Analyst: Xbox 360 Set to Dominate 2010


New member
Mar 12, 2009
Didn't another analyst say the wii was set to rule 2010 and another said around November that from that point forward the ps3 was going to dominate the market because it was catching up. Idk who to listen to there turning into politicians i have no idea who's in who's pocket.


Elite Member
Sep 16, 2009
Isn't resistance 3 coming out somewhen.... that's a machete in the back of the 360 domination....


New member
Aug 11, 2009
The 360 will probably have a good year, but 1/2 of 360 owners picking up Natal is pretty ambitious, and the Wii will probably continue to dominate.


New member
Jun 5, 2009
Oh snap! That analyst may be right about one thing - that Natal may bring in more family-friendly titles, therefore expanding 360's userbase! Buuuuut... meh. The competition's pretty even now, and i'm not sure that anyone will have a definite upper hand in the nearest future.

vrbtny said:
Isn't Resistance 3 coming out somewhen.... that's a machete in the back of the 360 domination....
Oh yeah. A flaming chainsaw-machete forged by sleepless masters of weaponized insanity, no less. [footnote]DISCLAIMER: i don't actually know if it will be all that successful, but shut up, i was just making a bad pun here.[/footnote] There's a rumor it will be released somewhere around 2011.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
MetaKnight19 said:
As far as I can tell, an analysts work mainly consists of guessing. Whenever they are mentioned in the news anyway.
Well hell, that makes it sound like anybody can do it! Oh, wait...

I have a 360, but has he even seen the tech and advantages the PS3 has???


New member
Dec 11, 2009
Let's review this topic. First of all, mister "so obviosly getting paid to say this" Isn't the only Xbox exclusive that has been released is he Halo series. But the PS3 is very very big list of exclusives: Uncharted, God of War 3, Resistance and so on. Also with all the people saying that the Wii was the first to do the whole "motion sensitive" thing and that Microsoft and Sony is ripping off their idea, I have one thing to say: SONY DID IT TEN YEARS AGO. Sony isn't trying to ride on Nintendo's coattails, they are just remaking the same thing they made for their last console, AND MAKING IT BETTER

God Worm

New member
Jul 13, 2009
If I had to guess, I'd say that the 360 will probably lead the pack simply because of how accessible it is (in terms of availability, game library, and the fact that a lot of people own one already). Natal, like motion-controls in general, will probably be a fun gimmick that grows old very quickly. Yahtzee said in one of his Zero/Extra Punctuations that until motion-controls offer some sort of physical feedback, they're most likely a dead-end.

I can't say I have any clue how the PS3 will do this year aside from better than last year. I would like to see it on more even ground with the 360 simply to shut a few friends up.


New member
Aug 22, 2008
Natal this, Natal that. But dammit people, I really wonder, how many of you will actually buy/use it? I still have yet to see what it can do beyond a racing game!


New member
Jan 18, 2008
MetaKnight19 said:
As far as I can tell, an analysts work mainly consists of guessing. Whenever they are mentioned in the news anyway.
That and not following gaming news, not knowing anything about gaming and not knowing anything about logic.

Even if the sales of 360 multiplatform titles meant more promising exclusives (and honestly, why would it?) these wouldn't arrive till 2012. But given how late in the current lifespan we are of this gen of consoles I'm not sure I see a lot of activity here.

And also if you check the upcoming titles you can clearly see MS is in for a rough 2010, they've got a new Halo they're doing their damnedest to make people not care about and a new title from the makers of Max Payne. That's about it. They may possibly be able to capture a lot of casual players with Natal but you have to expect relative shrinkage of the core gamer base.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Why are analysts so stupid? No, seriously - why? I mean - it's not even funny. It's too stupid.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
ZeroDotZero said:
God of War 3, Heavy Rain, MAG, The Last Guardian and Metal Gear Rising. I don't think the Xbox will dominate, even if it does do well. Seems like not much consideration has gone into this analysis.
Just so you know, Metal Gear Rising is multi-platform.

And listing the PS3's 2010 exclusives isn't actually an effective way to respond to this thread. It hardly makes sense anyways.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
I'm sorry, but in my opinion Natal will not be that successful.. i even doubt it will even work that well


New member
Jan 25, 2009
Greg Tito said:
The Xbox 360 also currently heads the game sales chart with Mass Effect 2 and are by far the most popular platform for the monster hit that is Modern Warfare 2. This presages a year in which there will be a succession of huge titles that are not available on the other consoles. For any game enthusiast these make owning a 360 essential, even if it is in addition to owning other consoles.
Last time I checked the Wii was currently dominating sales charts, by a lot. I still don't think it's essential to pick up a 360, just like it isn't essential to pick up a PS3 or Wii. Last console that was essential was maybe the PS2, but that's a bit of a stretch, so maybe the original Gameboy.
scotth266 said:
Honestly? I don't expect much from Natal or Gem. Yes, I'm still calling it that. I refuse to let a great joke die.
I don't undertsand what's so funny about "Gem". Please explain.
I mean if you were to make jokes like "Arc the Rod" I could kind of still get the appeal but Gem doesn't strike any funny chords.
JaymesFogarty said:
Mass Effect 2 isn't anymore reason to own a 360 than Heavy Rain, MGS4, Uncharted 2 and GOW3 are to own a 360.
I heard NoMore Heroes 2 is also a pretty good reason to own a 360.

More Fun To Compute

New member
Nov 18, 2008
This generation has been going on for a while now so I don't really trust anyone who is predicting anything dramatic in terms of the "balance of power" unless he has insider information about some self fulfilling prophecy that the games industry is making happen. Like last generation when mutli platform games dropped the cube version towards the end of last gen.

Modern Warfare 2 also has really strong sales for the PS3 and Activision would have left a hell of a lot of money on the table if it wasn't ported. Modern Warfare 2 is also not the whole of the game industry by itself. It is only one data point.

What is dominating anyway? 3:2 ratio of sales for one hit game that wasn't released on the most popular platform or 2:1 hardware install base? He is being quite selective with his definition.