How......ignorant...narrow-minded...childish...insensitive...mean spirited...blatantly scaremongering...intellectually deprived...goat-fucking insane and holy bejeebus stupid does one have to be to actually believe that kind of depressingly high level of bullshit?Grossman apparently believes that we need to take steps to stop violence in schools in the same way we've made an effort to prevent fires. He pointed out that dozens of children are killed in schools every year by gun-toting maniacs, while not one has died in a fire in more than 50 years.
Whatever his agenda is, (which I don't care about in the slightest, because why would you begin to take just another Jack Thompson wannabe seriously?), he's doing a terrible job at keeping whatever integrity that he could have possibly had to have any kind of leg to stand on, but by the looks of it, I don't think that there's any need for anyone to call him out on this, since he's doing a pretty good job at crashing and burning all by himself.