Dreiko said:
Here's the thing with the power imbalance elevator situation. The way those women put it is ignorant, as it implies all men are equally strong, or that no men have as much power differential between them as those women did with those men in the elevator. To make it into a woman issue instead of a weakling issue is indeed wrong. The fact that some women are more self-conscious or paranoid about being weaklings, is indeed all in their head. They are just as affected by their weakness as men who are as weak as them are.
To clarify my point about the gulf of incomprehension, some people just need an excuse to be evil to you. That they can get away with using your race as an excuse does NOT mean that it is your race that's the trigger. It's all the other things, the 99.99999% that they draw on that makes them want to be evil to you. What you're describing is a weird form of victim blaming and you're blaming yourself to boot. It's like these people just see black like how a bull sees red and can't help being evil when they're otherwise just calmly grazing.
No, these are just run of the mill evil people who will be cowards and only pick on those whom they see as lower than they. These people would be being evil to someone somehow either way. That's what these people just do. The issue you wanna fix to reduce racism is just overal social morality.
Finally, the UN has been sending some very anti-freedom of expression suggestions to Japan with regards to banning a ton of anime character sexual depictions that would if enacted illegalize about every good show ever (thankfully they reject them always haha) so I have come to doubt they know anything at all.
Alright, this is where I'm coming with this.
Not only do I have personal stories of being not only a source of fear and/or a target due to the skin of my color, I have given facts that were collected by the Government of the United States of America itself that speaks to the systemic racial biases still alive in this culture.
You currently have Saelune, Xprimentyl, Satinavian, Thaluikhain, and myself disagreeing with your viewpoint. People from all walks of life who have experienced the current situation differently and have all arrived at the same conclusion about the inherent racism in America. You have an front page of this very topic of people somewhat even surprised that a white officer was found guilty of murder even though there was a clear case for it (and I pointed out why it wasn't manslaughter in the first page as well).
It might not be us who are misinterpreting the world. It might be you.
And don't get me wrong. I would LOVE to live in a world that I'm just paranoid and people are ready to treat me right. But I have enough real life experience in this nation to know that isn't the case. Not everyone I meet, I know. And I've met some fantastic people from all walks of life. I consider the majority of this forum to be proof of that.
But I've also met a good deal of people who saw nothing but my skin color.
Even some people who were nice to me and who might have genuinely liked me couldn't see past my skin color to realize I'm a thinking human being here that have my own ideas and situations that are not lumped into my melanin count. Same thing with my gender and my size. Where the deck is stacked against me and I just have to navigate it. Not only is that tiring and disheartening... we have people who deny our life experiences because they haven't shared it.
That? That is straight up frustrating. And it doesn't speak of "trying to get to know someone" if you don't want to heed their true life experiences because it doesn't fit in your own personal perception.