BioWare: Don't Get Rid of Mass Effect 3 Saves


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Aug 23, 2011
DustyDrB said:
I'm absolutely fine with them carrying on the Mass Effect universe sans-Shepard. I'd love to be a Quarian on his or her pilgrimage, or a Turian trying to climb the military ranks. Go ahead, piss and moan about "milking the cash cow". I'll be too busy enjoying the stories and gameplay.
Same here, although I'm happier with a Human Protagonist in my Mass Effect adventures.... gives me 'Human Pride' when I strike blows for our race... good times!

Bring on Mass Effect 3!!!

and 4!!

and 5!


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Neonsilver said:
mirasiel said:
Neonsilver said:
That's ridiculous. The decisions in Mass Effect didn't have any effect on Mass effect 2. Mass Effect 3 won't be different, we already know that it dosn't matter what you did with the collector base. We will fight against Cerberus.
I'm sure that the other decisions only matter in some dialogues.
Um, yes they did.

Some of them were small and subtle (Rachni, Condrad, Garrus joining, fists survival, crimelord lady,green asari,noveria undercover officer) true but some are pretty obvious (Council status, humanity rep, Wrex' leadership)
Yes, but the effect on the game can be ignored. I have played Mass Effect 2 several times, with several save games from Mass Effect 1, but I never got the feeling that it is a different story. The effect of those decisions were only a few lines of dialogue.
Ok we'll have to agree to disagree then.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
well duh, if ME3 sells (which it will) EA will make another one. and another one. and another, and another, and another until they stop selling. they might not put a 4 on the end of it, but this series will be milked for everything it has.

Omnific One

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Apr 3, 2010
Raesvelg said:
Omnific One said:
I'm really not sure if I would buy another Mass Effect game without Shepard. Mass Effect 1 was the first game I got for my first dedicated console, and I'd say that ME won't be the same without Shepard and some of the cast.
To be honest, I'm operating under the assumption that Shepard isn't going to survive the end of Mass Effect 3, one way or another.

I mean, if you track the story of Mass Effect, what do you have? Initially, the galaxy disbelieves Shepard entirely. Then, when Shepard has some measure of proof, the threat is downplayed and Shepard is sent off on largely meaningless errands... which wind up killing him.

Then, after having returned as a sort of cybernetic Jesus-figure, Shepard is ultimately proven utterly right, presumably at the beginning of Mass Effect 3 when the Reapers show up and start killing everything in sight.

Having Shepard martyr himself (in some fashion) in order to destroy the Reaper threat (in some fashion), seems almost inevitable.

Oh, no doubt that is one of the possibilities. On the BSN, they were underhandedly discussing the leaked version and the endings available (5, I believe) and from that it seemed that at least one ending doesn't have him dying, but I am just extrapolating from the lack of anger over Shepard's forced death.

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Ninedeus said:
There is be a lot of potential in the Mass Effect universe as there is lot of interesting races with conflicts and struggles. But I do hope they don't to a lazy prequel as many franchises do.
I almost guarantee this is what is going to happen, sadly.


New member
Dec 6, 2010
Neonsilver said:
mirasiel said:
Neonsilver said:
That's ridiculous. The decisions in Mass Effect didn't have any effect on Mass effect 2. Mass Effect 3 won't be different, we already know that it dosn't matter what you did with the collector base. We will fight against Cerberus.
I'm sure that the other decisions only matter in some dialogues.
Um, yes they did.

Some of them were small and subtle (Rachni, Condrad, Garrus joining, fists survival, crimelord lady,green asari,noveria undercover officer) true but some are pretty obvious (Council status, humanity rep, Wrex' leadership)
Yes, but the effect on the game can be ignored.
But why would you?

Toast-asaurus Rex

New member
Nov 21, 2011
Honestly? I'm sad Thane's Terminal. He is easily one of the four best video game characters I've ever seen.

Speaking of those 4: no games about Wrex 'cause he dies in the default,

Mordin should get a game, and this is the wrong universe for HK-47