Dreiko said:
Nobody will ever truly feel what it's like to be anybody but themselves.
That males will not feel what it's like to be female is just 0.000000001% of the totality of the things that they won't know what they feel like with regards to existing as a a different person. All the rest of them are things that they equally won't know what it's like, for both men and women.
Is the point that the tiny uniquely femininely arcane point of ignorance, one which pales in comparison to the much greater gulf of ignorance among people that we can never resolve, hence, indeed, is not such a big deal, such a crazy one?
I think it's silly to pretend that that minor difference makes something that's already totally incomprehensible any more incomprehensible.
Yet, we still strive to understand each-other, despite the gulf.
Hence, my conclusion is that the 0.0000001% of identity-based arcane difference is ultimately negligible, and if we can make it work despite the remaining 99.99999% of incomprehension, then we can make it work for everybody.
Tying this all back to my original (and surprisingly offensive, apparently x.x) point, lots of these things that are listed as part of the 0.0000001% are actually just part of the 99.999999% of incomprehension leading into misunderstanding and animosity and that's ever-present, for everyone.
That's fine. But if women are sharing their experiences and men have no idea about it, the aforementioned men don't get to discount the female experiences because as men, they never experienced these occurrences. That's the crux of the matter.
I've had a number of females who eventually became friends tell me that they were uncomfortable riding in elevators with me alone (or something to that affect) because of the strength and size difference. Although I would never do anything like that, they had to had that fear in their heads due to past experiences that they or people in their lives have felt. It is not up to me to tell them that I'm not like that. It's no where up to me to tell them that not all men are like that. Because it only takes one experience. It takes the knowledge that one choice, one enclosed space, and anyone of the 4 billion other creatures that you have little to no natural defense from can take your safety away.
Forever, in some cases.
I've been told to mind what I say because this wasn't New York City and my word doesn't carry as much weight as other liberal places.
I've been told that I could easily be arrested and no one would bat an eye even if I was innocent or not. Because that person would say I was guilty and that's all that matters.
I've had guns drawn on me to following directions. I need to reach into my glove compartment to hand over my proof of insurance.
I have tons of more personal experiences. But those seemingly mean nothing. So let's talk about pure numbers.
Hate Crimes have risen up for the fifth straight year [https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2019/08/01/report-hate-crime-is-rising-in-30-major-american-cities-infographic/#7510555db8d0]. Which might be only fitting because the number of Hate Groups rose again for the fourth consecutive year [https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/20/us/hate-groups-rise.html]. And as sad to say, we might have to count police officers into that number as the Plain View Project has listed around 3,500 current and former police officers [https://www.cnn.com/2019/06/20/us/plain-view-project-police-investigating/index.html] sharing racist, homophobic, and misogynistic tidings.
The government's take on it? Limit or rollback existing protections for... reasons [https://civilrights.org/trump-rollbacks/#2019]. While shifting the focus of scrutiny from right wing and white nationalists [https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2019/08/right-wing-terrorist-killings-government-focus-jihadis-islamic-radicalism.html] to Black Identity Extremists who have a body count of... none [https://theintercept.com/2019/03/23/black-identity-extremist-fbi-domestic-terrorism/]. Because the perception that they will eventually rise up and do the things that right wing and white nationalists are doing
right this second makes them a worst threat somehow?
These are not made up things.
And if you want to talk about making stuff up in your head, you literally just said this:
Calling one of the least racist societies to ever exist, both historically and in the modern era, a racist society, as opposed to a not completely nonracist one, is throwing it under the bus.
There are a significant number of people who vehemently disagree with you. Including the UN, who were issued a report on racial divide in the criminal system [https://www.sentencingproject.org/publications/un-report-on-racial-disparities/]... let alone the fact that they issued us a warning due to the racial divide being to boil over [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/aug/25/un-warns-us-racism-but-trump-era-bigotry-not-blip-charlottesville]. And that was in 2017. As I just showed you, the rates have just been climbing every year since.
So what's the metric for making stuff up in your head? Simply disagreeing with the statement? Well, you just don't have me. You have Satinavian, Thaluikhain, and possibly others if they read it knowing that statement is false. Do we get to discount your worldview now and basically call you a liar by stating you made that up?
That was the offensive part, by the way. Saying I made it up [https://www.lexico.com/en/synonym/lie] is akin to taking the life experiences of my black friends, my family, my community, and myself (not to mention the data that's readily available to anyone who wishes to read it) and saying we're all lying about it.
In a thread that people were literally amazed that a white cop was found guilty in killing an innocent black male. Ruminate on that.