Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


New member
Nov 20, 2008
Mantonio said:
I admit it, I'm a full supporter of Anonymous, and this I enjoy heartily.

It may be a weird, porn filled type of justice, but it is justice nonetheless. Shine on you crazy Internet Super-Consciousness.
The true heroes of our day.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
There's no point. You're talking about hundreds of thousands of people there, and you're going to "take them out" ? Read the article again. And look at the image that was posted on HBgary.

"You've clearly overlooked something very obvious here; we are everyone and we are no one. if you swing a sword of malice into Anonymous' innards we will simply engulf it. You cannot break us, you cannot harm us, even though you have clearly tried..."(sic)

"We are everyone and we are no one." This right here is the major point that needs to be emphasised.

Sure, you can get individual people that hack this and that site as part of an "operation". But you can't bring down Anonymous, because it's not actually an organization.

And quitting isn't exactly something the FBI and HBGary can do, but they can't win either, so I call this whole thing pointless.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
joebear15 said:
Karilas said:
Wonderful news. It's things like this that keep me from losing hope in humanity. You guys!
if the actions of some hackers are the only thing keeping you sane I would sugest some mental help perhaps taking some :) pills
Hey, I reckon could keep hold of my sanity through some inhuman despair... actually, maybe you're right. Still, you misconstrue me somewhat, I mean it's nice to know that there are still people who care enough about freedom and liberty to ruffle the massive machine, it's groups like anonymous and the wonderful public service provided wikileaks that help to keep people a little bit informed of what goes on behind the closed doors of those in power. You know, those people we pay to run our lives...

There are plenty of other things in the real world that bring me hope too, groups like Doctors Without Borders is a good example on the humanitarian end of things, and all those little stories you hear of individual acts of selflessness. That shit really warms the cockles.

Aye, I think I'll be fine without the pills.


New member
Oct 7, 2010
ThePostalDude said:
Mantonio said:
I admit it, I'm a full supporter of Anonymous, and this I enjoy heartily.

It may be a weird, porn filled type of justice, but it is justice nonetheless. Shine on you crazy Internet Super-Consciousness.
The true heroes of our day.
Aye, I second this.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
sleekie said:
Atmos Duality said:
The social link. The weakest part of even the best network security system.

Anonymous exploited the oldest, and sadly, effective trick in the book.
Can't wait for their actions to ultimately end up costing everyone in the end. It'll happen eventually.
You can't wait to blame Anonymous when the government screws you over?

Sure, that makes sense.
Twist words all you want. I'm spin-free here.

I hate what my government (the US) does; every government of that size and scale is full of assholes. But don't think for one second that Anonymous is on "your side" or that they're "heroes" for doing this. For the moment, they're directing their rage towards a "noble goal", but even if things were all peachy, they would get bored and attack something else "for the lulz".

There will be repercussions, and you can bet your ass the general public will pay for it if it escalates. People will blame the government, the government will blame Anonymous; both will be responsible whether you want to admit it or not.


New member
Aug 4, 2009
This somehow reminds me of the part of 1984, when they're plotting against Big Brother, and the disabled TV (that normally monitors all discussions) chimes in with them. Then they all get arrested and tortured.

No, that's not happening to Anonymous. Anonymous is Big Brother in that scenario.


New member
Jan 6, 2010
joebear15 said:
Oh, I didn't take it heart or nuffink, you just made me want to expand upon what I'd said slightly.

I know Anon and wikileaks are separate entities, I was just trying to give a few examples [I ended up editing my post further before I got to your reply, too. Damn the speed of the interwebs!] of things that make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

As for all Mr, Assangue's legal wranglings, I'd hate to speculate, there's no doubt he pissed a lot of powerful people off and they want an example made of him!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Whateveralot said:
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
They never harmed anyone physically. They just wreck parties, that's all.
I think being financially crippled by identity theft by these guys could be just as bad as being hurt physically. Actually, I'd say worse so long as the physical injury being compared isn't life threatening.


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Blitzwing said:
kouriichi said:
Let me just say, i personally think Anonymous is the only thing standing between the goverment, and total control of the internet.

This litterally proves my point. Anonymous is more then just a collection of harmless internet nerds, trolling childrens sites and waging war on snow. No, they are real. And they are here to stay, AND FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE INTERNET AND ITS BRIDGE DWELLING KIND!

And how are they doing that? All Anonymous accomplishes is annoy governments and corporations. If anything they?re giving the government even more reasons to clamp down on the Internet.
The thing is, theyer a deterance.
Its like a thief trying to make money.
Do you rob a gas station, or mug a woman?
The owner of the gas station could have a shotgun, so you dont wanna take that risk.

While Anon exists, and more then that, Openly exists and gives out a constant stream of info, the goverment wont make any huge actions. Its the idea of "better safe then sorry".

"If we lock down the internet all at once, bad things might happen." So insted of just passing a law and locking us down, they have to take control slowly, so that no one notices. And if no one notices, no one fights back.


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Why is everyone calling anonymous a "hive-mind" seriously i dont get it, MOST of them all linger on 4chan boards or IRC channels, just because you dont have to "sign up" or have an identity on the board doesnt mean that you cant track down the person(s) who started the idea.

Its like saying all of us users on the escapist are a hive mind because most of us dont reveal our identity.


Sometimes known as CaitieLou
May 27, 2009
It is really sad to me that this "Internet Security" firm couldn't follow the number one rule of passwords on the Internet, listed on just about every Internet public forum and outlet: NEVER give your passwords to ANYONE who asks, even if they say they are an administrator.