Anonymous Attacks US Government

[zonking great]

New member
Aug 20, 2008
Boyninja616 said:
Agayek said:
Harbinger_ said:
If they organize rallies around the world wouldn't they no longer be considered anonymous?
One of their schticks is that most, if not all, members at the rally wear a Guy Fawkes mask or somesuch.

It doesn't do a whole lot as a statement, but it does more or less protect their anonymity.
And one hell of a V for Vendetta reference :)
Sadly, it would've been more interesting if the reference was the original comic and not the puss-out fest set in the UK that was the movie.


New member
Mar 30, 2010
[zonking great said:
Boyninja616 said:
Agayek said:
Harbinger_ said:
If they organize rallies around the world wouldn't they no longer be considered anonymous?
One of their schticks is that most, if not all, members at the rally wear a Guy Fawkes mask or somesuch.

It doesn't do a whole lot as a statement, but it does more or less protect their anonymity.
And one hell of a V for Vendetta reference :)
Sadly, it would've been more interesting if the reference was the original comic and not the puss-out fest set in the UK that was the movie.
You're just jealous of Danny Boyle :p.

IAS: What was wrong with the movie?
Apr 29, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
The power of the mob is a frightening one indeed. Look at the march to Restore Sanity/Fear.

Let's hope they don't pull torches as well.
What about pitchforks? Can they bring pitchforks?

OT: Well, although I never agreed with Anonymous, at least they get things done.
Sep 9, 2010
persopolis said:
Icarion said:
Straying Bullet said:
Wow. They actually walk their talk? Respect.
This ^^. If you can say your goals and then follow through on them, I have respect for you. I don't like you or agree with you but I respect you
so you respect the nazi's?
see? that train of tought can be somewhat ambiguous./nitpicking
OT: we'll see how far they get, we'll see...
until then i'll just visit the RIAA's website and give them my angry face
Yes I respect the nazis. No way in hell I like them or agree with them, especially because I'm Jewish but I respect them. I hate them too.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Arec Balrin said:
Copyright infringement in most countries is a civil offence, not a criminal one but the intention of the advert is to make an equivalence that just isn't accurate.
Yeah, propaganda is a funny thing like that. Say something enough times, and people start to buy into it.

Verlander; there is no place in the US constitution that guarantees or implies the right of copyrights.
I'ma just pull this off Wikipedia. Pardon my laziness.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution, known as the Copyright Clause, the Copyright and Patent Clause (or Patent and Copyright Clause), the Intellectual Property Clause and the Progress Clause, empowers the United States Congress:
"To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries."
I'm going to say that granting Congress the power to grant the right is both explicit and implied.


Blackwing Hybrid Hero
Mar 25, 2010
Talvrae said:
GamesB2 said:
Talvrae said:
I had thought that Annonymous was an organisation against the church of Scientology since when does they attack things about copyrights?
Anonymous is just a lot of bored people on a website.

They normally organise against something when they get even more bored/pissed off.

They do take a lot of hits against Scientology but recently with the closing down of Limewire they are more annoyed at copyright laws.
pff.. I used to respect the hits they made about Scientology... but i can,t habide on people who promote stealing intellectual propriety
I personally agree with their motives, MAYBE how they accomplish their goal, but what ever. The way they worded it makes it sound more like they aren't happy with the way the RIAA and others handle their clients copyrights, but that may just be me, and the base reason is probably the same reason they do anything: For the Lulz.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
Anonymous says it will keep up the attacks until it "stops being angry" and has organized actual physical demonstrations to take place tomorrow in various cities around the world.
So they are going to do these attacks and then come out in person and say "Hi! We attacked you!"

Yeah, no law enforcement agencies will want to haul them in or anything, brilliant plan guys.

Lonely Swordsman

New member
Jun 29, 2009
As much as I love seeing Anonymous do what they do best, this was for a bad cause. Piracy is and remains criminal activity in any perspective and condoning it is jsut as bad.

But I doubt piracy or copyright laws were ever the reason for the attack. They're just trolling the fuck out of people for their amusement, not for any great justice or even hate. They are a bunch of juvenile quasi-anarchist internet pranksters and should be treated as such.

Hackers on steroids they may be, but they're not some great terrorist threat with a longterm plan and agenda. Treating them like they are means you've been trolled and they've won.

Zorg Machine

New member
Jul 28, 2008
I would be so happy if anonymous stages a coup and takes control over america.

Alternatively (and realistically) I would be happy if Anonymous manages to get actual power (like the tea party movement)


New member
Oct 25, 2009
Talvrae said:
I had thought that Annonymous was an organisation against the church of Scientology since when does they attack things about copyrights?
Anonymous does whatever it wants. A long while back it declared war on Scientology, but it was not created for this war specifically.


New member
Oct 16, 2009
EHKOS said:
Cool, now let's see it do some real damage. DDoS attacks are one thing, but if they can actually make some good things happen to the Government I'm all for it. It would be nice to actually have rights again.
Ah yes, our God-given right to steal shit we didn't pay for because it's more convenient than buying it.

Tom Phoenix

New member
Mar 28, 2009
Since this news is related to piracy, I think it counts to put this video up:

On topic, it's interesting how newsposts regarding the group Anonymous tend to make them more mysterious and powerful than they really are. :p


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Sean Strife said:
Harbinger_ said:
If they organize rallies around the world wouldn't they no longer be considered anonymous?
I don't know if I've been ninja'd on this... but most of them wear masks or hide their face in some way.
And honestly I bet only one in ten of them has any idea who Guy Fawkes even is.

The Bum

New member
Mar 14, 2010
Hhhmmmmm i sense a sort of hippie bashing coming soon, exept it'll be anon not hippies.