Anonymous Attacks US Government


The Purple Fairy
Dec 8, 2009
GamesB2 said:
Talvrae said:
I had thought that Annonymous was an organisation against the church of Scientology since when does they attack things about copyrights?
Anonymous is just a lot of bored people on a website.

They normally organise against something when they get even more bored/pissed off.

They do take a lot of hits against Scientology but recently with the closing down of Limewire they are more annoyed at copyright laws.
pff.. I used to respect the hits they made about Scientology... but i can,t habide on people who promote stealing intellectual propriety


New member
Aug 13, 2010
Acting like Anonymous is a monolithic organization with goals instead of a bunch of bored teenagers using joking ideas thought up by nerds on an image board years ago.
Stop that god dammit.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009

Does crashing a website for half an hour really matter? What's that going to achieve?

And they can talk about the "exploitive use of copyright" until the cows come home. It's obvious that they're just pissed off because they don't want people to stop them from pirating stuff. Not exactly the most noble goal I can think of.


New member
Jan 22, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
The power of the mob is a frightening one indeed. Look at the march to Restore Sanity/Fear.
But, that's a good one, isn't it? I mean, for many of us europeans, the americans sure look like someone who need sanity and rationality restored into their public oppinion and media.
And I don't mean to be offensive to any of you americans - but this is the image you are giving youself(or rather, that some loud idiots are giving you). Just as many of those who give you this bad look, seems to get the idea that all of europe is socialist.

OT though: I wonder when Anon will mov epast DDoS'es? I mean, when all is said and done, it's not that much of a hassle. Taking down a governmental site for 30 minutes... Thats not likely to do much. Other than, potentially, hurt them.
Anon is a huge number of people. There is no end to what they could do - many people mean many different talents, members everywhere in the world, means large sums could be collected with very small donations, etc. There is much potential to do anything, and then they chose to stick to their DDoS attacks.

This is not going to get them anything. It will anger and annoy some people, but it's only impact will be that potentially, someone gets angry like Gene Simmons did, and the rest will just ignore them.


New member
Apr 22, 2010
Bet Firefox is regretting putting that refresh button on their browser now...

Seriously though, what's wrong with copyright law? This isn't a question to goad people, but I don't understand what they actually want

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
Yeah, we get it Anonymous: You're a bunch of brats with an inflated sense of entitlement who think you're better than everyone else because you're good with computers.

I hope they cross a line eventually and really get themselves in trouble.


don't upset the insane catgirl
Apr 11, 2009
Verlander said:
Bet Firefox is regretting putting that refresh button on their browser now...

Seriously though, what's wrong with copyright law? This isn't a question to goad people, but I don't understand what they actually want
That depends on who you ask, and what exactly it is they want.

Some people just want to be able to get stuff for free.

The other side of the coin is what's commonly called 'fair use', which as a concept doesn't necessarily exist in the laws of a lot of countries.

Think of all the fan-made 'tribute' projects that get shut down due to copyright laws...

And then consider a site like the escapist...
If they wanted to, I'm sure it'd be possible to get most of the escapist content removed on copyright violation terms.

Sure it's probably 'fair use', but laws keep getting more and more restrictive.

It comes down to a battle between who has control over content.

Should the Author have absolute and unquestionable control over anything and everything anyone does with their work?

Should the general public be able to do whatever they feel like with anyone's IP?

But more importantly, where does the balance fall between these two extremes?


Aug 25, 2008
Can't they be tracked with an IP address or something? Jeez!

Although respect to them, if they say they will do something, they will do it at least lol.

question...if they attacked us, how would we know? o_O


New member
Aug 15, 2010
Hey, lesser of two evils. I don't exactly support the internet group, but the RIAA are greedy and obnoxious bullies, using lawsuits and scare tactics, while taking more income than the artists usually get. I know whose side I'm on here.


New member
May 18, 2010
I get the feeling that somehow, this will end up with some black ops sneaking in and blowing 4chan's main servers into shit =P


New member
Apr 14, 2010
to quote that random-ass marine from halo 2, "This is bad. Real bad." everything else had no actual power, the government...just doesn't seem like a good idea.

Arec Balrin

New member
Feb 26, 2010
Verlander said:
Bet Firefox is regretting putting that refresh button on their browser now...

Seriously though, what's wrong with copyright law? This isn't a question to goad people, but I don't understand what they actually want
It infringes on already existing rights; so-called 'natural rights'. These are ideas that go back to the Magna Carta and were given distinct form in the Enlightenment, which is reflected in the constitution of the United States. You have the right for example to write stuff and pass it around; by what right does anyone else have to physically stop you putting a pen to paper? The First Amendment forbids the US government from making any law that infringes on this. But a special exception is made for copyright.

The original justification for copyright laws in light of the rights they infringe on was that they were there to protect public access to information; so supporting the principle of free expression rather than interfering with it. The argument was that if authors had some limited copyrights over their work then they would get a return on their investment in it, encouraging them to make more original work. It would all eventually be freely available in the public domain once the exclusive copyrights expired.

A far cry from modern copyright law; which exists for and serves the polar opposite purpose.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Talvrae said:
GamesB2 said:
Talvrae said:
I had thought that Annonymous was an organisation against the church of Scientology since when does they attack things about copyrights?
Anonymous is just a lot of bored people on a website.

They normally organise against something when they get even more bored/pissed off.

They do take a lot of hits against Scientology but recently with the closing down of Limewire they are more annoyed at copyright laws.
pff.. I used to respect the hits they made about Scientology... but i can,t habide on people who promote stealing intellectual propriety
Anon isn't an organized group per se. It's not like it has any listed members. Anonymous is just a name that people doing these things give themselves. It has no leaders or anything. As the poster before said, they're mostly bored trolls.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
Granted, the title does conjure up images of wanton destruction, not of minor inconvenience, but does it ultimately matter? I'm really not sure whether or not copyright law is flawed (although every lawyer of the RIAA deserves to get repeatedly anally violated by an irate rhinoceros), but hey, free entertainment. Now if only they could do to the RIAA's site what they did to Gene Simmon's site...