Anonymous Attacks US Government


Kinect Development Sucks...
Sep 24, 2008
Okay, fighting against ACTA is good, but why do these people think that they have this sort of power? They're just people who go on /b/ and take part in massive racism, homophobia and sexism



New member
Mar 23, 2010
Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gunpowder treason and plot. I can think of no reason the gunpowder treason should ever be forgot.

Well at least we know why Anon is holding various rallies tomorrow.


New member
May 2, 2009
Eh, call be back when they've actually done something decent instead of taking down random government site#40 for 30min.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
Zeeky_Santos said:
Leviathan_ said:
Logan Westbrook said:
With that resume, it's not hard to see why the strongly pro-piracy Anonymous might consider the Copyright Office a particularly tempting target.

Yes, because every Anon is pro-piracy.

Seriously, get your facts right. Anon is more than that silly /b/ only.
By forming under one name they exist under one set of ideals. Perhaps if you wish them to individualise you can give them names?
By your logic, Anons would exist under every ideal possible, as it's a huge group of different minded people. I like to think that there are more anons against then for piracy though.

Besides, tripcodes don't belong on an image board.


New member
Nov 25, 2009
Zeeky_Santos said:
Oh noes, not half an hour! 1/48th of a day! Gasp! That's almost 2% of one day!

How about this anon, they'll stop 'being angry' when you smarten up and realise that people deserve to be paid for the things they work for.
I'm not saying that the RIAA should be allowed to sue people for 100x what they stole but in no way should people's work be taken from them without a [figurative, but literal] cent earned (for each person). Capitalist country, capitalist rules.
Copyright isn't capitalistic. Intellectual property works against capitalism actually.

I like to think that there are more anons against then for piracy though.
Why the hell would you think that?


New member
Dec 23, 2009
-Samurai- said:
Why didn't they just call it "Operation Immaturity: Ruining the internet for those that deserve to use it"?

Actions like this are nothing but counter productive. Instead of throwing little hissy fits like children, they should be adults and do things the right, legal way.

Oh, wait. That would require them to be responsible people, and actually show their faces, instead of hiding behind computers like cowards.
I agree fully. These children are nothing more than a nuisance as of late, declaring their apparent superiority over the internet and for what? knocking down a website for a period of time? I think I better start panic buying and prepare to ride out the oncoming apocalypse as best I can.

More can be achieved through legal channels, regardless of how corrupt some elements of it are. If they wanted to instil a level of respect for themselves and actually make a difference, how about they go back to square one and go through proper channels like the rest of us average Joes? Putting your ego over your experience with dealing with government authorities is not so much shooting yourself in the foot than it is the G-man ripping the gun out of your hand and firing back at you


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Attacking the US government. Smart idea.

In any case, what, they're against copyrighting stuff because they don't like paying for things?


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Not the right way to do things, and certainly not the right fight in the first place.

Yes, there are flaws in the copyright laws. There are flaws with everything. However, the general idea of copyright and the idea that people can own their intellectual property is a good one. Would you like it if people were allowed to steal your ideas wholesale? Would you like it if you don't have a right to say what happens with your work?

This won't go anywhere, and won't result in anything good. At best, the US government will just introduce more laws regulating the internet to stop these attacks - the idea that these hackers can actually get the US government to cave in is ludicrous, because then the economy SIMPLY. WOULDN'T. WORK. So, either cave into anonymous and destroy EVERY.SINGLE.ADVANCED.ECONOMIC.SECTOR.WITHIN.THE.ENTIRE.UNITED.STATES, or try to pass a few more laws allowing the FBI to trace and arrest these hackers.

For all their technical expertise, anonymous apparently have no political or economic training at all, and are so unhinged and detached from reality itself that they harbour deluded power fantasies.

They won't get what they want. And they're really, REALLY stupid if they think they can. Just someone knows how to hack computers doesn't mean they are very smart, and this is proof. Their actions are petty, they don't win the respect of the majority and they are not constructive in the least.


New member
Oct 21, 2010
I like to think that there are more anons against then for piracy though.

Why are people acting so butthurt whenever one of "these" threads emerges?

Im ashamed of this community.. Get up and do something!


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Okay, see...this concerns me. If you're going to enter a state of open revolt against a country, you better actually get shit done, not just shut down an unimportant website for half an hour. As it stands, all they've done is guarantee that they will never get the change they're demanding. Exhibit A:

"The United States does not negotiate with terrorists."

Sound like an overreaction? It isn't. I guarantee that if the government chooses to respond publicly, this is what they'll say. And just like that, all the sane, rational people who also oppose ACTA and other bad copyright legislation are painted as terrorists too. Then comes the public backlash, where people make a serious move to end internet anonymity for good, because "the government should never be held hostage by a bunch of entitled teenagers in their parents' basement."

Every time Anon tries to strike a blow against a target like this, they will simply provoke the government into striking back--against those of us who don't have masks to hide behind. Get a clue, people.

Sun Flash

Fus Roh Dizzle
Apr 15, 2009
This will be interesting to watch. They won't win and I don't support their cause, but kudos for trying. I love a good fight, me.

Just let me go grab my deck chair and popcorn...


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
Think about it, for a second, and I mean REALLY THINK ABOUT IT: If the US government actually did cave into anonymous, what would happen? Let's see:

1) Goodbye every single software company in the US. Since all your code is freely available and able to be copied, why would make a single cent? That's a couple of hundred thousand jobs gone right there. Anonymous would feel REALLY PROUD of themselves, ruining all those lives if they get their way, right?

2) Goodbye every single Biomedical, biotech, and pharmaceutical company in the US! With your formula's and compounds no longer protected by law, every single generic chemical factory can make your drugs, and you get NOTHING FOR THEM! That's REALLLLLY going to give incentive to investors and scientists to do the research, right! I can imagine the sales pitch now: Hey, want to spend decades of your life and billions of other people's money to make a drug that will give you zero return?! You would! Great! It also comes with no salary!

3) Goodbye openness and progress, HELLOOOOOOO corporate secrets and espionage! Good to have you back! Without the patent system, NO ONE will EVER divulge how their stuff works or how to make it! Which is really swell since that results in monopolies and the breakdown of shared research! Instead of waiting 20 years for new inventions to wear out their patent, now, since they are no patents, they'll ALWAYS be secret because no company will ever divulge ANYTHING TO ANYONE, EVER! Which will really be great because that means that people in poorer nations will never be able to make generic versions of anything! Fantastic, Anonymous, if you get your way, you'll kill millions! Bravo!

4) Goodbye High-tech industries, agri-tech industries, engineering firms, software companies, silicon valley in its entirety, aeronautical firms, publishing companies, movie studios, and of course GAME STUDIOS, if Anonymous get their way.

To all you Anonymous supporters... how old are you? I mean really? Because I get the impression that you're nothing but a bunch of really angry, socially inept teens without a shred of sophistication or understanding of how the world actually works. I don't think you really think about the consequences of what you are proposing. I don't think you have a SHRED of understanding on economic or industrial values. I don't think you even know what the purpose of a patent is! And certainly, CERTAINLY, NONE of you are creators or researchers or writers or makers of anything. Again, don't want to get all Ayn Rand on you (because I don't like Ayn Rand), but people who are opposed to copyright are generally leeches who want something for nothing. Who don't create or write or invent, but just use and use and use and use and use. So of course you're against copy-right - you've never invented or made anything that could be copy-righted. It's only natural that they don't understand the worth of what they seek to steal.