Activision Asks Itself: Isn't Call of Duty Like Guitar Hero Used to Be?


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
So what? He just wanted to rag on GH in the name of CoD?
Or is he saying that CoD is spawning lots of copy cats that is choking the FPS genre?


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
I don't see how yearly releases will work out for Activision. I mean I love me some Halo, but they come out with a major release every 3 years. The only oddity being ODST which was an expansion for Halo 3 bastardized into a full game by Microsoft.

Already the CoD fanbase is heavily split over the games. The only thing keeping it afloat is it being the most popular game franchise right now. Any other game series looking to capitalize heavily on multiplayer couldn't balance its whole playerbase between 4 games.

I'd put them pretty safe if they cut back on the releases though. Battlefield 3 could be the best game ever but CoD already has the face of the modern shooter. No game is going to match its popularity by being the same thing but better. The only way they could lose their position is either shooting themselves in the foot by coming out with shit after shit in a short amount of time, or until the natural cycle takes it course and some other game catches on and becomes the "game to play" online.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
This is pretty fascinating, if only because only about two months ago, an analyst said that CoD couldn't go the way of GH. Of course, it will, make no mistake about it. You can't just keep running the same formula and expect people not to catch on eventually. If the series wants to maintain top billing as long as possible, it's going to need to change and evolve. Every notable series has declined. Doom, GH/Rock Band, Grand Theft Auto, etc. I don't know why anyone could possibly believe that this won't suffer the same fate. And the more iterations they release, the faster it's gonna happen.

And, my disdain for CoD aside, they need to get rid of Treyarch, stat. Those people are the some of the worst tech guys I have ever seen. They can't fix a bug. And the head of Treyarch stated several times that the PC version of the game is as good as the rest, but the truth is, it's a bugged out piece of shit. I loved Modern Warfare, and I would even take Modern Warfare 2. But Blops was real shit. I can't even believe the game is still selling for full price. But, it's good business to keep selling it at that price till people actually stop paying that price for it.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Give it a couple more years, CoD will be run into the ground, which is sad for a good series. Sure it has had ups and downs, but CoD is fun. They needs to be a 4 year brake so that they can balance the game, actually have a single player, and update the engine. Add in zombies, spec ops, a 10 hour single player, with a real plot, and a balanced multiplayer. It would be great but sadly it wont happen. "Sigh" heres to you CoD. "Raises glass"


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Well I'm of Hirshenburg's opinion, but the only way we can see where the franchise goes is waiting. Time will tell.
Personally, I hope we're given something slightly better next time; WaW was probably the best CoD I've played. I didn't particularly like MW2, or BlOps. Though I'm still playing BlOps. Hmmmm. Need to dig out my copy of WaW at some point.


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Hasn't COD lasted about twice as long as GH while still maintaining excruciatingly high sales to this day?

Just saying.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Dear lord I hope so. then maybe we can move on with some innovation.

Also captcha sucks

[img src="" /img]

~~Okay Seriously I get it with the captcha. But what the ever loving christ is that suppose to be?
Do I draw a little house?


New member
Aug 6, 2010
L3m0n_L1m3 said:
"Has grown steadily each year"? Meaning staying almost the exact same, except with a few different guns, more glitches, and less balance each year?
He means sales numbers. The next paragraph explains it very well.

OT: As big of idiots the owners of Activision can be, at least they seem to want to maintain their bread and butters place in the market, and don't just want to coast like some other games want to do.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I hope Activision doesnt drop cod as soon as sales start to decline. Even if the sales dropped back to those like cod4, there is a hardcore fanbase that will continue to buy it every year.


New member
Dec 29, 2008
HankMan said:
So does that make MOH the Rock Band of FPS?
Nah, I think MoH is more DJ Hero and Battlefield is the real contender that is the Rock Band.