BioWare: Don't Get Rid of Mass Effect 3 Saves

Mike Kayatta

Minister of Secrets
Aug 2, 2011
BioWare: Don't Get Rid of Mass Effect 3 Saves

BioWare has coyly hinted that there may be a good reason to keep your saves around even after finishing Shepard's story.

During a recent interview with GamerZines, Mass Effect 3 associate producer Mike Gamble vaguely teased that that the decisions players make in Mass Effect 3 might have repercussions beyond the game itself. Whether he's referring to a forth installment or some run of the mill DLC is anyone's guess.

"It wouldn't be a bad idea [to keep your saves]," he said, presumably while wielding a smug, impish grin. "Obviously I can't say anything, but it wouldn't be a bad idea ..." Gamble then likely followed the ambiguous suggestion by twirling the tips of his thin, black 1920s villain mustache and chuckling menacingly under his breath.

While Gamble's words were purposely vague, let's look at the facts.
What we do know is that BioWare won't be ending Mass Effect with the series' third installment, just the story of Commander Shepard. The team has made that idea abundantly clear. So what could this coy little remark be referring to? DLC? Doubtful. There's really no reason to keep the fact that the game will eventually have additional content under wraps. After all, the other two had multiple installments each.

Perhaps another clue lies in other words spoken by Mr. Gamble earlier this week during an interview with Eurogamer. "[The ending of Mass Effect 3] going to make some people extremely happy; it's going to make some people angry," he said. "But that's part of it, right? To invoke the emotion putting some of these stories to bed will naturally bring up." So if BioWare is only putting some of these stories to bed, does that imply that we might see the series continue from a different hero's perspective in a sequel/spin-off? We're far into conjecture land here, folks, but that's half the fun, isn't it?

Let rampant fan speculation commence in three ... two ... one ...

Source: <a href=>Eurogamer



New member
Mar 16, 2008
Well this is interesting. And somewhat worrying. I have a lot of confidence in Bioware and so I'm excited for Mass Effect 3, but if this is talking about possible spin-offs...well...that can be kind of a tricky area. I mean do you try to make the same feel? A new feel? What to do different? What do we do that same?

...but in the end I'll probably buy it anyways...I'd actually be rather interested to see a sequel that deals with Shepard's kid all grown up, especially if your kids species was determined by who you hooked up with in the original series...but that's just me.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
Bioware, just get ME3 out the door in one piece.

After that you can milk it to death. I will no longer be compelled to care.

Hat Man

New member
Nov 18, 2009
They said that they want to do more with the franchise.

It will probably be something like DA:Os imported saves into DA2. The events happened off to the side so they don't influence you directly, but you can seen the fallout of your choices in the long run.


Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
Garrus and Liara spin-off into their own series where they solve crimes on Illium. Garrus plays the role of the by-the-books cop while Liara is the wild card rookie. But look for an old friend (Cmdr. Shepard) to drop by and help them out from time-to-time. It's called Lethal Effect or Mass Weapon. Your save game isn't that important except to determine whether or not the Shepard cameo is MaleShep or FemShep.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
HobbesMkii said:
Garrus and Liara spin-off into their own series where they solve crimes on Illium. Garrus plays the role of the by-the-books cop while Liara is the wild card rookie.
Would only work if the game is broken up by incredibly long and thorough periods of weapon calibrations.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
It's gonna go the Halo route and have a follow-up trilogy. It will be set after the Mass Effect series, hence keeping saves will alter the world which exists in the follow-up trilogy.

HobbesMkii said:
Garrus and Liara spin-off into their own series where they solve crimes on Illium. Garrus plays the role of the by-the-books cop while Liara is the wild card rookie. But look for an old friend (Cmdr. Shepard) to drop by and help them out from time-to-time. It's called Lethal Effect or Mass Weapon. Your save game isn't that important except to determine whether or not the Shepard cameo is MaleShep or FemShep.
Or this.... Yeah, fuck my idea. This one is so much better.

toomuchnothing said:
HobbesMkii said:
Garrus and Liara spin-off into their own series where they solve crimes on Illium. Garrus plays the role of the by-the-books cop while Liara is the wild card rookie.
Would only work if the game is broken up by incredibly long and thorough periods of weapon calibrations.

I wonder who would have the reach, and who would have the flexibility out of those two?


Jan 4, 2010
United States
I'm not sure what to think. By the time they come out with another ME title won't the console generation have started? Well, I guess we don't know if it would be possible to utilize information from a 360 game save on the next gen Xbox (same goes for PS3 -> PS4 of course).

As for what stories will be put the bed. The main ones will probably be: the Reapers, Geth vs Quarians (at least in large part) and a final resolution for the future of the Krogan race. That's my guess anyway.


New member
Jun 27, 2009
It makes sense to me. They have said multiple times its not the end of the franchise just Shepard's story. Now if they want to continue on after the reaper invasion in order to prevent massive continuity issues where some people may have died or even I don't know if civilizations can die, then to not make anyone go "this isn't how my game universe history was" then they need to play from saved games with all the major choices you made. The problem with that thought is just imagine the headache of keeping that much info in order over multiple game installments.


The Killjoy Detective returns!
Jan 23, 2011
Zhukov said:
Bioware, just ME3 out the door in one piece.

After that you can milk it to death. i will no longer be compelled to care.
Honestly, I think that is a lot of people's reaction at this point.


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
As far as I'm concerned, my FemShep's story ends at ME3. I won't be indulging myself in the series afterwards; I think I've had more than my fill.

Erika [] had a good run. It was fun using her.


Circuitboard Seahorse
Dec 13, 2008
Sometime after ME3 finishes off, they may or may not release a trailer that shows Shepard emerging from some sort of stasis pod at the behest of EDI to find themselves on a rapidly disintegrating ship. After transferring EDI onto a portable storage device, Shepard uses some heavy weapons to shot his/her way out of the wreck to find what's left of the ship, and finds it drifting towards what may either be a huge spacestation or a super mass relay that will send them off to a distant galaxy.

But seriously, after playing through ME2 for the dozenth (?) time just there, I came across something that if not necessarily a hint at some future content, seemed like it couldn't just be inconsequential chatter. After you finish up Tali's loyatly mission and talk to Kal'Reegar, you can bring up the topic of the collapsing star they found at Haestrom. I may just be overthinking it, but seeing that they said it's unlikely the Geth are capable of such an act (and provided it's not something that gets explained in ME3) it almost seems like it could be a little hint at a possible future threat for another set of ME games.

Something along the lines of "So you just defeated the Reapers, and you though they were bad right? Well, here's an unfriendly group that has the ability to mess up entire star systems! And they don't even have to crash an asteroid into a mass relay to do it! Have fun!"


Made of ticky tacky
Jan 19, 2010
I'm absolutely fine with them carrying on the Mass Effect universe sans-Shepard. I'd love to be a Quarian on his or her pilgrimage, or a Turian trying to climb the military ranks. Go ahead, piss and moan about "milking the cash cow". I'll be too busy enjoying the stories and gameplay.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
Who DIDN'T see this coming?

In any case, I eagerly await the release of Mass Effect 3.


New member
Nov 9, 2008
Of course there are going to be further games set in the Mass Effect universe. I suspect that, if The Old Republic does well for them, there'll probably be a Mass Effect MMO somewhere down the line too.

Zen Toombs

New member
Nov 7, 2011
I would love to continue the Mass Effect universe, but for anything but DLC I would mostly rather that they set the game in the far future or past. Otherwise it would likely be too complicated.

Also, in terms of DLC, please don't release someone as cool as Katsumi as late as you did for Mass Effect 2. You'll make the fanboys cry.