Are most gamers into metal music?


New member
Jun 30, 2008
What's better than going on a RAMMPAGE in a helicopter gunship while Waidmanns Heil blasts out of your speakers?


New member
Oct 26, 2008
a mad dodongo said:

Sorry if this post seems pointless to you. But to me i feel the need to post this song.

It's Bittersweet by Apocalyptica. Please at least take a look at this song/epicsauce.
Fisheye is so much better. And if you want to take a song with vocals, then How Far/Wie Wiet/Quutamo are better choices.

OT:Metal is one of my highest ranking genres. But I still listen to most other genres. Even if you would not guess by my regular music choices, I love Utada Hikaru. And Ai Otsuka. And Hadouken! And a lot more stuff that does not fit in anywhere with my so called "lifestyle",which people seem to think I live.


New member
Jul 3, 2010
I love Old School style Hip-Hop. But I also love metal, punk, jazz, rock, blues, funk, soul, electronica, and "true" country (i.e. Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Dolly Parton, Waylon Jennings)


New member
Oct 26, 2008
Oskar K said:
Funny that you should say that Slipknot are not metal. When you call yourself a metal head because you listen to rock.
Personal preferences do not make one band one genre or another. But the music they play does. I don't like the fact that Dragon Force are called metal. But that does not mean that they aren't metal. An opinion does not make a fact.

Screamo....No comment.

Grindcore is a metal subgenre. Has been since '87 when Carcass and Napalm Death first came around. Look at the Slipknot part where I mention that opinions don't make facts.
Girndcore is also very different between bands. Carcass and Napalm Death sounds rather alike. But bands like Bad Acid Trip, S.O.B , S.o.D really differ from the grindcore roots.

Other.You kinda have to be more specific in that one.


Who are you?
May 6, 2010
I am not a metalhead. Never have been, and probably never will be. As for gamers though... it does seem rather common.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
It does seem to be a trend. All the metalheads I know are gamers, and all the gamers I know are metalheads (although to varying degrees). I guess some music just fits when you're playing games, like metal (or drum and bass, but drum and bass is shit), which is why it's often in soundtracks for games like Burnout or Brütal Legend.


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
I dig me some metal... I was in a metal band a while ago and we sucked, but I like good metal and most every kind of style, I listen to Meshuggah, Strapping Young Lad, Nightwish, Alestorm, Turisas, the Dillinger Escape Plan... I also like a lot of local hardcore bands... but I also love rap (but I'm pretty specific about it), DnB, trance, jazz, ska, raggacore... there isn't a genre of music that I don't like. Just songs and bands in each genre.


New member
Aug 10, 2010
I used to really love metal. I'd never dream of listening to anything other than that. It would've been some kind of crime to listen to anything other than Iron Maiden etc. but now I've got older, I've gotten into bands where they sing lyrics of sentimental value, or lyrics that basically say exactly what I'm going through, not some epic song about slaying dragons or whatever. xD
It's a stereotype to say all gamers like metal, but yeah, most of the gamers I know love metal, and have gotten into metal after becoming interested in games and such.
Maybe gamers like metal because they have a hint of the gaming kind of imagination, know what I mean? Anything's possible with metal, whether it's regarding the lyrics or the scene it sets. You know how it is :p With rap etc. it's not really like that, doesn't have much a gamer would like. I've noticed that a few gamers I know love anything fast and fun which is metal really...But that all depends on the person. That's all it boils down to; what kind of person you are. I'm guessing what I've said isn't true, but eh, doesn't really matter. x]