I've been thinking about this for a long time now and just wanted to see what others thought about it.
Steps towards ending racism and discrimination:
1. erase all nation and international borders and create a single nation.
2. (this would have to be implanted into the infants) - by having erased all nations and creating a single nation, eventually, separate cultures would merge together, forming a single culture, which would lead to an end of culutral discrimination.
3. also by merging all peoples, a singular language would need to be created and accents would disappear, thus an end to language discrimination.
4. Over time, as we continue to procreate, eventually all races would merge into a singular race, thus an end to racism.
5. If all those infants were taught the same morals of law and justice, then there would be no hate, or theft, or murder. (sort of like communism without a government)
With everybody being of one race, one culture, one language, and one nation, nobody would be over another and there would be no need of racism or discrimination (unless of course some persons experienced deformities or disabilities at birth or at any point in their lives).
With that, I'd like to leave you with a message which I titled "A simple but powerful prayer for friends"
Grant me the courage to protect those most precious to me, the ability to carry their sorrows, and the happiness to know that they lived better lives through me.