Al Gore Lauds Ecological Potential Of Games


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I wonder if he played that know the one Extra Credits highlighted? About making sure the human race survives global warming, what's the name of that. I can't for the life of me remeember.

GreatTeacherCAW said:
Love the reactions to this. When someone in politics bashes video games, The Escapist responds with hurt feelings and anger. When someone in politics gives a nod to video games and attempts to use them, The Escapist responds with hurt feelings and anger.
This is sad. and this is true. What the fuck guys? Is morbid Cynicism the "In" thing right now, or.........

Anyway, Fuck you all. I'm REALLY glad someone outside the game community realised that not all games are just "point cursor at foreigner;kill foreigner". If you all are so worried about games becoming MORE than that, then congrats you officially do NOT want Gaming to grow. You want gaming to stagnate and rot until someone euthanizes it.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
A great message. Too bad it is a message being communicated by a doomsaying attention-whore who hasn't possessed a pinch of credibility for at LEAST eleven years. Doesn't help his or the industry's case in mentioning farmville either. In terms of credibility at least.

Hamish Durie

New member
Apr 30, 2011
well it's got potential and i think we would all like to see manbearpig in a boss fight or even to play as him


New member
Feb 26, 2010
CM156 said:
Why is it I get the feeling that Extra Credits will do a video on this now?

Otherwise, despite not being a Gore fan, I am not bothered at this. It almost makes up for the fact that I had to watch the same darn movie every year in science class.
Any science teacher that would show that video needs to have their credentials revoked.

True, it does bring focus on a real issue that is important, the actual science is primarily fluff and certainly doesn't belong in a science class.

godfist88 said:
Seriously? Mr Gore you don't actually think this pandering is going work do you?

Anyone who makes failed predictions for the apocalypse loses all credibility with me.

It's not apocalypse now or even necessarily apocalypse. It's major ecological changes unless we stop messing **** up. Which btw is supported essentially universally by the relevant sciences.

Of course the science in his videos isn't exactly accurate, but at least blame him for what he actually did wrong.


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Apr 23, 2009
Xan Krieger said:
M16 and an MP5
Minute you say? They look nothing alike. Sights, stock, magazine, handgrips, all completely different.

As for Al Gore I stopped taking him seriously as soon as he said Farmville.
Sure they do! I mean look at the....umm...
Well there's the...umm...
So the connection in the...uh

wait how can people mix up an assault rifle for a sub-machine gun? I mean I know almost nothing about guns but I know the difference those two have in size


New member
Feb 26, 2010
cerebus23 said:
I thought the general thinking on global warming was that it is a load of bunk? why is he still beating that horse for photo ops.
*dies a little inside*

Also, no. Some segments of the population (see extremely economically conservative segments) consider it a load of bunk, but the consensus of the scientific community (and the majority of the population) thankfully knows better.


New member
Sep 22, 2010
GreatTeacherCAW said:
Love the reactions to this. When someone in politics bashes video games, The Escapist responds with hurt feelings and anger. When someone in politics gives a nod to video games and attempts to use them, The Escapist responds with hurt feelings and anger.
Here is the problem for me with Al Gore saying it. Do some research on how Joe Lieberman, Tipper Gore and Al Gore felt about gaming back when he was relevant/vice-president.

If Al Gore had had his way then, gaming both as an art form and as an entertainment medium would have been strangled in the 90s. Now, in his quest for headlines, he's giving gaming the nod of approval. Well, that's great but it would have been nicer if we had gotten that nod back when we needed it. It would have also come off as a bit more sincere if it had been done when there was still some PR risk rather than now that it is widely accepted (I notice that he went with a safe example such as Farmville.).
Mar 2, 2011
ZombieGenesis said:
He had me up until Farmville.

But seriously though, Al Gore must have logged a few hours on 'Fate of the World'.
Naeras said:
Why is he mentioning Farmville but not Fate of the World? The latter is an excellent example of how to use the medium to this cause, Farmville is most definitely not.

I'm afraid he has a point with Farmville. Despite the sole purpose of Zynga being to make money of gullible people on Facebook, their games do encourage community, but not much else really.

As for Fate of the World, I'm really surprised he doesn't appear to know about it. It's basically his dream game.