Alright, hands up. Let's be honest here.

Oct 2, 2012
I'm a youngin of aabout 19 years old working towards all the damn degrees and courses and certificates I need to become a teacher. I live with my gparents and one uncle. I work graveyard shift most nights and then go straight to school with most my earnings going to gas and food (with some left over for saving and games). They still have their 36 year old son living with them so I doubt I'll be kicked out anytime soon.

However I'd rather not live where I do for much longer so I'm planning on getting a couple really good friends with jobs and my girlfriend and getting place in another town closer to my college and my future college.

I have my own room though (I pay more than my uncle so I get my own room :/ :D) so no basement for me!
Plus I'm scared of the basement... It's 4 and a half feet tall (I'm 6ft 5in) and full of spiders, including black widows and the occasional huntsman I've been told. No basement for me ever!


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
Son of Songhai said:
Of course they should be ashamed! I've lived in a three story townhouse I've owned since i was 5 years old. Instead of working some lame desk job, I make ends meet by wrestling bears and alligators with my willy!

[irl: 23, in grad school, live with the rents during breaks]

I had several mansions by the time I was six

the problem with thease losers is they are too lazy, I got to where I was by working REALLY REALLY HARD ever since I was a fetus
Oct 2, 2012
Little Woodsman said:
Let me tell you a little story (a true one).
Waaay back in 1985, the split second I turned 18 my mom & her husband said "Well we can't collect Social Security in your
name any more, so we're moving to another state--without you. Hope ya have a nice life kid. Oh, wait, we don't actually
care what kind of life you have."
So at age 18, thankfully employed though with a minimum-wage job, I *had* to move in to a filthy, roach-infested
tenement, where many of my 'neighbors' were illegal immigrants with 9+ people living in a one-bedroom apartment,
every cent I made going to basic necessities. Despite excellent grades & excellent SAT's and ACT's I couldn't go
to school because I simply couldn't afford it. After a few months of this I said, "Screw it, I'm joining the military.
Only to discover that a screwed-up medical record somewhere prevented me from joining.
During that period of my life, I did occasionally get to hang out with friends. Who would sometimes ***** about
having to live with their parents. They always shut up when they saw me looking at them.

Soooo, if your parents are cool enough to let you live with them:
1-Thank them.
2-Do everything you can to help out.
3-thank them again.
4-Stay for as long as is appropriate for everyone concerned.
5-Did I mention to thank your extremely cool parents?

Oh, and if anyone gives you crap for living with your folks, tell them from me to go
have sex with a porcupine.
You. I like you. You talk sense.
I'm hoping your situation has turned around since then?


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
PhiMed said:
I worked for what I got, climbed up scraping and clawing, and did what I had to do to stay out of my parent's house, and I'm better for it. Living in your parent's house is fine, I guess, while in college, and I suppose it's not entirely unacceptable to stay there for a year afterwards. Then it's time to grow up. If you hit 25 and you're still there, you need to change your mindset, because you're not growing as a person.
yeah I'm not sure you can just flick a "grow up" swtich and move out, I'm sure plenty of people in that situation would like too but really can;t..through factors of their own and outside ones


New member
Jan 29, 2011
Little Woodsman said:
Let me tell you a little story (a true one).
Waaay back in 1985, the split second I turned 18 my mom & her husband said "Well we can't collect Social Security in your
name any more, so we're moving to another state--without you. Hope ya have a nice life kid. Oh, wait, we don't actually
care what kind of life you have."
So at age 18, thankfully employed though with a minimum-wage job, I *had* to move in to a filthy, roach-infested
tenement, where many of my 'neighbors' were illegal immigrants with 9+ people living in a one-bedroom apartment,
every cent I made going to basic necessities. Despite excellent grades & excellent SAT's and ACT's I couldn't go
to school because I simply couldn't afford it. After a few months of this I said, "Screw it, I'm joining the military.
Only to discover that a screwed-up medical record somewhere prevented me from joining.
During that period of my life, I did occasionally get to hang out with friends. Who would sometimes ***** about
having to live with their parents. They always shut up when they saw me looking at them.

Soooo, if your parents are cool enough to let you live with them:
1-Thank them.
2-Do everything you can to help out.
3-thank them again.
4-Stay for as long as is appropriate for everyone concerned.
5-Did I mention to thank your extremely cool parents?

Oh, and if anyone gives you crap for living with your folks, tell them from me to go
have sex with a porcupine.
Couldn't agree more, I'm fortunate enough to have good ties with my folks and I'm not bound to the 'rite of passage' that requires you to buy your own place when it isn't necessary. It's like buying a car in a place that has a sufficient transit system. The only reason I move out is for the sake of privacy, sometimes I need to get some were for myself.

I'm sure most could to, you just have to learn to live simple. Most aren't able to if not for the lack of comfort, it actually dis-associates themselves from there peers in some cases. I actually get looked down upon because I don't own a car, and use public transit? It's silly stuff that makes me question things more.

That said I'm currently not living with them, but I don't shy away from the idea. When I do there's a context that allows me to pitch in, and help benefit them. Whether it's helping with rent, doing some handy work, cooking or just enjoying the present moment with them. Don't get down on yourself if you can help it. You can be developing life skills, and making yourself a better person. Just take some pride in yourself.

Many immigrant families wind up living together in the same place....Because it's EFFICIENT! IT MAKES SENSE! there isn't this "Living with mommy and daddy" Bullshit, they do what makes sense which is living in a single unit, and utilizing the resources more sufficiently, LOL!

All that said there's always a context/relation. I don't implement superficial doctrines that consists of yays or nays. You have a good relationship with your parents, and can contribute to one another. Go and flipping do it dude!

Sorry kind of went on an anti-consumerism tangent....hehe


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Not in their basement but in the room I had before I left for college. I realized what my situation would be in danger of being like after the summer after I graduated was over (unemployed, parent's house, you know the drill), but I did graduate a year early so I'm too "behind" yet to feel like a complete failure. I ended up taking drastic steps to rectify the situation and will be out of here by September.


New member
Feb 12, 2013
Probably the biggest question here is if are you all benefiting from your parents to do the work for you and pay for house rent and the bills and everything while you live comfortably in your home without having to worry about anything.


Needs more Dakka
Apr 13, 2010
I'm 25 and still live with my parents. Why? I've been back and forth in school because I can't decide what I want to do. Finally decided on Computer network technologies, graduating this year, will probably start in IT. Also thinking about getting my Red Hat server admin certification.

It's not really an issue for me living at home. My mom is Chinese so naturally she wants her kids around anyway. Cultural thing really. Plus, given this economy, and the fact that I live in/near Toronto, trying to find somewhere to live that's reasonably priced isn't exactly easy.

Oh, other nice thing about having a Chinese mom, she'll cook for you. /win

Daniel Ferguson

New member
Apr 3, 2010
I'm living at home, but it's in my own bedroom still. If I had the WHOLE basement, though, I'd have room for all my stuff. They could pile all their spare stuff in my room. Except dad would have to find somewhere for his motorbike and all the stuff that goes with it. In which case I'd be better off in some sort of caravan arrangement. Which seems to be kind of a Thing in this part of Brisbane, after all.


New member
Nov 24, 2010
Moved out at 17 and got my own 1-room apartment.
Got really lucky with the rent, though.
120 bucks per month, with water and electricity included.

I'm not complaining.


New member
Dec 22, 2012
Live in my parents basement? Nope, and if I did it would be the creepiest/saddest thing ever, as I am nearly 40. I live in a house, with my wife and soon to be three of us. Sadly this house is in Manitoba, and no one should live in Manitoba.

Kolby Jack

Come at me scrublord, I'm ripped
Apr 29, 2011
I lived in the basement while I was a senior in high school, which hardly counts. I did choose to live at their house for my freshman year of college (it was just down the street and I wasn't sure I wanted to move out just yet), but quickly got sick of that and moved to the school dorms as a sophomore. After I dropped out, I lived with them again until I joined the Navy a few months later.

I will never go back to live with them again. I love my parents, and they love me, but I can't stand living with them anymore. Hell, even a week's visit has me longing to go back to work by the end of the week. They're nice people, but they're REALLY not the kind of people I enjoy spending time with.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I live in my room. My parents haven't made me move out of home, and most likely won't until I've finished my diploma and have a steady, substantial income to support myself with.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I moved out of home three months after I got a full time job. I was 18 for about two months then. Never gone home since, five years later.


New member
Oct 26, 2009
I honestly don't think it's considered as shameful to live with your parents for a while longer as it was before - what with so few jobs being available and mortgage/rent costs being through the roof.

If you haven't already guessed, yes I do still live with my parents and my reasoning is this; my university is 30 minutes away from where I live and my dad can easily drive past it on his way to and from work everyday so I can get lifts in and out for free. Do you have ANY idea how much money I save doing this? Even if I had to pay for all the buses I'd otherwise have to get, it'd be SO much cheaper than paying for a dorm. It just makes no sense for me to drown myself in debt (more-so than I already am) for the sole sake of moving out.

EDIT: Although I don't live in the basement - my room is awesome =)

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
hazabaza1 said:
I live in the front room of the house and the bright young age of 18.
Not really sure what I'm aiming towards in this little mini-basement of mine.
You're only 18?!
Shock of the day.