Say "I thought only people who were like 50 still thought games were just for kids these days."

P.S. Aside from your crush - who sounds like a bit of a dick - a lot of guys love gamer girls.

P.P.S. Yeah, games are kind of a thing for introverts. So what? This is the Age of the Introvert. People whose idea of a good time is to go to a club and bounce around with strangers for six hours are less likely to get games. Stuff them, they're not "normal".


New member
Apr 10, 2009
everyone in my brothers flat spent 5 days playing pokemon red on a emulator on his computer
there all aged around 19 to 24


New member
Apr 14, 2009
you can never be too old for it, I'm 17 whenever i can find it I generally give it a good game for a few hours, then I lose it and the process starts anew.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
The Steel Ninja said:
Caimekaze said:
NimbleJack3 said:
Ugh, the new pokemon games. Don't get me wrong, I loved R/B/Y thru to FireRed and LeafGreen, but the DS games are just tired and full of terrible gimmicks. G/S/C had the right level of gimmicks with the PokePack or whatever it was, but the new contests and IV's and all that crap is just too much. I say have fun with the games released before Dash, but stay the hell away from DS pokemon.
Been there since R/B/Y. People only really started using them with the last gen, and the competitive battling scene has started to become strong with this gen. They're not gimmickry, they're the meta-game.
Is it wrong for me to mostly just ignore the whole game-within-the-game and just worry about using the most overpowering attacks? Because my strategy has always been all-out offense. I was never a fan of what I consider lame stat-boosting moves, unless the stat-boost is a side effect of a damaging attack, like Ancient Power.
No, but seriously, you'd get your arse handed to you if you tried that technique. There are just too many ways to negate all out offense...