Are You A Fanboy?


New member
Apr 9, 2009
I'm a massive Star Wars and Tolkien fanboy, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

There's also a bit of BioWare fanboyism thrown in there for good measure.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Mediteral said:
In my last topic, I argued how the PsP was superior to the DS. I wanted a second opinion and that's exactly what I got. I can honstly say I was wrong and the DS isn't as bad as I had thought; god forbid I'm even considering getting one.

But that's not what this topic is about. This is about a simpler topic, Fanboyism. Can you admit to being a fanboy, and what series would you be worshipping in that respect (humor is great)?

For example, I am a totally balls-tighteningly fanboy of the Persona, Silent Hill, and Metal Gear Solid series. I personally think Persona is best RPG on the PS2, that's how I am a fan-boy.

What about everyone else?
Firstly, I am totally shocked you didn't see the godliness of the DS. Nintendo have ruled the handheld market since, well, since the handheld market began; competing with the Gameboy and its offspring is just a rather inefficient way of losing money.

As to Fanboyism... no. If I'm a fan of something, there's always a reason. Furthermore, I know when a game is flawed because it failed to achieve a standard, and when it's flawed because that wasn't the point. The original GTA looked like it should have been on the Megadrive, but that isn't a valid complaint as they weren't trying to create an ultra-realistic game; they wanted childish ultra-violence.

The closest I come to fanboyism is sort of the opposite; a refusal to forgive the failings of Microsoft and their consoles. Much of this is based on realistic fact; the Xbox and 360 have unfogivable records for catastrophic failures, the original Xbox was a big, clunky, ugly box that cost too much and did too little, and Microsoft themselves are a load of miserable bastards.

Put simply, too much has gone on. All the intense hatred of Microsoft, and the unforgivable botches that seem inescapably integrated into their 'products' ensures that even if they gave 360s away for free, never charged for Xbox Live and reduced the games to 10 pence a pop I'd still think it was a shit console.

aww yea

New member
May 3, 2009
BolognaBaloney said:
aww yea said:
i do love my psp but i wont fanboy it, ive played pokemon. i know what gameboys have to offer.

my fanboyhood belongs to FF games and macs

with the macs its probably to annoy those irritating Windowmen that brag about all this superior window crap only to find out i like macs for the feel and the looks, something that cant be beat with any sort of spec or sale record etc.

FF is just love...
For the record mac is inferior
so i see your a windows fanboy


New member
Jul 15, 2008
No... but my avatar is. In all honesty though. idk I guess i could be. I look forward to upcoming titles and get all amped about them based purely on my love for older installments of the series. But if the game turns out to be crap, then it's crap. I won't play it. IDK my only fanboyism i suppose would be RockBand I guess. Cause i am 100% convinced that it's better then GH. And whatever i'm a big fan. SO far RB has done me no harm. Only good times.
May 4, 2009
I lean towards particular games/systems, but not to the point of frothing at the mouth anytime someone dares insult my faves. My fanboy side is locked up, in a tiny room, in the back of my brain with a big fat dude; anytime fanboy tries to pop up, I have the fat dude sit on him.:p


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I have a 360 and I'm more of a fanboy toward games, but seriously Each console/pc/mac has its own advantages and 12 year old kids will learn to accept that eventually.


New member
May 10, 2009
Metal Gear Solid fanboy here. I would die defending it from non believers.

Oh, and I am a DOOM fanboy as well, i convinced my friends to get it from Xbox Arcade even though they would have rather bought Duke Nukem 3D, they don't like DOOM anymore but i still force them to play co-op with me. They keep trying to tell me it has aged and is not as good anymore...nonsense...BLASHPEMY! I won't accept that kind of talk.


New member
Feb 27, 2009
I was a Nintendo fangirl for the longest time, but I'm starting to grow out of it. I still love my DS intensely, but I'm looking into getting a non-Nintendo console so I can graduate to some more "hardcore" games. Unfortunately I'm kind of broke at the moment...

I'm still a near-rabid fangirl about anything I like, but I'm polite enough to not share it with strangers. XD

Although I admittedly feel a twinge of rage anytime someone says something negative about the Legend of Zelda: Windwaker graphics. :B


Digs Giant Robots
Dec 30, 2008
I'm slanted towards Sony, but I'm not overly zealous about it. I'm what you'd call a level headed fanboy.
I use to be worse before I came here, like Indigo_Dingo bad except I would have been banned on my first post.


New member
May 7, 2008
Hmm well I'm an obsessive fan of many series' but I think the term "fanboy" implies someone who doesn't tolerate a difference of opinion. I love Highlander but never feel the need to defend it from people who don't. So nah, don't think I'm a fanboy.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I'm kind of a fanboy of the Final Fantasy series, Metal Gear series, PS2, Bioware and Full Metal Alchemist(really one of the only anime/manga I actually like.)

The Political Gamer

New member
Oct 12, 2008
I am a Valve fanboy, but I am not the kinda fanboy you would find on 360 or PS3. I just LOVE Team Fortress 2. I cant stop playing! :p