Activision Joins the Anti-Used Games Crusade


New member
Dec 24, 2009
How about...instead of shafting the customers, Activision just cuts out the middle man, and distributes their products their own damn selves? If they sell physical copies online for $10 under GameStop's price, the games would still be cheaper with standard shipping factored in. That alone would convince me to buy from them instead of GameStop. Hell, they could even include buyback sleeves (kind of like the return envelope things Netflix uses) with all of their releases, and then add a couple dollars in ActiCredit to the seller's account.

The only reason I could think of not to do this is that, maybe, retailers pay more for each disk than ~$50. The reason why this won't happen, though, is because the whole thing requires much more investment before Activision sees a return than, say, gimping a game, then making people pay extra to download the rest. For some reason, people always seem to prefer 100 dollars today than 101 dollars tomorrow.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
This whole 'crusade' is pretty bullshit. It is not the publishers' concern how many hours users squeeze from their products. They aren't renting to us. We don't have to pay each time we rewatch DVDs or reread a book. Secondhand goods are natural in any market and for them to be stifled in such a way is anticonsumer. Publishers should be finding supportive and constructive means to encourage new purchases. Developers should be staying away from publishers unwilling to do that.
Jan 29, 2009
Hmmm, I don't mind no used games, but ONLY if they lower the price to a middle ground.
I'd pay $30 or $40 for a new game, not $60, much less $55 for the used games of Gamestop...


Senior Member
Nov 6, 2009
Woodsey said:
Normally I side with the publishers on this, but Activision are shooting themselves in the foot.

Modern Warfare 2 was what, £50? No shit, I can't believe people bought that second hand!
Here in the States, it was around half that, so maybe that's why this appears plausible. Hell, remember when you had to pay for the game AND the DLC? Even without 2nd hand?


New member
Jul 28, 2010
I think publishers just truly hate gamers and purely just want our cash
The only time ill pay for a $60 game is when its old and its $20


New member
May 5, 2010
I prefer new for alot of reasons, but buying used got a new pro: Sticking it to Activision. Maybe I will just buy their games used. I rarely get DLC anyways.


New member
May 18, 2010
90% of my games nowadays are for PC which means I can't get them used. DLC still pisses me off in general, and I only buy used games when there's some sort of sale on them. Then I have an excuse to scrounge up a crinkled 20 so I can play 3 games that were rated 10/10 eight years ago.

So people in my shoes probably don't care. And some of the console market (kids) won't care enough about DLC to let this bother them.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
kebab4you said:
Autofaux said:
I support this action. The more publishers on this route of carrot over stick approach to games distribution, the better. Americans are getting ripped off at GameStop anyway, and for 89 bucks AUD, the more content included Day One the better.

Now that Activision is on board, watch the smaller publishers follow suit.

Still not paying for Modern Warfare 2 until that suit is settled, however.
Most likely they will just cut out stuff that they planned to release with the game and say it´s the DLC.
This right here.

This is where I've felt DLC has gone wrong, as the DLC in general is increasingly the kind of thing that would have been part of the game a few years ago, rather than any genuine "extra content", and when it is extra content it's very rare that it's a true expansion.

The original idea of "Project $10" was to reward people for buying new, not the punish people for buying the game used, yet that's rapidly what it's turning into, especially as more and more companies seem to want to jump on the bandwagon.

Honestly the gaming industry became an industry worth billions despite the existance of used games, what's going on now is pure greed, there isn't any nessecity for it, and while there ARE game companies that are in trouble (like in any business) it's not like there aren't some very decent profits being generated.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
The Austin said:
Jesus, I'm not going to pay $60 for a 5 hour game Activision!

Leave us alone! Leave us aloooone!
I love how people can buy a game that's focused around the multiplayer and then complain when the single-player campaign is lacking. It'd be like if I bought Tetris and complained that there wasn't enough action.

GodKlown said:
It does seem weird that any dev would complain about a place selling used games. They already made their money when the game was first sold, and reselling a sold title wouldn't give them the benefit of making any new money anyway. When you buy a used car, the maker of the car doesn't get paid twice. We are still talking about the original copy of the game, and if you want to release "exclusive content" with the launch of a new game, there will always be people who miss out on that. With all the "exclusive" content they release for a new game through GameStop to encourage you to buy a game (or preorder in most cases), why do they then complain about GameStop reselling the same game?
The complaint is that when someone buys a used game, it's a potential sale for them lost. So they see Gamestop raking-in all this cash from second-hand games and see cash that they should be raking-in instead. The problem is that they don't do anything to try and appeal to the budget gamer. As for the car analogy, I don't keep-up on car-related news to know if GMC or Ford are as openly opposed to used car sales, but I can guarantee you that if you were to ask anyone who works for those companies about a used car lot, they'd be happy to talk down about them being shady and untrustworthy and that it's better to just buy straight from the source.
The Austin said:
Jesus, I'm not going to pay $60 for a 5 hour game Activision!

Leave us alone! Leave us aloooone!
Damn straight! Why should I have to pay another $10 for some map pack that only works with multiplayer to get more use out of the game? I don't even understand why there was a single player campaign with that game when clearly they got their bread buttered off the multiplayer anyway. Cut the crap with your half-assed single player demo campaigns and just give the people what they clearly want instead of charging someone $10-$12 an hour for your short single player!
I don't really know the history of the CoD series, maybe the earlier titles have been very single-player focused, but everything I know about CoD has to do with it being a more multiplayer-focused series, especially the Modern Warfare games. Do they have a single-player mode? Sure, but that doesn't mean its the selling point. Also, no one said that you have to buy the new map pack, so your opening question there is completely erroneous. If you don't want the map pack because you don't do multiplayer, then don't buy the map pack. Simple as that. There's no real answer to the question of "why should I have to" simply because you don't have to.

Lt. Vinciti

New member
Nov 5, 2009
AvsJoe said:
I will continue to buy used games until the practice becomes illegal. Sorry, but I can't afford to spend $20 on a game, let alone $50 or $60.
This. (sorta)

Sometimes I dont want to buy a game then or I want to buy it for cheap and realize it in fact is crap.

IE I refused to pay full price for Borderlands and Assassin's Creed and Im really glad I didnt shell out >$20 on Killzone 2!

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
diasravenguard said:
canadamus_prime said:
Ultratwinkie said:
canadamus_prime said:
Ultratwinkie said:
canadamus_prime said:
What dipshits! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sale and resale of goods has been part of human society and economy for centuries and so far only these dipshit game publishers have made an issue of it. Hell Ebay was set up for the express purpose of reselling used goods!
This is just bullshit. Not to mention the fact that they're wasting money that could be better spend making decent games.
they may be dip shits but they legally have the right to shutdown used game sales and sue whoever trades in their game. The CD is property of the publisher and the developer, not you. You only paid 60$ for the RIGHT to use the CD and its contents and therefore have NO right to sell it to another person or entity. Used game sales, in the eyes of the law, is piracy.
And what twisted backward fucked up law is that?
i believe its in the EULA though i am not sure. i do know its in those contracts that come with the game. if your a PC gamer they make this VERY prominent. in console games you can find them on the back of the manual if they haven't changed it since i was a console gamer.
You realize that EULA's are not laws, right? They are contracts and the terms of a contract can be overruled. Although I'm not sure where it says in any EULA that you can't resell the game, I know it says that you can't make copies of it and sell those. Of course I'm never actually sat down and read an EULA. Also I just checked a couple of my console game manuals inc. a few from my 360 games and none of them said anything about reselling the game.
The closest was the Fable II manual which talked about the unauthorized copying, transmission, rental, or pay for play or whatever, none of which included resale.
This has already been covered back to hating on developers trying to steal our pants and wallets! Only big thing with a EULA is that it is the "end user" IE the person you sell the game too. It only matters when you are in ownership of the game.
I can't tell, are you agreeing or disagreeing with me? In fact I'm not entirely sure what you're getting at.

The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
WhiteTigerShiro said:
The Austin said:
Jesus, I'm not going to pay $60 for a 5 hour game Activision!

Leave us alone! Leave us aloooone!
I love how people can buy a game that's focused around the multiplayer and then complain when the single-player campaign is lacking. It'd be like if I bought Tetris and complained that there wasn't enough action.
Funny, I was talking about Singularity.

Not so slick now, are you?


New member
Mar 25, 2010
Heres the thing about Used games. If you can get the game for like 30 dollars cheaper than new then paying 10 dollars for DLC is nothing. If you REALLY want the game you are most likely going to buy it new. This ANTI-USED gaming stance is just BS IMQHO because if you buy a game say 2 or 3 years down the road USED when its not being sold new anymore its just that you have to pay more to get everything the game has to offer which 2-3 years when some people don't care about it anymore. I think that if they figured out when to make the content completely free that would be a good thing but if I am buying a used game say 7-8 years down the line for my 360 after the next console gen is out they WON'T CARE about the game they made 8 years before so whats the point of buying the DLC to get the whole game?


Seer of Light
Aug 16, 2009
Does it occur to anyone that preowned games are, to my knowledge, the main source of income for game stores?


New member
Dec 27, 2008
The real problem is they are making games people do not care about owning after an hour... making the used game market convenient because you can buy a used one on release day... If they would make a game that people wanted to keep, the problem would solve itself.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Oh now people don't agree with Activision. They've been pulling this crap for ages, I knew they were going to take it further and you sheeple will support them.

Keep going Activision, I want to see how far you can go till no one wants to buy your shit.


New member
Apr 14, 2008
it's just sad that more and more of the industry seems to be saying customers fuck what you want give us money and your not allowed to buy anything but new games.the pc has always been hit hard by anti-piracy measures (that don't work you want proof do a google search for a pirated download)but now consols with anti used games next every game will require you to pay monthly or they will not let you play the 10 hour game you bought(mmos don't count in this since they are huge compared to the average game). i mean come on thank god for steam and it's awesome sales
but come on if someone buys a game and doesn't like it why can't they sell it back for a minute amount so it can be resold normaly used games pop up when the game is no longer being sold new
meaning little to no profit loss and they still have to buy all the other dlc so they are still making money