This would be hilarious if it wasn't so true.
strum4h said:
You're not allowed to have an opinion on a game until you've played it.
I really agree with that. I have been proven wrong before because I prejudged a game.
That was the only thing I didn't agree with in this article. There have been plenty of games that I thought would be absolute crap going into that turned out great and there were a lot of games that I thought I would like and I ended up hating it.
JaymesFogarty said:
SpiderJerusalem said:
You lost me at "it's not about the story" OFCOURSE it's about the story - games and we have evolved so far luckily that we can, and should, demand a good story and storytelling from games. I don't care if the game has incredible gameplay mechanics like Modern Warfare 2, if the story is horrible then I have no reason to play it. Same goes for movies and books, if the story isn't there, I'm not watching/reading any further, no matter how good the technical side is.
This, absolutely. If we want this media to advance any further, we need to stop ignoring the quality of the prose, plot, and characters, under the pretence that, "it's a video game."
But... It's a video game. Some games don't
need a story. The story in the Curious Village is much better than the story in Resident Evil 4, but I still thing Resident Evil 4 is a better game. Good story doesn't make up for bad gameplay and a bad story doesn't ruin a game; especially if that bad story means that we get to visit new locations. Resident Evil 4 had a horrific story that was like the writer just stopped writing the story and started slamming on his keyboard but
in this bad story we got to visit underground mines, swamps, castles, hospitals, ancient ruins, villages, the forest, industrial sites, and even more places. Sure, it would have been improved if the story made more sense, but it didn't ruin the game. And take Team Fortress 2 as well. There is practically no story (unless you read those comics and watch the videos but that's not my point), but that doesn't make it a bad game. I know we need better stories, but sometimes it just isn't needed.