I've been there. Done that. Got the hell out.
It was worst for me during the MC/BWL days of WoW Classic. 40 man raids, going for all hours of the night. Almost destroyed my marriage.
I love the collaberative experience that is raiding. I love getting a group of friends together to tackle a problem that one of us couldn't solve on our own. I love having my role and performing it to the best of my ability and taking down the bosses together. I love being depended on.
But when it took time away from my family and my home life...it had to end, and I'm not sorry I left when I did.
It was worst for me during the MC/BWL days of WoW Classic. 40 man raids, going for all hours of the night. Almost destroyed my marriage.
I love the collaberative experience that is raiding. I love getting a group of friends together to tackle a problem that one of us couldn't solve on our own. I love having my role and performing it to the best of my ability and taking down the bosses together. I love being depended on.
But when it took time away from my family and my home life...it had to end, and I'm not sorry I left when I did.