Pokemon X and Y Starters' Middle Evolutions Are Revealed


News Room Contributor
Apr 18, 2011
Pokemon X and Y Starters' Middle Evolutions Are Revealed

Scans of the latest Japanese publication CoroCoro showcase new evolutions and details about fairy-type Pokemon.

Japanese forums were abuzz with pictures from the latest CoroCoro, a Japanese magazine with a long history with the Pokemon franchise. Magazine scans revealed the Pokemon X and Y starters's middle evolutions, though their final evolutions are still unknown. Each starter remains the same type without any additional types for the first evolution. According to Serebii, Chespin evolves to Hariboogu with the move mud shot, Fennekin evolves to Teerunaa with the move psyshock, and Froakie evolves to Gekogashira with the move bounce.

The magazine also revealed more details about fairy Pokemon in battle. The fairy type is super effective against fighting, dark, and dragon-type Pokemon, while its moves are not effective against fire, poison, or steel. As a reminder, Pokemon X's legendary Pokemon Xerneas is a fairy-type while Pokemon Y's legendary Pokemon Yveltal is a dark/flying-type. Fairy Pokemon are weak to poison and steel, resistant to fighting, dark, and bug, and immune to dragon-type moves.

CoroCoro also clarified Mewtwo's mega evolution -- in that Mewtwo gets two mega evolutions depending on whether you have X or Y. Mega Mewtwo X needs the Mewtwonite X item to mega evolve. Similarly, Mega Mewtwo Y needs Mewtwonite Y.

Additionally, the new games have a limited customization for changing your character's appearance. A famous actress in the game owns a beauty salon where she can change your character's hair and clothes.

Pokemon X and Y releases worldwide on Oct. 12 for the 3DS.

Source: Serebii [http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml]



New member
Jan 18, 2011
Well, I'm no longer interested in Chespin, that thing is ugly. The other two look cool, though.


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
Kennetic said:
Well, I'm no longer interested in Chespin, that thing is ugly. The other two look cool, though.
2nd, looks like I WILL be getting Bulbasaur on my team :)


New member
Feb 22, 2011
So, Fennekin rips off it's tail, and uses it as a broom? Interesting evolution mechanism.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
garchomp is also getting a mega evolution, WHY!?! what have we done to you gamefreak, what ever it is I will pay in blood to unto it. Also loving the two fossil pokemon.



Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
This is the first time since Mudkip that the second evo of the water types look cool.

Still getting Fennekin.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
HalloHerrNoob said:
Ahahahahahah! I knew the water-type would look awesome!
Fire looks like an arrogant chick and plant looks like one of those mascots in a stadium...but who choses plant starters anyway?

Edit: "[...] Mega Mewtwo X, who evolves from Mewtwonite X [...]" What is this? I dont even
mewtownite X is the item mewtwo needs to hold to activate his mega evolution presumably the other one is activated by holding somehting called mewtownite Y

Saucycarpdog said:
On a side note, loving mewtwo's new mega evolution.

I prefer megamewtwo Y as he reminds me of kid buu, though megamewtwo X looks a lot more like a more battle ready version of mewtwo then Y does.

V TheSystem V

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Kennetic said:
Well, I'm no longer interested in Chespin, that thing is ugly. The other two look cool, though.
It's a shame because Chespin was looking like my first ever Grass starter Pokemon. Now I'm probably gonna go for Fennekin so I can have Squirtle and not feel bad about it (don't like having more than 1 of a type of Pokemon on my squad).

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
HalloHerrNoob said:
nuba km said:
HalloHerrNoob said:
Ahahahahahah! I knew the water-type would look awesome!
Fire looks like an arrogant chick and plant looks like one of those mascots in a stadium...but who choses plant starters anyway?

Edit: "[...] Mega Mewtwo X, who evolves from Mewtwonite X [...]" What is this? I dont even
mewtownite X is the item mewtwo needs to hold to activate his mega evolution presumably the other one is activated by holding somehting called mewtownite Y
Ah....that makes sense!
Mega Mewto X sounds like one of those Steet-fighter "Sequels". I wonder if theyll also do Ultra Mewto X and Ultra Mewtwo X: Ultimate Edition (including all DLCs)
then they release Mega Mewto X Ultra with some exclusive DCL 2-3 months down the line.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Yup, Froakie is soo going to be my starter Pokemon unless its movepool is limited like Snivy (please don't let Froakie be useless).
I hoped that we will get to see their final form before October 12th.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
MinionJoe said:
I'm really not liking this trend towards anthropomorphic Pokemon. If I wanted to own and train humanoid slaves, I'd play Cotton Plantation Simulator 1860.
*clears throat*
gen 1: jinx (human with terrible fashion sense), mr.mime (mime, so nearly human), hypno (peadophile), mewtwo (lab experiment) and mahcamp(body builder)
and those are only of the top of my head:
gen 6: we have gotten: birds, bats, rabbits, mice, goats, pistol shrimps, seahorses, dinosaurs, jellyfish and jellyfish/penguin hybrid. Fenikins evolution is the only gen 6 pokemon more human then the species its already based of is.

Scarim Coral said:
Yup, Froakie is soo going to be my starter Pokemon unless its movepool is limited like Snivy (please don't let Froakie be useless).
I hoped that we will get to see their final form before October 12th.
they need to release the final form in order for anyone to pick chespin, well maybe for all we know chespins final form good be even more ugly.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Kennetic said:
Well, I'm no longer interested in Chespin, that thing is ugly. The other two look cool, though.
Yup. :I

I knew that fire type was going to stand up.
Willing to bet it's another fire/fighting as well.
The frog is appealing to me more and more though, he looks awesome.

Also, that new mewtwo is great, much better than the other one.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
Story said:
Kennetic said:
Well, I'm no longer interested in Chespin, that thing is ugly. The other two look cool, though.
Yup. :I

I knew that fire type was going to stand up.
Willing to bet it's another fire/fighting as well.
The frog is appealing to me more and more though, he looks awesome.

Also, that new mewtwo is awesome.
well its based off a witch and it learns a psychic move apun evolution so I am guessing fire/psychic or fire/fairy as those are the two closest types to magic as their is.