Pokemon X and Y Starters' Middle Evolutions Are Revealed

The Funslinger

Corporate Splooge
Sep 12, 2010
Shoggoth2588 said:
I'm a bit worried that Teruuna (I think...the Fennick evolution) will be a fire-fighting type again...something about it just really reminds me of Lucario.
I wouldn't worry about it. To say its new move is Psyshock and its tail is a broom, there's a clear witch parallel. I'd say we're looking at a fire/psychic or fire/ghost type. Possibly fire dark.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
nuba km said:
well I am going according to psypokes who only go with official information and I have yet see them have to correct information they have posted. Also serebii has had a habit of in the past posting rumours and unofficial information as if it were official.
Serebii has a tendancy to post just about anything they can find, which often leads to them posting rumours, but they more often than not differentiate their official news with their "leaked" information. At this point I'm not inclined to believe Psypokes though, apparently Serebii and a few other sites had inverted the genders at first, but corrected themselves. Now, however I cannot find a single site that will back Psypoke up; neoseeker, Pokejungle, officialnintendomagazine, Marriland, Pokemondb, Serebii and Pokebeach all contradict Psypokes information regarding Nyaonikusu.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
nasteypenguin said:
nuba km said:
well I am going according to psypokes who only go with official information and I have yet see them have to correct information they have posted. Also serebii has had a habit of in the past posting rumours and unofficial information as if it were official.
Serebii has a tendancy to post just about anything they can find, which often leads to them posting rumours, but they more often than not differentiate their official news with their "leaked" information. At this point I'm not inclined to believe Psypokes though, apparently Serebii and a few other sites had inverted the genders at first, but corrected themselves. Now, however I cannot find a single site that will back Psypoke up; neoseeker, Pokejungle, officialnintendomagazine, Marriland, Pokemondb, Serebii and Pokebeach all contradict Psypokes information regarding Nyaonikusu.
Ok but the inverted gender wasn't really the thing I was focusing on I was more focusing on the fact that only 1 move difference between the genders has been declared.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
nuba km said:
Ok but the inverted gender wasn't really the thing I was focusing on I was more focusing on the fact that only 1 move difference between the genders has been declared.
I don't know how much Corocoro has explicitly revealed. My point was that if indeed they are posting misinformation, Psypoke is not the site to be trusted as the sole source of information at this point, the majority of sites do state a wider movepool variety, even if only one move per gender has been named. Pokemondb is one of the only other sites which does not suggest a wider movepool, however it doesn't mention any difference between gender other than appearance. Perhaps the wider movepool is a speculation, but I'm inclined to believe - with all the sources at hand - Corocoro did at least hint very suggestively that there is a large difference between the genders.

nuba km

New member
Jun 7, 2010
nasteypenguin said:
nuba km said:
Ok but the inverted gender wasn't really the thing I was focusing on I was more focusing on the fact that only 1 move difference between the genders has been declared.
I don't know how much Corocoro has explicitly revealed. My point was that if indeed they are posting misinformation, Psypoke is not the site to be trusted as the sole source of information at this point, the majority of sites do state a wider movepool variety, even if only one move per gender has been named. Pokemondb is one of the only other sites which does not suggest a wider movepool, however it doesn't mention any difference between gender other than appearance. Perhaps the wider movepool is a speculation, but I'm inclined to believe - with all the sources at hand - Corocoro did at least hint very suggestively that there is a large difference between the genders.
Well when gen 5 was nearly out a unofficial source leaked the English names for all the pokemon, serebii instantly acted like these were the official names and many other sites followed suit, bulbepedia and psypokes did not as these were just rumors. Now they did turn out to be the english names but the point is that many sites just take serebii's word rather then making sure the information is coming from a official source like bulbepedia and psypoke. Also at most this pokemon is gonna have a couple key differences in their levelling up move pool and even then they will have the same base stats otherwise they might as well be different pokemon like game freak has done in the past. I am pretty sure also that serebii or at least another big pokemon fact site had a type chart for fairy up for ages that people just believed to be true.


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
Scrumpmonkey said:
soren7550 said:
If they're going to go the bipedal fox route, why not just make it look like this?:
Because then the internet will want to put their dick in it.
Like [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Gardevoir_(Pok%C3%A9mon)] that [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Lopunny_(Pok%C3%A9mon)] stopped [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ninetales_(Pok%C3%A9mon)] them [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Roserade_(Pok%C3%A9mon)] before [http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Latias_(Pok%C3%A9mon)].

And those are the ones that are 'already sexual'.

Seriously, for every Pokemon out there, someone has drawn it sexy, and wants to fuck it.


New member
Dec 5, 2010
KOMega said:
Fire is witch. Burn the Witch!

... o wait.
You. Out of my head. NOW! I was about to post something like this!

Mind you...I was also wondering what would hppen if you build a bridge out of her, but still...

CAPTCHA: goes to eleven

I doubt it. I don't think Fennekin's evo is THAT powerful yet.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
TizzytheTormentor said:
nuba km said:
TizzytheTormentor said:
the one on the left is male and the one on the right is female, also they are the same pokemon that have 1 move different and different appearance depending on the gender. So really both of them can be offensive or supportive it just depends on how they are raised. So tumblr is again talking out of its ass before it knows anything.
Huh, well then, that clears it up.

I hate it when people draw conclusions when they lack the most basic info (like their individual genders) and make it out to be worse than it is.
Well, from everything that I've been hearing, tumblr has it wrong anyway. The female is the aggressive one, and the male is the supportive one, with the White one being female and the blue one being male.

Also, the whole thing with these two Pokemon is supposed to be that they each learn different sets of moves based on gender. They've only released ONE move that is different between the two, however I think it's a safe bet, that since they are specifically drawing attention to these two Pokemon, that the different move pools is their "gimmick".

Just like that white poodle or whatever Pokemon's gimmick is being able to cut and dye its fur.Could be wrong, but I'm kind of hoping it isn't since it sounds interesting.

These magazines are GameFreak's chance to show off all the different things they are doing with Pokemon, and the whole gender specific move pool is one of the nice ways to do that. But it's most likely only between those two cat Pokemon, so I don't see what the big deal is.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
TizzytheTormentor said:
KeyMaster45 said:
TizzytheTormentor said:
SkarKrow said:
No because then it's just a rip-off of Badass-toise.
How cruel...

Why does you not loves me?
Mega-Venusaur just wants to be loved...is that too much to ask?
Venusaur is my bro. When Professor Oak asked me at the age of 8 which pokemon starter I wanted, I picked bulbasaur. That's right bitches, I picked the grass starter. That's really cute that most of you went and picked charmander or squirtle, but neither of their evolutions can hold a candle to the brick-shitting awesome that is venusaur.

What's that, yours breaths fire and flies, and yours shoots jets of water and swims? Well mine steps on whatever is in it's way, eats everything else, and will then blow your ass away with the power of the mother fucking sun! Venusaur will put your charizard to sleep and then give it a permanent dirt nap. He'll crush your blastoise's shell like a damned peanut shell, poison his then squishy ass, and then laugh as it dies in a puddle of it's own filth.

Mega Venusaur is all that and a bag of chips. Using Mega Venusaur is considered a war crime by the Geneva Convention, and classified as a WMD in 46 states (Arkansas caved to pressure). NSA agents sleep with one eye open at night because they're afraid Mega Venusaur might learn they've been reading his e-mail. The US didn't bury Osama Bin Laden at sea because when they got to his compound they found that Mega Venusaur had already ate him for a mid-afternoon snack. Nick Fury originally wanted to recruit Mega Venusaur for the Avengers, but felt that wouldn't be a fair fight against Loki so he got The Hulk instead. When Santa checks his naughty list twice at Christmas he has to clear it with Mega Venusaur to make sure some of the kids haven't already been eaten by him. Ever lost your car keys in your own house? Well that's because Mega Venusaur used his vines to hide it from you because that's how he gets his kicks. NASA sent the curiosity rover to Mars to make sure Mega Venusaur wasn't there waiting for them. The golden disc on the Voyager probe actually contains a message to warn alien civilizations about Mega Venusaur and how he's coming for them. Mega Venusaur is the reason Krypton exploded.

Mega Venusaur doesn't care if you like him because Mega Venusaur can't hear anyone say that over the sound of him crushing their bones in his vines.
That was absolute poetry! Kudos to you sir!

Oh yeah, you know these two?

Gonna be a female/male thing where one is supportive and the other is offensive, sounds cool, but guess what, looks like Tumblr is offended that the male is the offensive one and the female is supportive, they say its total sexism and pushing outdated gender roles. Because they want the male to be the supportive one so it isn't sexist.

You heard that right, Pokemon is pushing sexism.

Stay classy Tumblr (the funny thing is, no one is truly sure which one is the female, money is the one with the scarf-like fur)
I go on tumblr a lot, and i have never seen anyone get offended by this mechanic. All I have seen on my dashboard is people going crazy for the second evolution Pokemon.

Also the female is the offensive one and the male is the defensive one.

It would make no sense to get pissed about this because they did the same damn thing with Latias and Latios. Latios was the attacker, and Latias was the defense.

More than likely it isn't Pokemon fans getting pissed off about it, but rather hard core feminists who aren't even in to Pokemon looking for big notes on Tumblr making a huge ass deal about something that has been done before. "
Just like with the Solid Snake and Quiet the Sniper fiasco.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Middle evolutions of the starters often look like arse.

Only exception was Treecko's middle (ninja frog ftw).

Their saving grace is the 3rd version. The Grass type looks like it might be a grassy Emboar. Fox might save itself (Torchick evolved into an ugly thing, then into bad-arse Combusken). Frog looks the best so-far.

To be fair, so far I'm more drawn to Charmander.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
dragongit said:
So, Fennekin rips off it's tail, and uses it as a broom? Interesting evolution mechanism.
Oooooh she's mean't to be a witch, that would explain the psychic rumors.

OT: Froakies evo looks pretty badass but i'll wait till I see their final forms to make a decission, I used to always take the fire starter but that ended with Emboar...

verdant monkai

New member
Oct 30, 2011
I still like the flaming fox the most and I'm not too worried because the 2nd evolutions are always the ones no one cares about.

Although I am a little annoyed the frog let me down, because now that means I will have to have 2 fire types in my X and Y party. Because I cant not have Charizard in my party... and I can see the fox being a pure fire type. I'm afraid my type pool will be a bit of a cluster fuck this gen. Shame because it has usually been well balanced.

Quiet Stranger

New member
Feb 4, 2006
Saucycarpdog said:
On a side note, loving mewtwo's new mega evolution.

Now ribbed for your pleasure!

After reading this article, I am honestly sick of what they are doing to Pokemon, give me Blue or Red earthquake any day!


New member
Sep 7, 2012
Ahhhhh, what did they do to Chespin? I should have known, they always ruin the cute ones with their evolutions.
Fennekin is looking better and better all the time.

Super hyped for Pokemon X and Y, going to surpass the Black and White series by a whole lot I can tell. Loads of innovations. And I love Black and White. Too bad they've ruined Chespin, though.


New member
Jun 3, 2013
EstrogenicMuscle said:
Ahhhhh, what did they do to Chespin? I should have known, they always ruin the cute ones with their evolutions.
Fennekin is looking better and better all the time.

Super hyped for Pokemon X and Y, going to surpass the Black and White series by a whole lot I can tell. Loads of innovations. And I love Black and White. Too bad they've ruined Chespin, though.
Shush you! Save your judgments for when they reveal their final evolution. Considering the way he's gone with this evo, he could end up being an armored squirrel knight. And that'd be awesome.

Witch Fox, Knight Squirrel and Ninja Frog. The Mage, Warrior, Rogue combo XD

Dragonbums said:
More than likely it isn't Pokemon fans getting pissed off about it, but rather hard core feminists who aren't even in to Pokemon looking for big notes on Tumblr making a huge ass deal about something that has been done before. "
Just like with the Solid Snake and Quiet the Sniper fiasco.
This is probably over nothing as well, because according to Serebii, it's actually the MALE that learns the support moves and the female is the attacker. But yeah, most "female species" have been defensive and males offensive. Mandibuzz and Braviary, Nidoqueen and Nidoking, Miltank and Tauros, Latias and Latios, Wormadam and Mothim etc. Even Vespiquen leans more towards defense.


Indulge in it's whiffy sensation
May 9, 2013
suntt123 said:
EstrogenicMuscle said:
Ahhhhh, what did they do to Chespin? I should have known, they always ruin the cute ones with their evolutions.
Fennekin is looking better and better all the time.

Super hyped for Pokemon X and Y, going to surpass the Black and White series by a whole lot I can tell. Loads of innovations. And I love Black and White. Too bad they've ruined Chespin, though.
Shush you! Save your judgments for when they reveal their final evolution. Considering the way he's gone with this evo, he could end up being an armored squirrel knight. And that'd be awesome.

Witch Fox, Knight Squirrel and Ninja Frog. The Mage, Warrior, Rogue combo XD

Dragonbums said:
More than likely it isn't Pokemon fans getting pissed off about it, but rather hard core feminists who aren't even in to Pokemon looking for big notes on Tumblr making a huge ass deal about something that has been done before. "
Just like with the Solid Snake and Quiet the Sniper fiasco.
This is probably over nothing as well, because according to Serebii, it's actually the MALE that learns the support moves and the female is the attacker. But yeah, most "female species" have been defensive and males offensive. Mandibuzz and Braviary, Nidoqueen and Nidoking, Miltank and Tauros, Latias and Latios, Wormadam and Mothim etc. Even Vespiquen leans more towards defense.
The best part about that is the defensive one are always the most annoying Pokemon to beat anyway. You can never OHKO them, and more often the not, it is them that determines the outcome of the battles anyway.