Agoraphobe Won't Stop Cause He Can't Stop; Subpoenas Rappers


New member
Apr 8, 2008
Baby Tea said:
This kid has got to be faking. Agoraphobia is an actual disability, but everything this kid does just screams the exact opposite: Attention seeking, 'high profile' lawsuits? An open, strange, public court room? He'd have to appear in court and, for an Agoraphobic, that would be hell. Not to mention the press attention he would receive if any of his farce-lawsuits made it to court.

I call shenanigans.
I know Vets with PTSD and this and they won't go to a Mcdonalds...He's the new breed of attention getter that instead of wishing for his 15 minutes, forces it. Remember the Balloon kid and wife swap parents?


New member
Apr 25, 2008
Lexodus said:
Royas said:
Crazier than a bed bug, or... no, there is no "or", he's just flat out zip-a-de-doo-da nuts. Not just a little, this guy is full on cracked, and it's way beyond is agoraphobia (for which he has nothing but my sympathy). Delusions are the least of his issues.
To further illustrate the point, I leave you in the capable hands of Mr Gary Larson.

A most appropriate illustration, nobody does it better than Larson.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Lexodus said:
People can complain all they like that McDonald's sells its coffee too hot, but you only need to know one thing about the case: the stupid ***** put it between her fat thighs and started driving. Even if it was normal boiling temperature, would you purposefully scald yourself by upending a kettle all over your lap? No. She would have still gotten burnt even if it had been at 'normal' temperature, so the ***** doesn't have a case. Oh and you know how we all laugh over the signs saying 'Caution: Coffee MAY be hot'? I'm sure that, if they didn't put the 'may' in, some asshat would put their coffee in the fridge and then complain it was cold...
She wasn't even in the driver's seat, and the car was motionless at the time of the spill. And it was shown during the court case that, had the coffee been at the more usual temperature, the burns would not have been anywhere near as severe. She wouldn't have sued had McDonald's not refused to compensate her for damages that were caused by them serving coffee hot enough to cause third degree burns in under ten seconds. It was later found during the case that they had recieved hundreds of complaints and were fully aware of the danger posed by their 190-degree coffee (which, at that temperature, was unfit for human consumption anyway) and had done nothing about it, nor were they intending to.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
I think I should be the one to say he isn't an agoraphobe. They misinterpreted his condition, which is actually Sue-aphilia. It means he gets his sexual jollies from making lawsuits.