Angry Birds Dev Foresees Doom for Consoles


New member
Jun 21, 2009
A man can enjoy a full course meals over his life and have snacks he eats often, he need not ignore one for the other. I wouldn't recommend eating the pigs though.


I can smell sausage rolls
Dec 6, 2010
ahhh a new idiot born every minute. i mean, the guy has done well for himself, but this statement is kinda ridiculous. sales does not mean longentivity of a game. for example, i have cloked up over 200 hours on Fallout 3, yet angry birds doesn't come close to that kind of experience i had with that game. i was immersed, and mobile games cannot give you that. i know mobile games are cheaper, but i don't find them as a rewarding experience.

personally, i think this guy has focussed on only 1 reason people play games, and has ignored that there are a huge number of factors of why people do it, and what makes a game a good one. he has missed the point of gaming for a lot of people.


New member
Jun 2, 2010
people mistakenly assume that all console/pc gaming is triple a titles.

the innovation happens in indie...

triple a titles will still be around anyway... indie and mobile might make a more interesting 'game' but triple a make for a better 'experience'


New member
Jan 13, 2010
Yes, because everyone likes to play simple games with low production value on a tiny screen with horrible controls.


New member
May 22, 2010
You know how films, TV, music and literature all co-exist side by side with a large crossover audience... well who's to say all forms of gaming can't co-exist side by side the same way, they all work better for different occasions, sure ya can't take your monolithic PS3 with you but who wants to slump on the couch after a long day and spend a few hours on their smartphone?

The way we consume the different forms of gaming will constantly change and evolve, there's no doubt about that, but to say one will emerge triumphant over all others is deluded at best. The casual/mobile gaming market is just a different way of doing what we enjoy, gaming, and as long as they keep pushing and improving on that area it's a win for everyone. Even if you don't enjoy them many others do and they serve to drive innovation in all areas, the last thing Sony, Microsoft or Nintendo want is to stagnate and be eclipsed by more people having fun with their mobile games than their expensive consoles.

Competition drives innovation, the way I see it, the future is bright for all markets, but it probably won't look quite like it does right now.


Romanorum Imperator
Jun 20, 2009
Cellphones can possibly 'kill' the handheld portables like NintendoDS and Sony PSP, but I don't see them competing with consoles any time soon. The real threat for consoles is their dated architecture when compared to the PC, but there is no real threat to them.


Aug 25, 2008
Jesus -.-

Can we get over the "Doom" of a specific system? Consoles are not dying, PC's are not dying, NOTHING is dying. They all appeal to a specific audience, for me i have 2 consoles and a hand held system and i can safely say that Consoles are doing just fine.

If he is talking about 50+ years then fair enough. Anything could happen in that amount of time, but a few years in the future? Not a chance.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
My best bet would be that Nintendo will have to go take the same route as the PSPhone(forgot it's name, too lazy to google it), and integrate a phone into it's handhelds so that they serve more functions, the same way that the Xbox can stream from Netflix and the PS3 can play blurays.
I for one love that I don't need a to have both a Playstation, a bluray player, a slingbox, and a laptop to check my mail hooked to my TV so that I can use the screen the way I want to.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
Didn't this guy say the 3DS and PSP2 were already dead a few weeks ago?

He's still probably bitter at Nintendo calling his games 'disposable'

Now I haven't bothered much with Angry Birds. To me it was much like many other app games. Something I'll play for a few hours and never bother with again.
Oct 14, 2010
Mobile and Facebook designers are going MAD WITH POWER!

I don't know. Just because a lot of people play these games doesn't necessarily mean they'll be a replacement for consoles. It still seems like a separate market right now, and it's going to take a long time, if ever, for people to stop separating the games they play at home from the games they play in a bathroom stall at work.


New member
Dec 19, 2010
Fasckira said:
He touches lightly on something I do agree with and thats the upgradeability of triple A titles. This is already happening though with things like DLC so its not unrealistic to see service pack style upgrades being released for games in the future. Arguing that mobile gaming will kill console gaming is retarded though. No matter how much Angry Birds (and I use it as an example) sells, people will still want to be able to rest at home with a big screen TV or monitor and play big titles.
The only thing that makes AAA titles hard to upgrade is the closed sourcing though. There are a million fine examples to PC titles that counteract your point. But, as time goes on for consoles, I think the companies will learn.

OT: Another deluded developer. I wonder who keeps interviewing these people. Other posts have pointed out many good reasons as to why this is false, but I have one no one ever thinks about. Smartphones aren't cheap (not good ones anyway), but they manage to release a new iPhone really often compared to consoles. As soon as a new phone is out, developers start creating game software based around the new architecture. I bought a Droid when it first came out. Within 6 months, a better model came out, and within 2 months some games were released that I couldn't even run on my phone. That is ridiculous. iPhone is now on Verizon, but it's still $350 for one with a two year contract. I bought a PSP years ago for $200 that I still use. I also have a DS that I still use, and it wasn't even that much. I have a PS3 that I bought a year ago for $300, still cheaper than an iPhone, and the software is far superior in pretty much every single way.

I like the indie game market, because I love creative games. But usually you get 100 versions of the same game. Angry Birds was fun, but I spent WAY more time with RoboDefense. The one type of game that smartphones seems to do better than everything but the PC is tower defense. Yet, no matter how many good tower defense game you make, you are not displacing the consoles, and definitely not the PC.

Logan Westbrook said:
Rovio would seem to be doing something right, as Angry Birds has recently crossed the 100 million downloads threshold.
That is an incredibly bad way of representing the figure. I know they can pull more advertising revenue by having such a figure, but they really aren't making more money on the free version of the game on a per download basis. How many of those are actual pay downloads? Not that it's an expensive game. I played it for like an hour before it got old, so I never bought it. I'm sure many did though. I just hate shitty reporting like that. You can do better Logan Westbrook.


Aug 27, 2010
I can see where he's coming from, but he's getting waaaay ahead of himself. Everything will be one media soon anyway, so this debate won't matter.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
And people thought casual gaming was going to kill hardcore gaming. Of course now hardcore games are doing very well and sales for some have broken records while the Wii for example has slowed recently.

The sudden success of Angry Birds seems to have gone to his head and given him the impression he's a life long veteran of the industry and has the final say.


New member
Apr 17, 2009
Rovio is clearly trolling.

I will say that Mobile developers are more "nimble" (Innovative), though that is probably from the low barrier for Android and iOS development compared to console development. iOS is $99 a year while Android is nearly free.


New member
Oct 5, 2010
Until we move completely to "cloud" (or similar idea) computing console and PC gaming will survive. As well as mobile and whatever else might come about between then and now. Basically until we get to the point where all media/gaming/technology interaction can come from 1 source (like the cloud) then there will continually be variations in how that media is enjoyed (mobile device, console, PC, whatever). In other words I think Optimus described it best: "Till all are one!"

Outlaw Torn

New member
Dec 24, 2008
Once upon a time, music/rhythm games were the future of gaming. Everything looks like it is going to be the only way forward at some point, then it all goes to hell because everyone starts doing the same thing. Console gaming probably is doomed, but it's still got a hell of a lot of life left in it before then. Even if cloud gaming becomes the norm, people will probably still have some kind of console in their homes to access those games. Gaming will go from being split between the PC and traditional consoles to a single, four horse race. I can imagine that OnLive will make a huge sum of money by licensing or selling off their technology to one of the big three for a future console that uses cloud computing for it's games as well as a standard disc.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Saying mobile games will kill consoles makes me laugh as much as people saying any new MMO will topple World of Warcraft. Console gaming has been around for decades, and his stupid mobile game isn't going to make me put my controller away anytime soon. How egotistical can you get?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Well that's just all kinds of stupid, first of all showing old game mechanics to people who have never played games before does not make it innovative, and what most of those games are offering are the kraft to the AAAs Nova, secondly the amount of games you can play on a phone is very limited, hell just look at the consoles, they have been making FPSs for about 20 years and are still limited by the lack of a mouse, i have tried a bunch of games for the android and they all seemed like games i had played on kongregate except with worse controls and at last, have you the guy heard about the 3DS? its coming out soon and it has great games (i know they aren't out yet but c'mon even first party nintendo games are always good) and its in 3D, you can high five mario after completing each level (that's how 3d works, right?), do you really think you stand a chance against that.