WOOOOOOO! Fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight, fight!
Oh c'mon, guys, live a little! I, for one, am seriously enjoying this mudslinging competition. It's perfectly fine to have a healthy shit-spewing contest every once in a while, especially for rivals on this scale. I would love to have just a completely immature mudslinging competition between the two companies (in good faith, of course), that would just be delightful. It's like a funny commercial inbetween your favorite shows (Battlefield and CoD), they're just fun to stop and watch.
Guess what, bro, there are a limited number of consumers. Don't give me that crap of "But we can all have fun and bring in more people!" No no no, bullshit, first thing (okay, maybe a couple notches down) you need to know about marketing; there's never enough consumers. You are in a dog-eat-dog industry here, you cannot play nice, you need to work for that consumer's hard earned cash. Don't give me that "growing the industry" BS, this is business 101 bro.
As I said before, I actually found Brown's response to him very interesting, and I find Hershberg's response to his response even more interesting. It's like an old veteran of the industry hazing the newbie, telling him to shove off and stop being naive. It's fascinating, really.
Anyway, back to the mudslinging;
"My game slept with your mom last night!
"Yeah, well our game skydived while doin' it with your mom!"
"Oh screw you, CoD!"
"That's the intention!"
"Wanna make out?"
"I thought you'd never ask"
*and off they go, riding into the sunset*