A Movie that you hate that everybody else loves.


New member
May 28, 2009
Propagandasaurus said:
wc_rock said:
Propagandasaurus said:
wc_rock said:
Really? No one's said it yet? Fine, I'll do it. Donnie fuckin Darko. Holy crap, that movie was so horrible I think it gave me cancer. Okay, we get it! This movie is dark and brooding and introspective and artsy and the perfect thing for young troubled kids to dye their hair to so they can be non-conformists by all dressing the same. And yes there were a lot of good actors in that movie (Jake Gyllenhaal,Mary McDonnell,Patrick fucking Swayze) but it seemed as though all of them forgot how to act the minute they were handed a script....or the script was so god awful that they could do nothing with it.....I'll go with the first one.
Jake Gyllenhaal is a good actor?
Ehhh he's not the best but he's not terrible. It's hit or miss with him really. His sister on the other hand has no talent what so ever. I wish she had been water boarded in Dark Knight before being blown to bits.
Watch Secretary. If that doesn't change your mind about Maggie Gyllenhaal then, really, nothing will.
Hmm never seen it. I'll check it out and if she's as good in it as your making her out to be, then I will retract my previous statements flaming her and wishing terrible torture upon her. If not, I will continue my relentless assault on everything that is Maggie Gyllenhaal :p
Aug 13, 2008
SendMeNoodz84 said:
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
the godfather part 1 (havent seen part 2)
not that great

also, high school musical was kickass awesome no matter what you say
Don't you ever talk about The Godfather that way!
goddamnit, it was average at best
sure, some scenes were brilliant
but the vast majority were crap pieces of a rushed conveluted story that made no fucking sense unless youd read the book

and dont say it's not about the story, it's about michael changing
that's fucking bs
not only does he barely change (from a weird pussy to a weird hardass over the course of the time he's in italy), a film with no story that lasts 3 hours has a serious problem


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Propagandasaurus said:
AngloDoom said:
AvauntVanguard said:
AngloDoom said:
Any Bond film. Most horror films. Any other those 'Scary Movie' variations, such as 'Epic Movie' or 'Disaster Movie'.
Wow, way to shut down entire genres.

Napoleon Dynamite, I didn't even finish the movie it was so pointless.

How is saying I dislike most horror films shutting down a genre? If you want specific reasons, then you should have just asked. Also, 'Bond films' aren't a genre.

I dislike most horror films because they rely on cheap 'jump' tactics most of the time, rather than building any sense of tension or paranoia to the film. I never feel involved with the characters and as such I care very little if they die, so I cannot feel any sense of anxiety or tension when a character is in a situation that is potentially life-threatening. Indeed, in most films just about anyone can point out the characters that will die, and sometimes in what order. The films often present tired stereotypes (dumb, sexy blonde, nerdy, genius, spectacle-adjusting lad) and so the characters are very hard to view as anything but actors playing a part for some quick dosh.
Hell, even The Blair Witch Project was better than most horror films, in my opinion. It used a hand-held camera, which made the screen shake in a way that was visually offsetting; you never got quite relaxed while in a cinema setting, because it appeared the whole world shuddered around you. Most horror films I have watched even seem to signpost things to the audience, so that they can later refer to them; "Hey, you say that scythe above that doorway can cut a person in half? Wowzers!" The plots are almost always complete jokes.

In short, I find them stupid. Not "I dislike them" stupid, but literally lacking the depth that is required to actually evoke an emotion response from a generation of people who are so desensitised to violence and gore that we laugh at the fact that people once took horror in seeing another character be decapitated; now we need a Saw-esque gore-trap which slowly mutilates a character before we even see it as anything abnormally gory, and even then half the time its just more repugnant than actually horrifying.

We never get a slow, steady decent into paranoia- we see a chainsaw-wielding chainsaw-zombie jump over a fence with a loud "DUH-DUN!" of music, before we see something get ripped to death as gratuitous amounts of blood fly in all directions. I personally find a scene in which the audience is almost hurled into the body of an on-screen character as they keep looking back behind them, running in fear from something terrifying and almost monstrous, but is simply a crazed human, reflecting the darkest nature of our humanities, a much more effective method of instilling anything resembling fear in an audience. An example is that scene in the hedge-maze in The Shining. That's a damn sight scarier than seeing someone have a knife thrown in their throat.

That's my personal opinion on the subject. That's why I condemn most horror films, but I am still happy to view any I might consider a pleasant surprise; and I don't think I've had such a pleasantry for several years. If you're going to try and be a typical Escapist "hard-ass bastard", then at least bring something more to the table than a half-arsed analysis and bold font.

Yes, you caught me at the wrong time.
Try these:

Ginger Snaps
Anything by David Cronenberg

For more suspense/thriller style:

Moon (when it comes out, looks pretty good)
Hmm, I will indeed look into those ones. Ginger Snaps didn't get me too much, but at least it seemed to try something a little bit different; the fact that people were scared of it when we all knew what was going to happen from the start was a pretty good achievement in my books.


New member
Jun 11, 2009
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
SendMeNoodz84 said:
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
the godfather part 1 (havent seen part 2)
not that great

also, high school musical was kickass awesome no matter what you say
Don't you ever talk about The Godfather that way!
goddamnit, it was average at best
sure, some scenes were brilliant
but the vast majority were crap pieces of a rushed conveluted story that made no fucking sense unless youd read the book

and dont say it's not about the story, it's about michael changing
that's fucking bs
not only does he barely change (from a weird pussy to a weird hardass over the course of the time he's in italy), a film with no story that lasts 3 hours has a serious problem
I was assuming you were being sarcastic. Now I understand: You're an idiot.
That's all I will say.

Darth Sea Bass

New member
Mar 3, 2009
Seriously only one mention for fucking transformers??? Also anyone slagging off the godfather needs there testicles surgically removed you don't deserve them!


Overly Proud New Yorker
Dec 18, 2008
The Dark Knight.

I just can't see why everyone loves this movie so much!


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Godfather. Citizen Kane. Wizard of Oz. All the Disney Princess movies. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

A lot more like that.


New member
May 18, 2009
Motherfucking Rent.

SendMeNoodz84 said:
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
goddamnit, it was average at best
sure, some scenes were brilliant
but the vast majority were crap pieces of a rushed conveluted story that made no fucking sense unless youd read the book

and dont say it's not about the story, it's about michael changing
that's fucking bs
not only does he barely change (from a weird pussy to a weird hardass over the course of the time he's in italy), a film with no story that lasts 3 hours has a serious problem
I was assuming you were being sarcastic. Now I understand: You're an idiot.
That's all I will say.
What a stunning rebuttal. He responds with reasons, you respond with name calling.

TheMatt said:
Uncompetative said:
Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Finally, anyone saying everyone loved Twilight is wrong. There are 53 used copies for sale at my local Blockbuster.

Yes, I counted.


Into the Wild Green Snuggle
Jan 15, 2009
goatzilla8463 said:
This has been done before but I'll play along.

Toy Story.

Now people are going to burn me at the stake.
*puts away stake + matches*


Well, on topic...

Terminator movies. Hated every single one of them.