Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm

Addicted Muffin

New member
Nov 6, 2010
shakaar9267 said:
Daemascus said:
Dont this people have anything better to do? If they used all that time and energy on legal things they could make lots of money.
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
Agreed. 'Anonymous' are really just criminals who use ID theft to fund their crimes. Calling themselves 'heroes' is insulting to anybody who works for a living.
Funds? ID theft?

Anonymous does what they do for free, they have no need to steal IDs. They posted this man's personal information to say, "Hey, you underestimated us. We're stronger than you think"

They have no need for funds as they are not an organized group.

Crime? These are the people who are stopping a censored internet. Have you heard of the ACTA? If something like that were to pass in one nation, the whole world would see that it's possible and then enact their own ACTA on their nations internets. Sites like youtube and many others that several people have come to love, would be forced to be blocked. If you want more information, look up ACTA or just Message me.

Sure, the way Anonymous goes about their bussiness isnt exactly legal, sometimes, but what they do is for the greater good.

Anonymous isnt out to ruin lives. They're like the dark knights of the world, they see a law being discussed that will limit freedom in the world, they try to stop it, they see a kid abusing his cat for lulz, they send that kid to juvie.

People have let the twisted lies that the media has put out about anonymous fill their heads.

The simple truth behind Anonymous is, they enjoy their freedom, and will fight to the death to preserve it...

and to all those who state that Anonymous will end with the internet, you are wrong. You have merely taken away one of the ways to meet, the way that keeps them from being an unorganized jumble. If you leave them without the internet, they WILL find ways to meet, and they WILL become organized.

This being said, I fully support Anonymous, carry on the good work brothers.... "brofist", you've earned it.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Jesus? Seriously.

A security firm actually fell for that? We learned that in our first lesson of IT GCSE right before I quit(it was just too easy... there's a limit) I now take Computing at A level and just yesterday going over the theory it was there again.

That guy doesn't deserve his job. I feel no sympathy.

And Go Anonymous!


New member
Jul 19, 2009
In response to any who thing Anonymous could be disbanded or stopped:

Truly they are some kind of hive mind/collective thing. There is no ending it.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Honestly, the way I see it, the longer this goes on, the more support Anon is going to get. I went from not caring, to now slight supporter. This keeps up, the more my support is going to go the Anon side. Welcome to the internet.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Look, people, Anonymous is not a group in real sense. There's no membership of anonymous. They aren't an organization. There's no leader. Talking about it like some sort of a single, coherent, organized group is silly and only proves the person's ingnorance of the subject. Anonymous is not some sort of an internet terrorist group with clear goals.
What Anonymous is, is a label. It's a category of people on the internet. When somebody pulls out the old "We are Anonymous, we are a legion!" stuff, it does not mean he's pledging his service to some secret underground movement. You get Anonymous when you get enough people throwing shit on the internet. One instance of Anon is not the same as the other. It's people under a label.
Have you ever been Anonymous? Quite possibly. You might not even realize it. It's not exactly hard to be one, nor will there be some sort of a membership or announcement. Anonymous is not a title of a person. You may call yourself Anonymous, but that amounts to nothing.

On the more nihilist side of things, Anonymous consists mostly of what could be labeled as antisocial nerds. I should know, I've been one (until I lost interest and mostly forgot about 4chan. Which also isn't some horrid mouth of Internet Hell as some people seem to think). It's mostly a way for the socially challenged and other "basement dwellers" to feel like they're doing something big and making a difference. Or at least, it's that way today.
Anonymous having causes is something of a new thing. Anonymous started simply as people on 4chan posting as anonymous. That was it. Mostly about stupid, inconsequential stuff. Then people started getting the idea that raiding Habbo or calling people fags and posting porn on a christian forum wasn't enough and they should be some sort of a superforce on teh Intarwebs.


New member
Nov 28, 2009
Agreed. I wouldn't want people looking up my personal stuff just because I happen to be looking at some things Anonymous is doing or are doing ( not that I have its only an example ) Its like hacking the person who stole your identity.

Super Jamz

New member
Apr 16, 2009
I particularly like the profile picture on Barr's twitter currently, not to to mention the 'ultimatum' issued on there.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
Blazeaga said:
I don't really understand why america or like the goverment is attack anon, is it 4chan only or are there many many other sites similar? Because i guess when they attack sites it could cause major hassels for some people but can't that be done with simple asking them to stop instead of threats? anyways if any one would kindly tell me the reasons on both sides i would gladly read them and apreciate it

i find this funny :D
It's semi-independent from 4chan, but they, at least used to, lurk and rally there. But, regardless, it's gone a bit past the kind words stage.
Addicted Muffin said:
shakaar9267 said:
Daemascus said:
Dont this people have anything better to do? If they used all that time and energy on legal things they could make lots of money.
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
Agreed. 'Anonymous' are really just criminals who use ID theft to fund their crimes. Calling themselves 'heroes' is insulting to anybody who works for a living.
Funds? ID theft?

Anonymous does what they do for free, they have no need to steal IDs. They posted this man's personal information to say, "Hey, you underestimated us. We're stronger than you think"

They have no need for funds as they are not an organized group.
They may not need to, but they did steal identity information, some of which they published, both in this case and earlier with the attacks on Mastercard and Visa. So, yeah, your "heroes" are (in these cases) acting like common muggers. Now, when presented with this fact, you can whine or cry about how the "big bad world" just doesn't understand them or you can understand that these are not white knights trying to save the world, just entitled little brats out to score some moolah while hiding behind noble sounding statements.
Addicted Muffin said:
Crime? These are the people who are stopping a censored internet. Have you heard of the ACTA? If something like that were to pass in one nation, the whole world would see that it's possible and then enact their own ACTA on their nations internets. Sites like youtube and many others that several people have come to love, would be forced to be blocked. If you want more information, look up ACTA or just Message me.
Because god forbid you have to actually pay for the content you consume. Youtube is protected from the DCMA by compliance with the Safe Harbor provisions.

Or are you going to seriously try to argue that there is such a thing as no copyright laws?

Addicted Muffin said:
Sure, the way Anonymous goes about their bussiness isnt exactly legal, sometimes, but what they do is for the greater good.
Yeah, just like every one else who has encouraged sacrifices in the name of the greater good, like, say, China, and the glorious cultural revolution. Oh, right, people starving to death on mass for the "greater good", what fucking good?

You cannot sacrifice your ethics to do something greater. You can't sacrifice the smaller ideals to protect larger ones, because without the smaller ideals there's nothing left to sustain the larger ones. There is no legitimate sacrifice for the greater good that is itself a criminal action. Just ask our last executive.

Finally, Anonymous isn't out to free the world from tyranny, these are the same entitled little shits that think its a fine old time to bully and harass a teenage girl because she won't get naked for them. Yeah, sorry, but is this really your image of a hero? People so noble they have to bully and harass girls to feel bigger about themselves? That's a hell of a character standard you're setting there.

Addicted Muffin said:
Anonymous isnt out to ruin lives.
Well, they may not be trying, but goddamn if they aren't succeeding. They're getting people fucking killed in Africa, all in the name of "helping them". It's like American foreign policy, only without any upside.
Addicted Muffin said:
They're like the dark knights of the world, they see a law being discussed that will limit freedom in the world, they try to stop it, they see a kid abusing his cat for lulz, they send that kid to juvie.
They see a girl wearing a shirt and they piss on her to take it off... yeah, real fuckin' heroes you've got there.

Addicted Muffin said:
People have let the twisted lies that the media has put out about anonymous fill their heads.
Yes, lies, you mean like the transparent ones they fed to their own members about what to say to get out of police investigations? Because that's not going to end well either.

Addicted Muffin said:
The simple truth behind Anonymous is, they enjoy their freedom, and will fight to the death to preserve it...
Yes, but they're not the ones dying. They've figured out how to make other people die for them, so it's not like they're risking a goddamn thing, they're just fucking people over and getting them killed for the lulz.
Addicted Muffin said:
and to all those who state that Anonymous will end with the internet, you are wrong. You have merely taken away one of the ways to meet, the way that keeps them from being an unorganized jumble. If you leave them without the internet, they WILL find ways to meet, and they WILL become organized.
Beware the wrath of the kitten brigade? Or should we fear that a couple dozen overweight teenagers will overthrow the government with some airsoft guns? No, if they leave the internet they will die or spend the rest of their lives in prison. That's why they're hiding on the internet, because they think (incorrectly) that it can protect them. That simply isn't the case anymore, as they're rapidly finding out.

Addicted Muffin said:
This being said, I fully support Anonymous, carry on the good work brothers.... "brofist", you've earned it.
No fucking shit, really. Why am I not surprised?


New member
Nov 1, 2007
vrbtny said:
I sort of see this as a huge troll wars. I have both respects for both sides, but it is a bit like that.

On a side note -- a challenge for "Anonymous."

'Hey guys? How about putting all your amazing haxoring ability into cracking some terrorists sites? Or China's?

I'm sure the FBI would be your best buds then.
I was kind of thinking that it's a shame that the FBI doesn't just employ them to go apeshit on people we don't like.

When you have a group of talented folks and you try to arrest them you really aren't winning any battles.

Sure they go in jail, but what do you get? A victory that nobody remembers and another bill to pay.


Bearer of Pointed Commentary
Jul 13, 2008
Simriel said:
Arresting 40 members of anon
Is forty guys willing to squeal like pigs to get out of what their friends got them into. Except, in Anon, there are of course no friends. -:)


New member
Nov 18, 2009
-Samurai- said:
I can't wait till life bites these stupid kids in the ass.

When the government decides to start pushing ISPs to police their users activities, you can all thank this group of would-be e-vigilantes.

The phrase of the day is; "counter productivity".
except that that is pointless as again they'll just work around it.

it's much in the same way the only people anti piracy measures hurt are the paying customer.

the fact is that for alot of these situations the company has provoked them to begin with.

Trying to filter the internet in australia, this an other things have been a start by the other side and then anonymous has pushed back sure it's not always the case.

But it's much like David and Goliath. The Big Bully decides to try and do something and then surprisingly they meet some resistance which make them even angrier.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
OldRat said:
Look, people, Anonymous is not a group in real sense. There's no membership of anonymous. They aren't an organization. There's no leader. Talking about it like some sort of a single, coherent, organized group is silly and only proves the person's ingnorance of the subject. Anonymous is not some sort of an internet terrorist group with clear goals.
What Anonymous is, is a label. It's a category of people on the internet. When somebody pulls out the old "We are Anonymous, we are a legion!" stuff, it does not mean he's pledging his service to some secret underground movement. You get Anonymous when you get enough people throwing shit on the internet. One instance of Anon is not the same as the other. It's people under a label.
Have you ever been Anonymous? Quite possibly. You might not even realize it. It's not exactly hard to be one, nor will there be some sort of a membership or announcement. Anonymous is not a title of a person. You may call yourself Anonymous, but that amounts to nothing.
You know there's more than one kind of asbestos? Funny thing, there are actually numerous different materials that fall under that name. One of them has this fibrous structure that if it gets in your lungs does really nasty things to it. Other kinds are used in construction. Now, the law doesn't care that there's different kinds of asbestos, nor does it care that the kind that is harmful was never used in construction. The law says asbestos is illegal. Now, the reason I'm telling you is this: the government doesn't care that Anonymous doesn't think it is an organization, or doesn't believe it has an internal structure. The government is so beneficent that it will create one for you. Further the argument that it isn't a group is seriously undermined every time they put out another press release. The behavior they exhibit is of an organization, and the government (and the law), don't care that you don't believe it's an organization, they can prove it is.

What's more, because it can be proved to be an organization, and because Anon has violated the laws in enough ways that the RICO act picks up on, everyone who ever flew the banner can be targeted for any action committed by any of its members in its name. So, at the end of the day, it doesn't mater what you think about it being a group, it is a group, and it's about to be saddled with every act committed by people claiming membership credibly.
OldRat said:
On the more nihilist side of things, Anonymous consists mostly of what could be labeled as antisocial nerds. I should know, I've been one (until I lost interest and mostly forgot about 4chan. Which also isn't some horrid mouth of Internet Hell as some people seem to think). It's mostly a way for the socially challenged and other "basement dwellers" to feel like they're doing something big and making a difference. Or at least, it's that way today.
Anonymous having causes is something of a new thing. Anonymous started simply as people on 4chan posting as anonymous. That was it. Mostly about stupid, inconsequential stuff. Then people started getting the idea that raiding Habbo or calling people fags and posting porn on a christian forum wasn't enough and they should be some sort of a superforce on teh Intarwebs.
And that was the moment this situation got set in motion.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
theultimateend said:
vrbtny said:
I sort of see this as a huge troll wars. I have both respects for both sides, but it is a bit like that.

On a side note -- a challenge for "Anonymous."

'Hey guys? How about putting all your amazing haxoring ability into cracking some terrorists sites? Or China's?

I'm sure the FBI would be your best buds then.
I was kind of thinking that it's a shame that the FBI doesn't just employ them to go apeshit on people we don't like.

When you have a group of talented folks and you try to arrest them you really aren't winning any battles.

Sure they go in jail, but what do you get? A victory that nobody remembers and another bill to pay.
Except these aren't talented individuals. These are not the hackers that danced around the FBI 20 years ago. These are script kiddies, and one guy who was able to spoof an email. That isn't a job qualification for the FBI.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
People are still confusing anonymous with 4chan. Several news outlets have started to catch on this movement is separate to 4chan. Maybe you should to.

4chan is not a base for anonymous. We are AnonOps, not 4chan.

Regarding mastercard / visa and other DDoS protest.

The point of this Operation was to hinder the public face of the companies to draw media attention to what they did to wikileaks. Not to harm infrastructure that people use day to day.

Comparable to a sit-in, DDoS protesters disrupt business or government actions by obstructing the flow of normal traffic, in order to make a political point. Anonymous will fight against censorship and oppression. The truth is too important. To quote Bradley Manning "I want people to see the truth because without information you cannot make informed decisions as a public."

reddit: First you've got the 4chan Anonymous. They're like /r/f7u12, /r/atheism, and /r/circlejerk combined with the moral compass of any other hivemind. They're mainly trolls, not harmless but not vicious unless you do something to really piss them off. Their raids are more for fun and on an individual level (Habbo Hotel, that teacher who was a financial dominatrix, the cat abusers, etc).

Then you've got AnonOps / IRC Anonymous. They're more focused on political issues, not conservative but fans of individual freedom and transparency of government. They're not exactly well-organised but when they latch onto an issue they go for the throat until it becomes boring. They're still trolls, but they're trolls with botnets.


New member
Dec 22, 2009
They ought to just pass a law making it legal to kill Anon members.

Let's see if they keep their bravado then.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
If you have a problem. I am open to suggestions for other practical ways we could help with wikileaks and the other issues we are involved in.