As a matter of fact that's one of my current projects. Throughout my life I've always asserted that I was a lousy artist but a couple of months ago I realized that I'd never much tried to draw. Since then I've started doodling and have studied a book on drawing. I'd like to become proficient at it.
Do you have any similar ongoing projects for developing skills just for the sake of developing them? Self-improvement projects count!
Teoes said:
Here's a link to Google Images of the Ruby Throated Hummingbirds that are continually hovering around my back porch from dawn to dusk. There are two who continually fight for ownership of the Nectar Feeder I hung up. I haven't yet identified the third (and different) hummingbird who the other two keep chasing off. It's slightly larger than they are. Maybe it's a Ruby of the opposite sex...? I dunno. They move so fast and it's around so rarely that I haven't managed to get a good look at it.
Ruby Throated Hummingbirds are very territorial. I've thought about eventually buying another 2 feeders next spring in the hopes of keeping peace in the "family" though I fear that may simply result in an escalation of the problem with the Ruby's trying to assert ownership of all the feeders rather than being willing to share.
Note especially the pictures that show their green back feathers. They're almost iridescent in the sunlight. O_O