Activision Joins the Anti-Used Games Crusade


New member
Jun 17, 2010
Tarakos said:
This can only end badly. For gamers. For Activision, I'm sure they'll make millions. Maybe they will go through with the subscription idea for their multiplayer games.
Yeah, because gamers have no other alternatives when game companies pull shit like this. No alternatives at all... This reminds me of Ubisoft's brilliant DRM :)


New member
Aug 14, 2009
daubie said:
Activision, listen..
You've done some good work. Sure, we were disappointed by the first Assassin's Creed, but you redeemed yourself with the sequel (mostly). You are now milking that sequel, of course, but what developer wouldn't do that at this point. You are the most frustrating developer of the decade. The DRM and piracy crap, business decisions, and now this crap too.

I would not be able to afford my life long friendship with gaming if it was not for used game sales. Activision, you are working to destroy what I love. This. Means. War.
Umm... Wasn't it Ubisoft that created AC? o_O

EDIT: Ninja'd... :/


New member
May 8, 2008
diasravenguard said:
olicon said:
Personally, I wouldn't mind the return to $40 games, even if they keep a lot of contents for DLCs.
I think there is an honest place for DLCs and expansions but not if the developer is taking away from the main game for it. Well, actually..if they make sure the quality is really good for the price, then I wouldn't mind at all. A short, excellent game is better than a mediocre 100 hours adventure any day of the week.

My biggest problem is when developers put so much emphasis on the multiplayer online modes that the single player game (which should make you want to play the multiplayer) seems to be a frail counterpart.

I want a long game and I want to enjoy the game in a way that makes me feel like it is worth the money. Fallout3 82hrs and played through it twice (2nd time 50hrs a few months later) I have high regard for that game but something like Bomberman 360 (look it up) or even ZoE(1-2) weren't worth half the money paid for them!
True. I wouldn't want to see them actually go to the point where they start chopping off the main game for it. Then they might as well just make episodic contents to begin with.

I prefer to keep my single players and multiplayers separated though. Most of the games I got for multiplayers are exclusively for that--I didn't touch the single player campaign in SC, nor HL, and there isn't one too speak off in Quake and CS to begin with, etc.


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Business 101, activision: If your game is still 60 bucks after a year, then you're doing something horribly wrong. Now, if you continue to do that and do even more things wrong, this will not end well.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
olicon said:
diasravenguard said:
olicon said:
Personally, I wouldn't mind the return to $40 games, even if they keep a lot of contents for DLCs.
I think there is an honest place for DLCs and expansions but not if the developer is taking away from the main game for it. Well, actually..if they make sure the quality is really good for the price, then I wouldn't mind at all. A short, excellent game is better than a mediocre 100 hours adventure any day of the week.

My biggest problem is when developers put so much emphasis on the multiplayer online modes that the single player game (which should make you want to play the multiplayer) seems to be a frail counterpart.

I want a long game and I want to enjoy the game in a way that makes me feel like it is worth the money. Fallout3 82hrs and played through it twice (2nd time 50hrs a few months later) I have high regard for that game but something like Bomberman 360 (look it up) or even ZoE(1-2) weren't worth half the money paid for them!
True. I wouldn't want to see them actually go to the point where they start chopping off the main game for it. Then they might as well just make episodic contents to begin with.

I prefer to keep my single players and multiplayers separated though. Most of the games I got for multiplayers are exclusively for that--I didn't touch the single player campaign in SC, nor HL, and there isn't one too speak off in Quake and CS to begin with, etc.
Which ones is SC cause if its starcraft it had a very nice campaign good story to it even if it was pretty cliched now starcraft 2 is in episodes with the expansions finishing the story in 2 additional sets...

I don't know what HL is offhand either. I do like the games to be separate but not if it means you get something like bomberman 360... I am not into online multiplayer but I know a lot of people are (at the risk in some cases to social interactions that they NEED to be successful but that's a different topic) My biggest feeling about a DLC is it can add features such as on Overload there is a DLC that opens up multiplayer options that were fun.


New member
Jan 19, 2009
Am I the only one thinking this is nothing more then a large developer trying to invent reasons that we would have to pay more for their stuff? They don't really care about the excuse, they want to force us to pay for a stripped down version of the 'base game' and then throw additional expenses onto the game at a later date. Hell some don't even hide it! Be it ones that have clear parts missing from the main game with the intention to fill in these blanks later or, worse, those that release DLC within a week of releasing the game that you know should of been included to begin with.

Do you really trust these same companies when they claim they have to do it this way because 'reselling is costing us money' or some other bullshit?


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Jinx_Dragon said:
Am I the only one thinking this is nothing more then a large developer trying to invent reasons that we would have to pay more for their stuff? They don't really care about the excuse, they want to force us to pay for a stripped down version of the 'base game' and then throw additional expenses onto the game at a later date. Hell some don't even hide it! Be it ones that have clear parts missing from the main game with the intention to fill in these blanks later or, worse, those that release DLC within a week of releasing the game that you know should of been included to begin with.

Do you really trust these same companies when they claim they have to do it this way because 'reselling is costing us money' or some other bullshit?
I think everyone feels like that heck look at the news on spore lol the whole thing turned into a who can pirate it better/faster!

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
diasravenguard said:
Blind Sight said:
canadamus_prime said:
What dipshits! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sale and resale of goods has been part of human society and economy for centuries and so far only these dipshit game publishers have made an issue of it. Hell Ebay was set up for the express purpose of reselling used goods!
This is just bullshit. Not to mention the fact that they're wasting money that could be better spend making decent games.
Amen to that brother, I'm so sick of game publishers feeling that they're somehow except from the free market for some reason.

This is a terrible idea, EA's Project Ten Dollar was annoying enough, but I'm guessing that Activision will go even farther and start cutting off large portions of their games as DLC. That's what I'm guessing, anyway, it definitely seems like something they would do.
They already did granted it's a blizzard title but the story is cut into 3 segments the other 2 will be "added as DLC expansions"

*edit* Starcraft2
Yeah I knew about Starcraft 2, I guess I'd count that, I found Wings of Liberty to actually have a decent amount of content but you have a point.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
similar.squirrel said:
theultimateend said:
similar.squirrel said:
Or..You could stop sinking millions into graphics and make your games affordable.

You know, it might mean taking a step back from photo-realistic military kill-simulators and using your imagination to work with certain graphical constraints, but...
Minecraft has sold 49586 copies at 9.99 euros. For the sake of me not doing the math we'll just act like it is dollars (I believe a euro is more than a dollar).

This game is made by ONE DUDE! A really damn nice dude, but ONE DUDE. I paid one price months ago and he still updates and adds new features weekly.

49,586 x 10 == 495,860 dollars.

That's half a million dollars in sales for a game with one guy working on the whole thing. Activision could really do something great if they'd, as you eloquently put it (no sarcasm honestly), stopped trying to make the games hyper realistic.

The necessity for extreme graphics stopped being really necessary after PS2 got to the end of its stride. FF12 looks better than I ever need a game to look.
I've never heard of Minecraft, but Captain Forever is similar. Not entirely sure about the figures, but that thing had me [and presumably many others] hooked to an uncomfortably MMORPG-esque extent.

It's also subject to updates [perhaps not as persistent, but with every update, the previous version becomes available for free].

This is a game that has you manipulating coloured cubes on a two dimensional plane.
Minecraft has you manipulating colored cubes on a three dimensional plane.

At this rate Indie Developers will have us manipulating colored cube (equivelants) in a 4 dimensional space.

When that time comes, I fear the repercussions.

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
diasravenguard said:
meepop said:
Did you miss a decimal there? 9.7 U.S. Dollars? Or is it really that much?
1 USD = 1.02705 CAD

Almost even now the USD is worth about 89 yen give or take 3 yen on average.

*edit* extra information below
That would mean a 60 USD game is 61.6115 CAD
You're forgetting about import fees, most new games here in Canada start at $69.99 and go up from there.


Usually Neutral Good
Feb 8, 2010
You know, I normally try to buy new games to support the developers, but I think I'll start buying Activision's games used, just out of spite.

Well, except for Cataclysm. And Diablo 3. Stupid Blizzard.


New member
May 17, 2010
I'm not to aware of this situation but I've been against Activision since the Infinity Ward incidents, and decided not to buy Black op's unless it's second hand.

But really if Halo (ODST) can bring out every map they made for the Halo 3 multiplayer on the Multiplayer disk of ODST (even if bought second hand) so everyone can use it without downloaded content of which some players may not have been able to afford, (instead of taking Activisions route to make more money) I don't see why Activision thinks that having just sold one of if not the best selling game yet (Modern Warfare 2) where apparently Mr Bobby Kotick himself made the tidy sum of $20 million from how much their stock went up with the game release and sales.( They cannot afford to allow people who are unfortunate enough not to be able to afford their games when they come out at full price strait away and would have to buy them second hand, and have to penalise them by giving them less of a game.

Well thats that then, my little 'hello I'm back rant/my two cents' anyone miss me?


New member
Dec 6, 2009
It's Activision. I'm amazed that they didn't come up with the idea in the first place. If developers really wanna prevent the sales of used games then they should at least lower the prices of their games. Or maybe we can ban sales on everything that's been used and turn this shithole we call world completely upside-down.


New member
Oct 16, 2008
The game studios are trying to recover some of the money that Gamestop is getting from them. Yes, it's not all lost sales (some people will never buy new), but I'm pretty sure Gamestop didn't build their empire on selling used games to people who never buy new, but trying to convince folks who usually do buy new to pay $5 or $10 less and get a used copy, while Gamestop benefits from a much larger profit margin over that.

I don't see how DLC or one use codes are any different than collectors editions or pre-order benefits or special vendor exclusives, since they all end up doing the same thing, giving certain people content that others didn't get, for whatever reason. Not to mention MMOs, or most digital distribution platforms like Steam, where you can't transfer what you bought to anyone else.

The argument over whether or not DLCs subtract from what have been included in the game is, of course, a pretty difficult one to prove or disprove. If you're of the mind that developers do everything to screw you out of your money (as some people clearly seem to think), then $2 horse armor is an abomination upon the entire industry. Or, if you think that, just maybe, there's a balance between making money and giving customers what they want, that not every single developer is out to get you when they decide to sell you more content down the line.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
Ultratwinkie said:
canadamus_prime said:
Ultratwinkie said:
canadamus_prime said:
What dipshits! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sale and resale of goods has been part of human society and economy for centuries and so far only these dipshit game publishers have made an issue of it. Hell Ebay was set up for the express purpose of reselling used goods!
This is just bullshit. Not to mention the fact that they're wasting money that could be better spend making decent games.
they may be dip shits but they legally have the right to shutdown used game sales and sue whoever trades in their game. The CD is property of the publisher and the developer, not you. You only paid 60$ for the RIGHT to use the CD and its contents and therefore have NO right to sell it to another person or entity. Used game sales, in the eyes of the law, is piracy.
And what twisted backward fucked up law is that?
i believe its in the EULA though i am not sure. i do know its in those contracts that come with the game. if your a PC gamer they make this VERY prominent. in console games you can find them on the back of the manual if they haven't changed it since i was a console gamer.
You realize that EULA's are not laws, right? They are contracts and the terms of a contract can be overruled. Although I'm not sure where it says in any EULA that you can't resell the game, I know it says that you can't make copies of it and sell those. Of course I'm never actually sat down and read an EULA. Also I just checked a couple of my console game manuals inc. a few from my 360 games and none of them said anything about reselling the game.
The closest was the Fable II manual which talked about the unauthorized copying, transmission, rental, or pay for play or whatever, none of which included resale.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
mattaui said:
The game studios are trying to recover some of the money that Gamestop is getting from them. Yes, it's not all lost sales (some people will never buy new), but I'm pretty sure Gamestop didn't build their empire on selling used games to people who never buy new, but trying to convince folks who usually do buy new to pay $5 or $10 less and get a used copy, while Gamestop benefits from a much larger profit margin over that.

I don't see how DLC or one use codes are any different than collectors editions or pre-order benefits or special vendor exclusives, since they all end up doing the same thing, giving certain people content that others didn't get, for whatever reason. Not to mention MMOs, or most digital distribution platforms like Steam, where you can't transfer what you bought to anyone else.

The argument over whether or not DLCs subtract from what have been included in the game is, of course, a pretty difficult one to prove or disprove. If you're of the mind that developers do everything to screw you out of your money (as some people clearly seem to think), then $2 horse armor is an abomination upon the entire industry. Or, if you think that, just maybe, there's a balance between making money and giving customers what they want, that not every single developer is out to get you when they decide to sell you more content down the line.
When games go back to 30-40 (40 being a collectors edition) USD and not only show the approximate playtime on the back (they used to why don't they now???) but give more than 20hrs before even starting to think about multiplayer or 60 hours without I'll start feeling more like the game designers are designing games and not graphics... When I feel like the gaming industry is making games then I'll feel a lot less like they are actually not going after my wallet like a pickpocket!


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Antari said:
Well looks like Activision is off my list perminantly until they make some major changes to the board of directors.
This is the point where you renounce them? Not any of the much doucheier things they have done in the past? This is where you draw the line? :p

I kid, but seriously I decided never to buy anything from them again a long time ago.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
canadamus_prime said:
Ultratwinkie said:
canadamus_prime said:
Ultratwinkie said:
canadamus_prime said:
What dipshits! I've said it before and I'll say it again, the sale and resale of goods has been part of human society and economy for centuries and so far only these dipshit game publishers have made an issue of it. Hell Ebay was set up for the express purpose of reselling used goods!
This is just bullshit. Not to mention the fact that they're wasting money that could be better spend making decent games.
they may be dip shits but they legally have the right to shutdown used game sales and sue whoever trades in their game. The CD is property of the publisher and the developer, not you. You only paid 60$ for the RIGHT to use the CD and its contents and therefore have NO right to sell it to another person or entity. Used game sales, in the eyes of the law, is piracy.
And what twisted backward fucked up law is that?
i believe its in the EULA though i am not sure. i do know its in those contracts that come with the game. if your a PC gamer they make this VERY prominent. in console games you can find them on the back of the manual if they haven't changed it since i was a console gamer.
You realize that EULA's are not laws, right? They are contracts and the terms of a contract can be overruled. Although I'm not sure where it says in any EULA that you can't resell the game, I know it says that you can't make copies of it and sell those. Of course I'm never actually sat down and read an EULA. Also I just checked a couple of my console game manuals inc. a few from my 360 games and none of them said anything about reselling the game.
The closest was the Fable II manual which talked about the unauthorized copying, transmission, rental, or pay for play or whatever, none of which included resale.
This has already been covered back to hating on developers trying to steal our pants and wallets! Only big thing with a EULA is that it is the "end user" IE the person you sell the game too. It only matters when you are in ownership of the game.