Dreiko said:
Does "fluid" apply for people like Liquid Snake or...?
Either way, check my top post on forgiveness. The victim's brother is saving his own self some heartache when he chooses not to hate his brother's killer. That it also may provide some comfort to her too or that it may even adversely affect race status in the country is both irrelevant and comparatively insignificant to a man dealing with the loss of family in a completely unreasonable and chaoitic fashion. If we lose this capacity for good then chaos is not far away.
I know this. I spoke about it before in a few of my posts.
You accidentally bump me on the street. Forgiveness is easy and should be extended.
You call me a name on purpose. Forgiveness is an option, depending on the word and your true intent.
You steal from me. Forgiveness can be used, but again, if you know I will readily forgive you're more likely to do it again.
You cripple me. You burn down my house. You lie and get my job taken away. You seduce my wife from me. You get me sent to jail. These things aren't momentary injuries like the previous ones. These are life-changing events. These are things that will catapult my life in a vastly different direction than can ever possibly be measured.
Botham Jean is dead. The family that he was going to add to his will never happen. The community he could have bolstered up with his lineage will never see that miracle. He can never be there as an emotional support for his close ones again.
Botham Jean will never get over this. He is not Christ. He is gone.
With that stating that, That's not the purpose of the article. In fact, your last sentence actually touched on the issue that is truly bothering the black community.
Truly the power to forgive is an immense one. One that should be coveted. But one that shouldn't be taken lightly. Simply put, it can not be expected to be extended to all things. If it can be, that's wonderful. But it literally cheapens the idea of actual consequences.
Your last sentence swings both ways. Yes, if we lose the capacity and the capability of expressing good, we are surely damned. However, on the same token, if we constantly allow people to get away with things, chaos can equally occur because no one will care. No one will care if they know their sins will be washed away in the eyes of the public.
There's a reason people just had enough of situations like this and said black lives matter. Because to us, it truly feels like no one else believes that. Again, black person killed by police. Another horrible tragedy. Another mistake that is so hard for the poor officer to deal with, but we must all accept.
Another call for forgiveness. Every. Single. Time.
I do not think people can truly understand what it's like to be on a wanted list that means your life is cheap and people will explain away your death without even thinking about your character unless you've truly lived it. Some LGBTQ forum members might. Even in countries now, they can be killed just for admitting how they were born. There are still places in this world were life is cheap for a woman. Her body isn't her own. And she can be damned by her society for letting herself get defiled. Because of the shame it might bring to her family and her community.
Being on a wanted list is a horrible thing. It means you know your life is essentially worthless to the masses. And with the black community, we have the added insult of always being expected to forgive.
You know, The last part of the article [https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/03/us/black-americans-forgiveness-trnd/index.html?no-st=1570401403] is what tears at my heart. It's the part that I think everyone should ruminate on.
"After 9/11, there was no talk about forgiving al-Qaeda, Saddam Hussein or Osama bin Laden. America declared war, sought blood and revenge, and rushed protective measures into place to prevent future attacks," she wrote.
Rev. Derby, of the Charleston NAACP, believes there's a disconnect between the the call to forgive between black people and white people.
"I have yet to see a white family go up to a black defendant, even if that defendant has apologized," he said. "My question to white Christians is, how can you praise black people for [forgiving] when you don't do the same kind of thing yourself?"
This is a fantastic point. When blacks commit crime, I don't see many people calling for forgiveness from the community as much as I've seen it called for when crime happens to black people. When blacks commit crime, racist sentiments go up at the worst, and calls for higher policing in the community go up in the least.
When whites commit crime, Jason Schmit commits crime. Evelyn Jamieson commits crime. Josh Green commits crime. There are no calls for higher policing as there are for blacks. When white people shoot up their neighbors, it's the guns that do it. They are horrible devices that can magically warp the minds of sane people and force them to commit these acts. When gang war happens, it's the community. Why can't black people get it under control? Why are they so violent? Where were the police to watch these people's every move?
The expectations of the people are different in this country. Every black person knows that. And no, I'm not saying Brandt is wrong to forgive Amber. I clearly stated that my problem with his forgiving Amber is a problem only because of it will be a continuation of the role we're expected to have in this society.
Of course above all, I want forgiveness in the world. I do not lie when I say my personal hero for now and forever is Mr Rogers. But you have to understand how this culture has been crafted. The Bible was always taught to Slaves to endure. That you may suffer in this life, you will be free in the next. The Church asks you to forgive, forgive, and forgive so that you may seek your reward in the hereafter. The first slave ship hit America in 1619.
Literally 400 years later, and that tradition is still going strong. Black Christians need to forgive, or are at least expected to if they want to be real Christians. White Christians, vengeance is yours. Use it to justify your hate, your bigotry, and your further attacks on anyone.