Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
They haven't been taken out for the same reason Al Qaeda hasn't, only moreso.

They aren't "too good", the idiot they sent the email to was just bad.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Consequences. There will be some. I'm not sure which side will win out. The FBI is the freakin' FBI, but you can't kill an idea (you can kill the dude who came up with it, though). Honestly, this isn't worth the debate. We don't know what will happen next, just that SOMETHING will happen next. The FBI does nothing, and Anonymous moves on to other targets, or the FBI punches back, at which point they scare off enough Anon to make a difference or they crack down too hard and in doing so raise support for Anon across all the internet. And it sucks when the internet is your enemy.

But seriously, anything could happen.

maddawg IAJI

I prefer the term "Zomguard"
Feb 12, 2009
Clarity112 said:
The Escapist seems to be slip down the middle, I don't understand that. Anonymous is possibly the last bastion of humanity left in this world, their sticking up for ability to use the internet as is without the fucking government stepping in. Are we really so jaded that we hate the people on our side?
....They stole a man's social security account, hacked his twitter account and then claimed it to be a victory. If they're fighting for us, I'm jumping ship and lighting my modem on fire. I refuse to be part of a group who steals from a person who is doing their job.

They are the worst representatives of the internet one could ask for.


New member
Feb 23, 2010
Greg Tito said:
How exactly do you plan to fight a group that has no organization, Hoglund?
I dunno, by tracking down individual members and making it clear that they are not, in fact anonymous and above the law, thus making it real for them rather than just some lame Internet bullshit prick-waving?


New member
Oct 25, 2009
agnosticOCD said:
Ken Sapp said:
agnosticOCD said:
Ken Sapp said:
agnosticOCD said:
They can't all be found, not at the cost of innocent lives, and I never said Anon had the muscle to take down the government, but a state is proven weak if it resorts to guns to police its people, and Anon wouldn't be out for blood against the US government unless the state has done something that goes too far like martial law or lock down or whatever, and so far Anon has only created movements with other movements, they themselves don't seem to have an agenda other than supporting people.
You would be vastly surprised. I agree that using guns to terrorize its citizenry lead only to the uprising of the citizens against the government oppressing them. The government is not seen as weak when it enforces the law, it is seen as doing its job. The government will not be interested in the pranksters, they are interested in those who are breaking the law and carrying out attacks.
Aye, but it is weak as it would rather resort to violence than providing incentives to its people. Anon is beyond a group of internet pranksters... or at least that's what they try to be.
Who said anything about the government resorting to violence to pursue Anon members. If the government goes after them they will be arrested and brought to trial in court as they should be if they are breaking the law. It is not the government's job to give incentives for good behavior, the government's job is to protect the people.
The government's job is to protect people? I'd be going off-topic from the article if I were to discuss how false that is especially in situations today.
perhaps he should've worded it, "It SHOULD be the government's job to protect the people". You're right, nowadays, the government's job is to do... something. Whatever.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Ancient history lesson here kids, really the only force that can deal with a group of hackers is another group of hackers.


Okay this is ancient history I am going to use to illustrate a point. Truthfully I know there are those who claim that Lex Luthor claims the Great Hacker War never happened, but there seems to be supporting evidence, and truthfully I tend to take any claims from anyone claiming to be, or have been dealing with THE Lex Luthor with a grain of salt.

To put it bluntly the goverment has largely been ineffective in dealing with hackers on any signifigant level. Operation Sun Devil was one of the biggest operations in history, and for the most part it had no real effect, being largely a PR stunt, and most of the arrests and attempted prosecutions wound up failing utterly.

The biggest successes the goverment has had in dealing with hackers has come about as a result of hacker groups going at it with each other, and using the police more or less as a weapon to take each other out. MoD and LoD were two of the baddest groups out there, but to put it bluntly they came to some substantial disagreements and there was a battle between substantial numbers of members of both groups, which ended with a victory for MoD and a lot of hackers either "selling out" and going legit as a dodge (internet security companies) or being arrested largely to what amounted to the efforts of better hackers arranging for them to be caught. This (and the wiki articles) are an extreme simplification of things.

Truthfully, groups like the FBI chasing groups like the "Legion Of Doom" around was the stuff of jokes for a long time, especially during the era of BBS systems before the internet as it exists now as in such heavy use. The whole Steve Jackson Games raid (which was mentioned in their GURPS Cyberpunk book, as the FBI wound up seizing shipments of it) being one of the most lulzworthy events, and got a lot of RPG players who formerly had no interest looking at the whole hacker thing with amusement.

The point here is that whether I agree with everything Anonymous does nor not, I don't think the FBI or the goverment can really do much of anything, their track record is pretty abysmal and always has been. Their massive search streak here, and the arrests in the UK, seems very "Operation Sun Devil" like in of the fact that it's done to show them doing something, but I have seen no evidence of anything of substance coming from it. Anonymous is still operating, it's still effective, and there doesn't seem to have been any real convictions, and with the increasingly public/flashy nature of what's going on, if the FBI had something that solid where they even thought they were going to be getting probable convictions they would be shouting it from the rooftops I'd think.

Now truthfully if I was coordinating this for the goverment, and following hacker activity, I'd probably look at other groups with a strong, illegal internet prescence, and see if I could find a way to engineer a war, and use the fallout to get the people involved. Not the best plan in the world, but the bottom line their own tactics pretty much don't work. What you'd really need is another big group of anonymous hackers who use similar tricks to weed out the "hordes of B" and find out who the real threats are. A war between two groups would ultimatly come down to the best people on each side gradually hunting down and trying to
deal with each other.

I'll also be honest in saying that Anonymous does seem like an evolution of the "ancient" groups, that is a huge horde of people for the dangerous ones to hide in. What's more the "we are anonymous" mask tends to be a lot smarter than people using specific handles in their work, so you could say try and track down or trump "the hacker using this name". Way back when that was kind of cool, and gave an illusion of invincibility, but as any comic book fan can tell you guys like "The Riddler" who absolutly HAVE to leave behind personal trademarks (riddles) aren't as effective as those who don't leave any trace, or blend in with everything else perfectly (which is sort of what Anonymous does). Not a perfect analogy, but I hopefully convey my thoughts effectively.

As I've said, I think a lot of what Anonymous has done is cool, but I don't support them in everything they've done, and have never harboured any illlusions of them being a group of philanthropic freedom fighters, due to looking at more of their "body of work" than just the recent events that have been getting them more public attention. I think defending Wikileaks was a BAD move and highly irresponsible for example. The point of this rant however is that I don't agree with those who think that the FBI or the goverment's ire should be something that worries them, because really, it doesn't appear that the goverment has gotten any better at dealing with this kind of thing than it's ever been. I will be very surprised if the US goverment or those of it's allied nations does anything signifigantly effective, because honestly the goverment's techniques have never been all that effective, going back decades now. If the goverment wants to even slow Anonymous down it has to start thinking way outside of the box it's set for itself, I'm hardly a genius and my plan about trying to set up a hacker war to nail people is doubtlessly stupid, but it's ideas along those lines as opposed to conventional security and investigative methods that are going to yield any results.

To some extent I mention ancient history (especially in computer terms) because I think this is one of those cases where we're seeing history kind of repete itself, with the FBI running around chasing hackers ineffectively and setting itself up for a Lollercaust. While definatly differant in both form and function, I can't help but wonder if Anonymous will ever become quite the "Road Runner" to the goverment's "Wile E Coyote" that LoD was.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Daemascus said:
Dont this people have anything better to do? If they used all that time and energy on legal things they could make lots of money.
I agree here. They think they're some kind of rebel group rallying against oppresive and secretive governments and corporations, but really, they're just being dicks. I'm sure they'll be put on the terrorist list soon. Anyone who thinks this isn't an organization is wrong. You don't hack the system of a computer security firm and not have a moderate sized group and some organization. This isn't the movie "Hackers", get fucking real.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
joebear15 said:
MajoraPersona said:
This somehow reminds me of the part of 1984, when they're plotting against Big Brother, and the disabled TV (that normally monitors all discussions) chimes in with them. Then they all get arrested and tortured.

No, that's not happening to Anonymous. Anonymous is Big Brother in that scenario.
Anon is Big Brother then what would the FBI be?? (I think the annalogy is not a good one in this situation)
kouriichi said:
Blitzwing said:
kouriichi said:
Let me just say, i personally think Anonymous is the only thing standing between the goverment, and total control of the internet.

This litterally proves my point. Anonymous is more then just a collection of harmless internet nerds, trolling childrens sites and waging war on snow. No, they are real. And they are here to stay, AND FIGHT FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE INTERNET AND ITS BRIDGE DWELLING KIND!

And how are they doing that? All Anonymous accomplishes is annoy governments and corporations. If anything they?re giving the government even more reasons to clamp down on the Internet.
The thing is, theyer a deterance.
Its like a thief trying to make money.
Do you rob a gas station, or mug a woman?
The owner of the gas station could have a shotgun, so you dont wanna take that risk.

While Anon exists, and more then that, Openly exists and gives out a constant stream of info, the goverment wont make any huge actions. Its the idea of "better safe then sorry".

"If we lock down the internet all at once, bad things might happen." So insted of just passing a law and locking us down, they have to take control slowly, so that no one notices. And if no one notices, no one fights back.
I'm sorry, that's a little like saying that an attack dog won't rip your genitals off so long as you're spraying in it's face, it would rather sit back and nibble on you a piece at a time while savoring a fine wine and reading the Wall Street Journal. As opposed to ripping your genitals off and swallowing them whole.

You see, the government is not subtle. It is not clever. It has all the refinement of three FBI agents kicking in your door at 7am, shoving loaded 9mm semiautomatic weapons in your face, and screaming at you to comply.

agnosticOCD said:
Ken Sapp said:
agnosticOCD said:
Ken Sapp said:
agnosticOCD said:
Ken Sapp said:
agnosticOCD said:
They can't all be found, not at the cost of innocent lives, and I never said Anon had the muscle to take down the government, but a state is proven weak if it resorts to guns to police its people, and Anon wouldn't be out for blood against the US government unless the state has done something that goes too far like martial law or lock down or whatever, and so far Anon has only created movements with other movements, they themselves don't seem to have an agenda other than supporting people.
You would be vastly surprised. I agree that using guns to terrorize its citizenry lead only to the uprising of the citizens against the government oppressing them. The government is not seen as weak when it enforces the law, it is seen as doing its job. The government will not be interested in the pranksters, they are interested in those who are breaking the law and carrying out attacks.
Aye, but it is weak as it would rather resort to violence than providing incentives to its people. Anon is beyond a group of internet pranksters... or at least that's what they try to be.
Who said anything about the government resorting to violence to pursue Anon members. If the government goes after them they will be arrested and brought to trial in court as they should be if they are breaking the law. It is not the government's job to give incentives for good behavior, the government's job is to protect the people.
The government's job is to protect people? I'd be going off-topic from the article if I were to discuss how false that is especially in situations today.
The purpose of government is to protect the rights and freedoms of the people as defined by its founding documents and the law.
Aye, that's how its define, but is that what those put in power are doing though? The internet is a constant threat to people holding government positions, and control over the internet would be a joyous advantage for governments. I'm not one of those NWO conspiracy theorists, but once a government has control of the internet, the last of its interests will be protecting the rights of people under the forced collective. Laws written on paper do not stop men from using such to their advantage at the expense of another.
No, laws don't, but the courts do. That's kinda the way constitutional law in this country is written. Someone does something, or passes a law they think is legal. Someone else hits them in the face with a shovel. They go to court, and fifteen years later we get a ruling from the court saying either that, "yeah, the law's fine, stop hitting people in the face with shovels," or, "no the law wasn't fine, here, give me that shovel."


New member
Nov 18, 2009
spartan773 said:
Tenky said:
I want Anonymous to be the global internet authority... they are fair, reasonable, and take no sides, just equality.

Best of all... they're not governed or goverment... they are everyday joes! :)
and we'd all be forced to possibly chastize african-americans and gays and lesbians.

doesn't sound great does it?
Umm you do know that Anonymous does that as a joke right? A really rascist joke but onme nontheless. They are one of the more multi-cultural communitys not in name but in numbers.


New member
Oct 29, 2009
Clarity112 said:
The Escapist seems to be slip down the middle, I don't understand that. Anonymous is possibly the last bastion of humanity left in this world, their sticking up for ability to use the internet as is without the fucking government stepping in. Are we really so jaded that we hate the people on our side?
Whaaaaaat???? How are they sticking up for fair use of the internet without control? They are doing all the things that have forced restrictions on the internet. Plus, the US already has net neutrality laws that say there are no restrictions!

Humanity is helping people after a natural disaster. Humanity is adopting a child. Humanity is not damaging a company, stealing people's personal information, taunting the FBI, and then claiming a victory for internet use and freedom of information and speech. These people are not on my side. If I knew someone who was in this group, I would out them in an instant.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
obisean said:
Just because you cut the head off the snake, doesn't mean there are not 1 million other snakes ready to take up the mantle.
you forget that the FBI has the ability to take a flame-thrower to almost every snake out there, by the end of this, the few snakes that are left will go into hiding, or simply phase out. though I do agree, for now this will be quite entertaining.

[sub] I hope that this line on it's own can't be taken too far out of context if it is, I'm sorry[/sub]


New member
Mar 29, 2009
nicholaxxx said:
obisean said:
Just because you cut the head off the snake, doesn't mean there are not 1 million other snakes ready to take up the mantle.
you forget that the FBI has the ability to take a flame-thrower to almost every snake out there, by the end of this, the few snakes that are left will go into hiding, or simply phase out. though I do agree, for now this will be quite entertaining.

[sub] I hope that this line on it's own can't be taken too far out of context if it is, I'm sorry[/sub]
seriously doubt they have enough flame throwers for this.
all the FBI can do is point their wussy guns at people ... some intelligence agency are they..
buncha rookies with guns and a permit to trash your house.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
phoenix352 said:
nicholaxxx said:
obisean said:
Just because you cut the head off the snake, doesn't mean there are not 1 million other snakes ready to take up the mantle.
you forget that the FBI has the ability to take a flame-thrower to almost every snake out there, by the end of this, the few snakes that are left will go into hiding, or simply phase out. though I do agree, for now this will be quite entertaining.

[sub] I hope that this line on it's own can't be taken too far out of context if it is, I'm sorry[/sub]
seriously doubt they have enough flame throwers for this.
all the FBI can do is point their wussy guns at people ... some intelligence agency are they..
buncha rookies with guns and a permit to trash your house.
Still your house is trashed, and you have a gun in your face, while the FBI is munchin' on everything in your fridge, and takin' your computer, your phone, your laptop, your 360, your DS... and leaving you with... well, nothing.

So what if they didn't get everyone. They got you, and now your life is effectively over. Enjoy.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
phoenix352 said:
nicholaxxx said:
obisean said:
Just because you cut the head off the snake, doesn't mean there are not 1 million other snakes ready to take up the mantle.
you forget that the FBI has the ability to take a flame-thrower to almost every snake out there, by the end of this, the few snakes that are left will go into hiding, or simply phase out. though I do agree, for now this will be quite entertaining.

[sub] I hope that this line on it's own can't be taken too far out of context if it is, I'm sorry[/sub]
seriously doubt they have enough flame throwers for this.
all the FBI can do is point there wussy guns at people ... some intelligence agency are they..
buncha rookies with guns and a permit to trash your house.
regardless of whether or not you are correct, I find the thought of the government winning this battle more comforting than a bunch of over-privileged hackers winning.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
sleekie said:
Well, that's quite a few words you typed there, but it didn't really have much content, did it? I mean, there's a nice strawman, and some dark, theatrical threats that Anonymous will Do Something. Well, yeah. Business as usual with Anon, really.
Strawman? Only if you take my point out of context.

Here, let me spell it out for you:
Anonymous's little hacking action isn't going to do anything other than provide an excuse for the government to implement more restrictive laws on the internet. Anonymous won't write the laws, they won't enact the laws, and they won't enforce the laws, but they will act as a catalyst for said laws.

This sort of reactionary bullshit has happened before.
The government used 9/11 as an excuse to enable the Patriot Act (which in itself was a horrific violation of rights).
While Anonymous's actions are nowhere near the magnitude of 9/11, the same premise and reasoning fits. Someone committed a crime that pissed off the US government, and the government used it as leverage.

In short: Anonymous is not helping anyone acquire more "internet freedom" through these actions, no matter how "trivial" they are (and let us hope the US government considers them trivial).


New member
Feb 6, 2009
Starke said:
phoenix352 said:
nicholaxxx said:
obisean said:
Just because you cut the head off the snake, doesn't mean there are not 1 million other snakes ready to take up the mantle.
you forget that the FBI has the ability to take a flame-thrower to almost every snake out there, by the end of this, the few snakes that are left will go into hiding, or simply phase out. though I do agree, for now this will be quite entertaining.

[sub] I hope that this line on it's own can't be taken too far out of context if it is, I'm sorry[/sub]
seriously doubt they have enough flame throwers for this.
all the FBI can do is point their wussy guns at people ... some intelligence agency are they..
buncha rookies with guns and a permit to trash your house.
Still your house is trashed, and you have a gun in your face, while the FBI is munchin' on everything in your fridge, and takin' your computer, your phone, your laptop, your 360, your DS... and leaving you with... well, nothing.

So what if they didn't get everyone. They got you, and now your life is effectively over. Enjoy.
They be takin your computer, snatching you 360 up. Better hide yo wife, hide yo kids, and hide yo husband.