A game says f*** you


New member
Jan 30, 2011
Specific example from demon's souls, happend on the first time I did 2-2. What occured was I went the long path through the level, taking a solid 2 hours to finally reach the boss, where upon I was immediatly spread across the wall in a fine paste.


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Jul 27, 2010
LaughingJester said:
Far Cry 2 on Xbox... (I swear this was designed to mess with a human!!!)
Your enemies blend in perfectly to the background and can only been seen at close range or when the jam (damage indicator) points to them.

thank god i borrowed the game from a mate before i bought it!!!
I didn't think it was too much of a problem, personally.

For me, right now? Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia, since I've been trying to fight Albus and I've been exhaused while trying to kill him.

Curse you and your pistol, you soulless prig. *ahem* Sorry.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
TheEndlessSleep said:
iLikeHippos said:
TheEndlessSleep said:
iLikeHippos said:

However, in Halo and other such shooters, there are normally ways around problems like the ones you mentioned, so I don't think they qualitfy as a 'fuck you' at all, but rather just as a challenge.
Obviously, you've never played the Halo campaign, or at least that I have :p
You play the game as you're supposed to, than BLAM! dead, right out of nowhere. I swear, sometimes I've been forced to watch the re-play just to see what the hell happened to me.
Meaning, that no matter how good you are, or legit you play, you still wind up dead from something out of nowhere. This happens to me especially in FPs campaigns. :/


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Aug 10, 2009
Portal: Prelude. You think Portal 2 was too easy? Give Prelude a shot. You WILL die in Testchamber 00. The one where you wake up.

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. That one section where waves and waves of soldiers come at you, with insta-kill rocket launchers, insta-kill snipers, and insta-kill grenades. And of course, your AI partner does shit, you run out of ammo almost immediately, and there's ANOTHER wave-style battle coming up right after.

Seriously, that game was terrible.


New member
May 26, 2011
A game called "You find yourself in a room" in Andkon.com. It's a text- adventure that basically goes GlaDOS on you.

Mr Shrike

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Aug 13, 2010
bussinrounds said:
Try playing the real OFP (Cold War Crisis), where the enemy ai is ALOT better and they don't miss you 80% of the time.
This. You put one foot out of line on that game and you pay for it in blood. Reminds me of one time - my mate put his head around a corner on multiplayer and promptly had it shot off by a dude with an SVD 600m away...

OT: Minecraft's goddamn creepers. I finished a lovely little, cosy house. Up runs a supercharged creeper and BOOM!

No more house.



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Jun 29, 2009
I recently played through Ocarina of Time, and in the Haunted Wasteland you have to search for flags to walk to, otherwise you get lost in the desert, lose a heart, and start from the beginning. According to other people, this was made easier in the 3DS version, but me with my silly Virtual Console had to stand a foot from the TV and squint the the point where I was seeing the goddamn "Return" button in multiple places.

The best part is that I ended up getting lost towards the end and had to do it again. To me, this was worse than the Water Temple, and the Water Temple sucked.


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Jun 18, 2009
Zakarath said:

Well yeah... But lobstermen are REALLY going to fu*k you up! Use 3 clips, 5 grenades and they are STILL STANDING! ARGH!

(also I beat Xcom Terror From the Deep on superhuman HELL YEAH!)


Apr 28, 2008
AlternatePFG said:
There is this new rougelike game that came out on Steam yesterday, Dungeons of Dredmor. I actually really like it, it reminds me of Nethack and is very colorful and fun. I had permadeath mode on, and I was doing pretty good. Cautiously making my way through the dungeon. I open a door and out pour DOZENS of monsters. I managed to kill quite a few of them before going down, but I wanted to break my keyboard in half.
I bought it but haven't played it yet. I'm disappointed permadeath is an option, it should be forced.


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Jan 22, 2010
AC10 said:
AlternatePFG said:
There is this new rougelike game that came out on Steam yesterday, Dungeons of Dredmor. I actually really like it, it reminds me of Nethack and is very colorful and fun. I had permadeath mode on, and I was doing pretty good. Cautiously making my way through the dungeon. I open a door and out pour DOZENS of monsters. I managed to kill quite a few of them before going down, but I wanted to break my keyboard in half.
I bought it but haven't played it yet. I'm disappointed permadeath is an option, it should be forced.
Yeah, I can't imagine playing a game like Nethack or this without permadeath on. Nor could I see myself playing Diablo or Torchlight without permadeath on either. Wouldn't be fun at all, the risk is the best part. Still, I suppose some people don't like if they have invested so much time on a character for them to just die, but as long as the game is randomly generated I don't really think it matters.


books, Books, BOOKS
Jan 19, 2011
United States
King Toasty said:
Uncharted: Drake's Fortune. That one section where waves and waves of soldiers come at you, with insta-kill rocket launchers, insta-kill snipers, and insta-kill grenades. And of course, your AI partner does shit, you run out of ammo almost immediately, and there's ANOTHER wave-style battle coming up right after.

Seriously, that game was terrible.
I remember that section and that was complete BS. I was yelling at my AI partner to do something and to do something more than take cover. I don't remember how many times I died, I know it was a lot though.

I remember telling my AI partner to FO when I finally did get through that.

Antwerp Caveman

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Jan 19, 2010
2fish said:
Ninja Gaiden Black if you fail the first boss 3 times. They then offer you ninja dog mode so you can still play and maybe even pass the first boss.
Actually; it doesn't have to be a boss, regular ninjas or even bats will do the trick.


Level i Flare!
Mar 23, 2011
Schadrach said:
leet_x1337 said:
Any time you have to do forced stealth in first-person. Be it a non-mandatory-but-combat-is-inadvisable game like Deus Ex, or a full-on mission like in Soldier of Fortune 2... first-person stealth is impossible for the player.

(And if Yahtzee is to be believed, the only time it's ever been pulled off is in the Thief games, none of which I've played for myself.)
...and in the Thief games (which really did to it quite well) it was the entire point of the game, so they put a lot of effort into getting it right.

Why is it that first person stealth is so impossible to you, BTW? Can you not be sneaky without having 360 degree able to see through walls vision (read: why MGS stealth was trivial) or something?
Mostly, it's just that in both cases it's so unforgiving: Both of them have it in the tutorials, it's entirely mandatory, you can't screw up at all, the guards (at least in SoF) are psychic, they're really hard to see, and both games (during the main game parts) punish you really hard for screwing up, even on the lowest difficulty.


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Mar 23, 2009
666Chaos said:
crimsonshrouds said:
Ever have a moment in a game where it says fuck you? A moment where you feel the game was intentionally programmed to screw you over.

I've had that moment recently with Disgaea DS where im trying to get the cave of ordeal passed and i have all of the high level characters in agreement wtih me. Yet i couldnt get the dark assembly to agree with me no matter how many times i tried. I finally forced the bill through.
Your not supposed to just be able to pass anything because you are a high level. If you want the dark assembly to agree with you then you have to bribe them. Remember they are supposed to be demons who dont give a fuck about anybody else but themselves.

Thats not a fuck you in the game.
i meant i bribed all of the high levels and had most of the low level senators with total support or love and yet i would get almost all nays.


New member
Jun 16, 2011
Shogun 2 Total War on high legendary difficulty level. Tried playing with Hojo, great defensive faction but who can hold out against two full stack armies with a half stack at best. Old Operation Flashpoint was absolutely brutal. Biggest one i remember though was the ps2 game Chaos Legion, with the help of the strategy guide i wore down the final boss and fought my way to the end, only to have the game freeze on my during the credit sequence, probably just a disc error but i was pissed.