Anonymous Strikes Back, Hacks "Internet Security" Firm


New member
Sep 11, 2008
obisean said:
IMO the best option is to leave it alone, and bust who you can when you find them. Going after them when they are in a "vegetative" state only inspires more dick-headery and leads to things like this.
No, the best thing is to find them in spite of their attempts to remain anonymous, punish them severely for whatever crimes they've committed, and leave them as examples to others of their ilk. Just leaving them alone won't work because asshats of this nature will always seek out new victims to alleviate their boredom. They're like bullies, and being nice or ignoring them just won't work.

Frankly I don't think Anonymous is half as good as they're puffing themselves up to be--they're just a bunch of disorganized jerks, after all. They just took advantage of employees that got too complacent for their own good. But the most ridiculous part of this how they're also acting like they're upholding some grand cause or something. They're not. They don't stand for anything at all, except for their own whims and petty acts of spite, and anyone who believes otherwise needs a serious reality check.

Bretty said:
This company thought it found a way to make a name and money... instead they found a fight. Something tells me they will be changing direction soon enough.
I wouldn't bet on it. And furthermore, if I want someone to defend my "Interwebz Rights" or whatever, it's not going to be these Anonymous pricks. I don't want them and I don't need them. Besides, their definition of freedom is suspect in the first place, given how they'll do their script kiddie BS on anyone who dares to speak out against them or whatever political demagogues Anon has decided they like.

Crossing for my fingers for more Anonymous arrests, hahaha!


New member
Feb 8, 2011
You have seen the internal email lulz right?
Internal Email lulz:

Informative article on this:

Another good article on this:
The compiled report along with the identities of the so called ?high ranking? members were openly distributed by Anonymous, nullifying the price-tag the FBI was meant to pay but also severely damaging the credibility of the report. Since the terrorist attack on the World Trade Centre in 2001, privacy laws in the US have gradually eroded. Critical aspects of the investigation conducted by HBGary would simply be illegal in most countries.

Control of information is critical in corrupt governance as was demonstrated in Egypt when the Mubarak dictatorship used the very controversial ?Internet kill switch?.

Anonymous is a leaderless, hierarchy-less group where good ideas and bad ideas are naturally permeated or ignored respectively. Any form of directorship is quickly quelled as pride is one of the few taboos in the Anonymous community.
Except the article referees to anonymous as a anarchist movement. ffs, they should stop putting labels on anons. "hackers" "terrorist" "4chan" "anarchist" - None of are them are helpful or accurate. "Hacktivist" wasn't so bad I guess.

A lot of you have little idea to the extent of what AnonOps gets up to. You hear about the DDoS attacks because we want you to. As I already said, it was for the media articles to draw attention to what was done to wikileaks. What you don't hear about are the countless smaller things anons have done. I can't list them all because there is too many but here are some of them:

*Faxing information to Egyptians on how to connect to international dial-up. Faxing Cables to Egypt: This was done to inform the public of more Government corruption to gain support for the revolution.

*Developed software for Tunisia in relation to stopping censorship and phishing scripts put in place by their corrupt government.

*Contributing to the Tor network to help those in countries like Tunisia experiencing censorship.

Anonymous flyers provide practical and tactical advice for confronting riot police, and besieging government offices Illustration from an Egypt protest leaflet Egyptians have been urged to come out after Friday prayers tomorrow and demand the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak's government, along with freedom, justice and a democratic regime. Anonymous leaflets circulating in Cairo also provide practical and tactical advice for mass demonstrations, confronting riot police, and besieging and taking control of government offices....
But it is on the internet that a new generation of activists has been credited with driving the movement forward. A steady flow of protest videos, tweets, and political manifestos has continued to make its way onto the web in a variety of languages: Arabic, the Darija Tunisian dialect, French and English.
In Egypt:


New member
Mar 28, 2009
nightwolf667 said:
TheRealCJ said:
tony2077 said:
wow anonymous really needs to be taken out there too dangerous and too good at what they do
Nah, they're too busy being "funny" to actually do any real damage.
No but they can certainly do a lot of damage by being stupid. Namely in Tunisia, Egypt, and Zimbabwe where they have been instituting attacks against those governments' websites. Resulting in: you guessed it, more crackdowns, more activists being rounded up (the very ones anon claims they were doing these actions in the service of), and people being disappeared. Anonymous has unwittingly aided in the murders of people in Tunisia and Egypt. I count that as doing real damage.
Fair enough.

I really don't follow them, so I can't tell you what they do and don't do aside from the occasional escapist news post.
Jun 15, 2009
Once again, a thread that contributes to the mistaken glory of /b/. Doesn't anyone know you can go onto their decrepid shithole of a website and see how pathetic half of the shit on there is? Sure, displays like this are impressive but that's like saying EVE online is the coolest game ever because once in a blue moon some big corporation gets destroyed from the inside.
Anonymous implies there are thousands of them, when in actual fact it's just a few geniuses surrounded by oceans of faeces and people who want to do something but are far too passive to do anything but DDoS servers (WHICH ISN'T FUCKING HARD)


New member
Feb 8, 2011
I guess you missed the part where this isn't 4chan chester.

AnonOps Press release on this:

ANONYMOUS doesn't believe hacking is the solution, But if there are media articles, then attention is brought to the injustice in Tunisia.+ It can be of some use for Tunisians who come out on the streets and make their voices heard. I really don't think anyone genuinely believes hacking can change the world :)... But I see your point. ANONYMOUS just tries to help in the fight for freedom.

If you have some realistic, practical suggestions on how Anonymous can better spend their time trying to help with wikileaks, egypt etc - I am all ears, or eyes in this case, lol.

Anton P. Nym

New member
Sep 18, 2007
Blitzwing said:
Ponce Master-General said:
Anonymous rules. They're like the pirates of the internets (not torrent pirates, real fucking pirates). I fucking love pirates.
Oh so their like a bunch of raping, pillaging criminals then? Good to know.
I would use the term "lynch mob", myself. I think that adequately captures the mentality of Anonymous when they indulge in cybervigilantism like this.

-- Steve

Marik Bentusi

Senior Member
Aug 20, 2010
Aside from the hilarious irony of hacking security experts, I am truly fascinated by "Anonymous". Not because of what they do, but because of the idea behind it that makes me believe Cyberpunk is knocking on our door. And of course the self-image of Anonymous being a vigilant group makes for interesting moral debates from time to time.

Oh and since The Escapist is a lovely nerd magnet, anyone think you could call this a Stand Alone Complex?


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Anton, maybe you're right but when this arrogant "security expert" Arron is openly saying he infiltrated anonymous and gained intel of their leaders. Then plan to sell the information to the FBI. I think that is grounds for being taught a lesson. I mean just check his internal emails.

I see anons may have made an enemy here but from his previous actions. I don't think its of much concern.

From IRC negotiations with Penny. The security companies representative:
I mean come on, Penny, I messaged Aaron in PM and told him about a "secret" Washington OP, then he emailed the company (including you) being entirely confident that we were directly threatening you, and he thought we didn't know who he was.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
The Wykydtron said:
teh_Canape said:
The Wykydtron said:
I fucking love Anon's sense of poetic justice, it's just so hilarious to watch

Also your move FBI... Your move...
for some reason, I read that and I instantly pictured Sam Fisher and both red and blue Third Echelons infiltrating into a facility and setting bombs into anonymous' main servers

also, you keep on taunting FBI

they might even create shodan just to take them down

jesus what the fuck is going on in my mind

Man that would awesome, pity the next move will probably be something like "FBI captures 50 Anon members who forgot to mask their IP address"

Then Anon will do something else fucking awesome like hacking the American President's Facebook account and changing his status to I suk ballzzzz... Shit now i really want that to happen...
'mask their ip adress'
is that even possible for DDos attacks? isent ddosing more like a child continually teling you his name and thats the thing tha drives you mad and lets you jump off a cliff XD?


New member
Dec 15, 2009
I don't care for Anonymous nor the "Internet Security" firm, but this is a damn good show to watch.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
thahat said:
'mask their ip adress'
is that even possible for DDos attacks? isent ddosing more like a child continually teling you his name and thats the thing tha drives you mad and lets you jump off a cliff XD?
More like them and 30k of their buddies yelling "what?" over and over at you. But, yeah, no, it's really not possible to conceal your IP address during a DDOS except by not participating in it. Though part of the point is that a lot of the attackers are unwitting.


New member
Feb 8, 2011
Starke said:
Though part of the point is that a lot of the attackers are unwitting.
That is not true (unless you are talking about the zombie botnets), DDoS protesters are informed on ways to show another IP other then their own. Things like using a free VPN service or a public wireless network. They are also reminded of this.

From IRC:
Remember that DDoS IS illegal, and don't get cocky, protect yourselves


New member
Dec 10, 2010
Strake sorry i'm not good at quoting yet but what u said to addicted muffin was both knowledgeable and informed, i thank you for writing it and i am more informed and see more sides to it, thank you and keep at it :D my own opinon i dont think they are the worst type of people but i dont think they are bad guys either


New member
May 17, 2010
-Samurai- said:
I can't wait till life bites these stupid kids in the ass.

When the government decides to start pushing ISPs to police their users activities, you can all thank this group of would-be e-vigilantes.

The phrase of the day is; "counter productivity".
Don't be an idiot, governments have been trying to force a complete takeover of ISP's since the internet fucking began, all that's changed is they've now hired PR people who can convince Joe Moron that it's for his own good. Piracy hurts content producers! - apart from the new study in Japan showing that piracy helps DVD sales. Wikileaks is spying on our government! - yes, and the government spies on us, and the tabloids spy on everybody, wikileaks is just evening the playing field. Anonymous are....anonymous, and that's bad! - No, that's very, very good. I may not agree with everything they do, but they're a net-benefit in every term other than publicity for 'net culture.


New member
May 19, 2009
Ok them hunting someone down, alright illegal but go ahead.
But compromising someones private life is out of the question. They aren't just proving a point anymore, they are being a dickheads who so fight for their anonymity by revealing others.

Like I said before they are fighting against nuclear bombs by detonating one. They are hypocrites, they have gone strain from their original idea.
Aug 26, 2008
Exactly. Persecute people for trolling and this is what you get. CRY MOAR. Fully behind anon on this. Grind these fuckers into the ground, destroy everything they have.