Anonymous Attacks US Government


Senior Member
Jan 14, 2009
Prediction: Like what happened with chanology, Anonymous will develop several more large and toothed angry heads that will eat and consume this one.

I respect what they're doing, to a degree - piracy is still "theft" for want of a better word (like "piracy"), but I just want everyone to know that I fucking called it when we get headlines like "Anonymous attack Operation Payback".


New member
Aug 12, 2008
The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. You do not fuck with us.

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Woem said:
Logan Westbrook said:
Anonymous Attacks US Government
Who is the person quoted saying "stops being angry" and what is the source?
The source is an interview conducted by Panda Labs -

As for who said it, I can't tell you. The group is called Anonymous for a reason.


New member
May 18, 2009
Ok. Well I'm... I'm not exactly against piracy, but I'm not for it. Far as I'm concerned, it's always gonna be there. I don't care.
Anyway, well I don't agree with the methods of Anonymous, they are amusing.
Although, was this about piracy at all, or were they just protesting copyright laws? I suppose the two are hand in hand really.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Logan Westbrook said:
Anoymous says it will keep up the attacks until it "stops being angry," and has organized actual physical demonstrations to take place tomorrow in various cities around the world.
At which the governments of the world release their deadly neurotoxins and make the Internet a happier place.

this is a triumph...

-- Steve

edited to add:
Zeeky_Santos said:
Payback. Oh the irony. Why don't they just pay what they fucking should?
The greater irony (for me, anyway) is that Anonymous's first "big" target was the Church of Scientology, which also had an "Operation Payback"... which was also illegal.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Why do I get the feeling that Anonymous are only going to make things worse? I mean, declaring war on Gene Simmons was just hilarious, but I don't think the Government will react well if they keep it up. If we act like children, they're going to keep on treating us like children, including taking our toys away. Clearly we're not mature enough to use them.

I admit, I've pirated songs. I don't like the idea of pirating films, and usually I've got no problem with buying my music, but occasionally there's something you can't find anywhere else. So I've no real problem on the crackdown on piracy, it's the restrictions of Fair Use that bother me. They're coming down far too hard on anything that even vaguely resembles copyright infringement, and it ends up upsetting a lot of people. Things like tribute videos or putting a song in the background of your own work isn't hurting anyone, or so I think. My university can't even use pictures in lecture slides any more, or else they'll get fined.

I don't know much about copyright law but I think the system needs a re-think, because right now it isn't going too well. We've taken baby steps in terms of Creative Commons, but we need compromise, because it isn't ever going to go away completely. At least, that's my opinion.


New member
Mar 15, 2010
yea go Anon tear down the walls of beaurocracy with kick ass viruses an all that shit!

Madara XIII

New member
Sep 23, 2010
Hmph! Well I see that Anonymous is quite an annoyance. However, I doubt they can really do much to change our position on Copyright law.


This place still alive?
Apr 23, 2009
TimeLord said:
Ldude893 said:
It's official.

Anonymous has declared war on America.
Release the nukes!

"The Country with the largest concentration of Anonymous members! *Presses button*"

"But si---- *Boom*"


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Logan Westbrook said:
With that resume, it's not hard to see why the strongly pro-piracy Anonymous might consider the Copyright Office a particularly tempting target.

Yes, because every Anon is pro-piracy.

Seriously, get your facts right. Anon is more than that silly /b/ only.


Senior Member
Aug 6, 2008
I know there's an intolerance towards piracy here that borders on frothing at the mouth, but they aren't attacking the whole US government, they're attacking a part of it. The name Payback derives from various intellectual rights companies paying server sites to DDOS places like the Pirate Bay. It is useless in this case for either side to claim an unimpeachable moral high ground. Those who pirate everything and don't spend a penny ought to be slapped silly, but cyber-dickheadedness and litigious claims for impossible sums of money from individuals is not going to lead anywhere but... well where we are now, pointless DDOSs and much whining in the press.

Also, typo on the last paragraph:
Logan Westbrook said:
Anoymous says it will keep up the attacks until it "stops being angry,"...


New member
Aug 24, 2009
TimeLord said:
Ldude893 said:
It's official.

Anonymous has declared war on America.
Release the nukes!
please dont give neone the idea to hack a missile silo and launch a nuke (if its possible they might do it)although hilarious it might cause ww3


New member
May 20, 2008
The attack did little more than put the website down for 30 mins, but look how its getting press.... It may have physically done little to actually hurt them, but it served a purpose of letting people know what their motives are and getting coverage which is what anonymous thrives on

Uber Waddles

New member
May 13, 2010
You can't really defend piracy with the First Amendment. Let me remind you that the constitution guarentees the rights of live, liberty, and pursuit of happyness: and that your rights end when anothers begins.

Whether you like it or not, either a person or a corperation owns that particular software, song, etc. As the supreme court recently decided, corperations have basically the same rights as human beings (hence why they are now able to run ad campaigns).

If you own something, it's yours. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. If you wish to distribute it, you may either do it for free, or for profit. If you decide to sell it for profit, then Copyright is essential to ensure that not only are you turning a profit, but anyone stopping you from doing so will be brought forward and punished for doing so. Saying the First Amendment supports piracy is like saying going into a 7-11 and stealing is alright. The only difference is music and movies can be seen in a non-physical context, where as that Slurpee and SlimJim cant (unless there is a torrent for Slurpees).

That being said, they really crossed a line. Theres a difference between crashing a server because the game developer pissed you off, and crashing a government function just cause you can get prosicuted for stealing Avenged Sevenfold songs.


New member
Apr 20, 2009
6unn3r said:
The people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. You do not fuck with us.
I've always found that that book/movie and Anonymous to be disturbingly similar.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
Direwolf750 said:
to quote that random-ass marine from halo 2, "This is bad. Real bad." everything else had no actual power, the government...just doesn't seem like a good idea.
really i think it makes perfect sense these guys more then likely are smart enough to have more then enough brains to not be caught, also if they continue they might get into night time news