A Movie that you hate that everybody else loves.

Aug 13, 2008
SendMeNoodz84 said:
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
SendMeNoodz84 said:
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
the godfather part 1 (havent seen part 2)
not that great

also, high school musical was kickass awesome no matter what you say
Don't you ever talk about The Godfather that way!
goddamnit, it was average at best
sure, some scenes were brilliant
but the vast majority were crap pieces of a rushed conveluted story that made no fucking sense unless youd read the book

and dont say it's not about the story, it's about michael changing
that's fucking bs
not only does he barely change (from a weird pussy to a weird hardass over the course of the time he's in italy), a film with no story that lasts 3 hours has a serious problem
I was assuming you were being sarcastic. Now I understand: You're an idiot.
That's all I will say.
wow resorting to petty insults when one of your beloved films is slagged on
i hear part 2 is good, and am eager to watch it, but part 1 was not so much and i have no desire to ever see that film again

in reality, it's just the most overrated film of all time


New member
Mar 25, 2009
BrotherhoodOfSteel said:
Casino Royale. No matter how many people I know who say that it's the best Bond movie, it wasn't.
I'll admit it wasn't the best, it certainly wasn't the worst. I saw QoS and I thought Royale was better by far.

Was it the torture scene that ruined it for you?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
In reality, it's just the most overrated film of all time.
I'm going to respectfully disagree; Twilight (and its sequels, prequels, spinoffs that will surely spawn in the near future due to twitardism) has gotta be the most overrated movie.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Shawshank Redemption!!! (I have not been able to sit through that boring ass movie)

Godfather (yes, it was horrible)

Scarface (I don't get it, it is just not that great, average at best)

Transformers (actually anything with Michael Bay attached)

Lord of the Rings (Sooooo loooong, don't tell me the books were better, they weren't)

...many many more


New member
Jun 15, 2009
blindmessiah6 said:
Easily Napolean Dynamite and Nacho Libre.

Anchorman is also one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen, and while we're at it let's lump all of his movies into this category. I'm wondering how much flak I'll take for that one...
Actually i have a freind who hates Will Ferrell and one who doesnt really think hes that funny.

I disagree though but thats just me


New member
May 23, 2009
Panken said:
blindmessiah6 said:
Anchorman is also one of the dumbest movies I've ever seen, and while we're at it let's lump all of his movies into this category. I'm wondering how much flak I'll take for that one...
You are my new best friend.

Godfater I
Pulp Fiction
All of the "Scary Movies"/"Dance Movies" (Except for SM I)
Iron Man
Rocky Horror Picture Show
Resident Evil I, II, III
Slumdog Millionaire
High School Musical
And more...
Thought of more:
Donnie Darko
The Shining
Spiderman I, II, III
Star Wars I, II, III, IV, V, VI (Here comes the shitstorm)
Fantastic 4 I, II
Final Fantasy: Advent Children
UP (Good, but not Pixar's best work)
Probably more to come...


New member
Jun 16, 2009
Napoleon Dynamite and Knocked Up. Not funny at any point, everyone came off as a jerkasses and I just facepalmed all the way through them. How, in the name of Cthulhu, did these films become critical successes, with quotes like "the laughs are plentiful, and it's the rare movie these days where one doesn't feel guilty about finding the whole thing funny" for Knocked Up, and "an epic, magisterially observed pastiche on all-American geek-hood" for Napoleon Dynamite? HOW?!
Aug 13, 2008
G1eet said:
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
In reality, it's just the most overrated film of all time.
I'm going to respectfully disagree; Twilight (and its sequels, prequels, spinoffs that will surely spawn in the near future due to twitardism) has gotta be the most overrated movie.
aah twilight, havent seen it but by god do i hate twilight fangirls
ive been reading dan bergestein's blog on sparknotes about it and funniest blog for a while

Insert Funny Name Here said:
Wouldnt say I HATE it, but Superbad. Everyone kept saying it was amazing and I thought it was "meh" at best.
aah, that film was amazing
but i saw it with very low expectations so maybe that's why
i thought the acting was amazing though and the characters believable
but meh


New member
Nov 13, 2008
Any SAW Movie, or "Horror" movie in general to have come out in the past decade... They are all utter torture porn trash...
Feb 23, 2009
AdmiralWolverineLightningbolt said:
Insert Funny Name Here said:
Wouldnt say I HATE it, but Superbad. Everyone kept saying it was amazing and I thought it was "meh" at best.
aah, that film was amazing
but i saw it with very low expectations so maybe that's why
i thought the acting was amazing though and the characters believable
but meh
Well yeah, as I said I didnt HATE it. Maybe it was the fact that all my friends told me it was amazing so I watch it with very high expectations. It made me laugh a few times and as you said the acting was good. But all in all, I didnt enjoy it as much as I did other films.


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Nacho Libre

It was one of the worst films i have ever seen, it had absolutely no pacing, it wasn't funny AT ALL and it has the most unfunny overrated man in films in it......... Jack Black

P.S. He's a douche