Are You A Fanboy?

Chicago Ted

New member
Jan 13, 2009
I am a major HL2 fanboy. I am also a giant fan of the Sims series and love almost every Ubisoft game.

The Shade

New member
Mar 20, 2008
VALVe fanboy right here. Especially for the Half-Life games, but also for their all around awesomeness as a company.

I direct the court's attention to exhibit A:


New member
Jan 29, 2009
gigastrike said:
I used to be a total Nintendo fanboy, and even now I'd love to see them come out on top with both the casual and hardcore gaming crowds.
Yes I do hold hope that they will show some love for those that supported them through nearly everything.

All my friends own 360's because I like my PS3 more than my 360 they all call me a fanboy. I call them fanboys back since they dont listen to any reasoning on why the PS3 is better.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I admit to being an Atlus fanboy, but that is only because alot of the games they put out are innovative and unique. While none of their games are in my top 5 (the Persona series takes spot 9) they consistently bring over unique games that no other company seems to match.


New member
Nov 2, 2008
Yes, I think I am a fanboy, but I'm not o submerged in my fanboyism that I can't admit other systems/series have some advantages.

I'm a SEGA fanboy. Sonic, Jet Set, Panzer Dragoon, PSO, Virtua Fighter, House of the Dead, Ristar, Astal and countless others. But alas, they're mainly a publisher of good games nowadays.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
solidstatemind said:
GodsOneMistake said:
Nope, to smart to blindly follow much of anything honestly. I have a bad habit of questioning everything, even things are shouldn't like my teachers lol. I do dislike certain consoles but that doesn't make me a fanboy i still own them for their games though
...and yet not smart enough to use the proper form of 'Too'... Seriously, don't try to claim to be smart and commit a simple grammatical error in the same sentence-- you may as well just throw out everything you typed beyond that point.

Now, laying grammatical arrogance aside, I don't think that 'Fanboy' necessarily equates to 'following/believing in something blindly'. To me (and yes, this is personal opinion, I recognize), saying you're a fanboy means that you are very passionate about something, to the point that you are willing to overlook or accept some faults. Remember, folks: 'FAN' is short for 'FANATIC' (I'll pause a moment while you go reacquaint yourself with the definition of the word.)

I am a full-bore fanboi of:
-good liquor
-good music
-attractive females
-American football
...and perhaps more on-topic:
-Valve games (have never lead me wrong; no, not even ONCE)
-Looking Glass Studios in general, and the System Shock and Thief series specifically
-Unreal (I, seriously, played the original all the way through like more than 12 times, and I own the soundtrack)

Does that mean that I am incapable of admitting that Looking Glass screwed up with the decision to make SS2 using a dated in-house engine rather than shelling out the money to get a cutting edge one? As much as I may try to waffle my way around it, eventually no.

Does that mean that I think the guys from Penny Arcade can't make a bad comic? Not really, but I will argue until I'm blue in the face that- overall- they put out a superior product, even if they occassionally whiff.

The point is, don't confuse 'Fanboy' with 'Irrational fan who will absolutely ignore any logic that does not support his point of view'. Being an irrational asshole needs to be explicitly called out and derided, as it has the same psychological genesis as racism, intolerance, religious extremism, and prejudice: namely, the complete refusal to acknowledge facts that refute core beliefs. That needs to be attacked whenever it presents itself, because it seems to become something of a habit for people.

But a fanboy? That's just somebody who is really, really passionate about the object of his or her affection.
Very good argument, but you lost it for me when you contradicted your own advice and said "fanboi", instead of "fanboy". Yes I'm aware you probably did it on purpose, but it still looks pretty silly.

If I'm a fanboy of anything, its going to be Xbox 360 in general of WoW.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
When I was younger, I was a bit of a Sony fanboy, maybe borderline rabid. Eventually, I realized that fanboyism is idiotic and childish, and just plain stoped one day. These days, I hate all the consoles for one reason or another to love unconditionally anyway.

There are only two games I can really say I'm a fanboy about: DOOM and Einhander. They are both old, and most people I know don't care about them. I want to kick those people.


New member
Feb 28, 2009
Well my best m8 calls me an Xbox 360 fanboy, because I'm constantly talking about how good it is and refuse to listen to his argument about how it isn't.


New member
Apr 28, 2009
solidstatemind said:
Attempting? Apparently I succeeded.

Seriously, read down a little bit, Captain Overreaction. I specifically stated that I was being 'grammatically arrogant', and thus deprecating my comment. But if you must know, the point was- bluntly- if you ever say "I'm too smart" about ANYTHING, you better make sure your spelling and grammar is correct, or you just look like a dope. Sorry if that offends you, but I think it's entirely valid... after all, if you're smart enough to be 'above' things such as 'blindly following much of anything', shouldn't you be smart enough to use proper spelling/grammar? No offense to you personally, dude, but I'd say the same thing to anyone who made the elitist claim of 'being too smart...' about anything.
Im 2 smart 2 lolol11!!

I be fanboy of video games over reading.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I used to be a fanboy of Nintendo. I've owned all of their systems (not every incarnation of the Gameboy but nearly). I couldn't bear to hear people slag them off but now they've started allowing games like "Doctor Who Top Trumps" on the Wii (rrp £34.99) I no longer feel the desire to protect them. They've made their bed, they can lie in it... I just hope they don't notice all the nails and broken glass I put in it. But I'm not bitter... honest.

Separate to that, I love FFVII and Futurama.

"All in! I mean fold! Ah whatever."


New member
Feb 20, 2008
My main fanboyism thing is Runescape (God, I love it.), but I tend to get fanboyish over certain characters in games - For example, Sting Chameleon from MegamanX right now. XD


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Any games made by Valve (cause there great).

People say im a nitendo fanboy but that confuses me because i think there games are terrible excluding Pokemon(stop with the remakes) and Mario Kart DS (played Wee version at friends houst but did'nt like).

Cpl. Punishment

New member
May 22, 2009
I wouldn't say i'm a fanboy- i'm an elitist, which is a WHOLE different level. If anyone disrespects Morrowind (especially Oblivion fans *grrr*), neverwinter nights 1, or PC gaming in general, i might just find their house and beat them to death with my shiny new Microsoft keyboard.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
I'm a Fallout 3 fanboy, a Fable fanboy and to a certain extent a 360 fanboy.

And I'm okay with that. ;D

Ben Jamin

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Not at all. I have a 360 and my mate has a PS3.
I never go around and preach the 360s good points.