Arkham Asylum Pirates Get a Gimpy Batman


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Terramax said:
It shouldn't take long for a pirate to re-program it to include all the original moves.

Not that I honestly care too much. I played the demo. It sucked. If anyone lacks a moral code, it's Eidos for releasing such an un-enjoyable pile of rubble.
Obvious troll is obvious.

As for the topic, this is awesome :).

CantFaketheFunk said:
...okay, people do get that the FF13 thing was a joke, right?
Most people on here are clinically retarded at this point. So the likely answer is no.

On a related note again to the topic, anytime DRM doesn't involve effing with anything outside of the game I'm happy.

I'm sick of CD checks, gameguard, and all this other nonsense (looking at you too securom). If you want to make my main guy shit himself to death because it is pirated, I'm all for it, but don't screw with my legit copy (which they didn't).

I'm usually against DRM but I can support this kind of thing. Plus the game is very well done (one of the best games I've played in 5 years easily).


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Anarien said:
matrix3509 said:
To repeat what terramax said above, it should take pirates all of about a day to release a fix for it through the torrents.
Sure, but traditional DRM is also going to get cracked. It's just anti-consumer. But at least this DRM was creative and unintrusive to the legitimate customer.
Thats true, at least this kind of DRM is consumer friendly.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
See, when I saw this thread, I was way more impressed. I imagined a literal gimped batman. maybe a broken leg, andhe whiffs all his punches


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
where any attempt to use magic will always result in summoning a rampaging horde of Chocobos to crush the party, the player, and anyone they've ever loved.
I soooo hope that this will get put on YouTube. I'm not going to download an illegal copy, but I'm not going to miss this!
ChromeAlchemist said:
"The police are on their way"
That would work wonderfully. Great idea.


New member
Feb 25, 2008
Kwil said:
Asehujiko said:
Talk about trying to save face... The bug was discovered a few hours after the leak, was fixed BY ROCKSTEADY and promptly cracked again in 5 minutes. This isn't "good use of drm", this is them being saved from a massive launch debacle and instead of admitting that pirates managed to expose a glaring flaw in the game they claim that is was intended all along and that the people who helped them are evil.
Indeed, that's a far more believable story. After all, it makes complete sense that a function so integral to the game that it shows up within 5 minutes in the demo and works perfectly there gets mysteriously broken for the full release and not noticed by any QA guys until a friendly pirate happens to come along.
Explain the mysterious 26kb patch going over GFWL to people with a working GFWL account, which, when cracked, fixes all the bugs. Or are you implying that pirates have taken over GFWL servers and are using it to distribute updates for their cracks? In which case, Bush did 9/11, faked the moon landings and shot JFK.

This wouldn't be the first time that stuff was added to a demo after it was split from the main game and then somebody forgot to add it back in he full product. For example, the particle effects for the Wii port of CoDWaW(which worked in the demo but not in the full game) and half the dialogue in the english version of The Witcher. The otherwise sorry state of the port supports the theory that they just didn't put any effort into it.


New member
Aug 24, 2009
This is amazing.

Not a perfect solution to piracy, as there probably never will be one, but certainly a creative and amusing application of an idea to counter it.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
This is pretty funny, not epic but funny.

Fixing it so that every time a button is pushed batman turns around and gives the player the finger, THAT would have been epic.


New member
Jul 25, 2009

There needs to be more things like this. If I was a developer I would have the story end with batman having to kill an unbeatable boss. When that happens guys, you know its me.


New member
Jan 24, 2008
dude... i may have to get a cracked version of ff13 just to do that over and over and over again


New member
Aug 3, 2009
They should do this in all games, fuck pirates!
I also liked: "Insert Credit to Continue.", "The police are on their way.", "You are NOT morally superior." or my idea "You're willing to risk a computer to save 50 bucks?" It would actually say .


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Terramax said:
Not that I honestly care too much. I played the demo. It sucked. If anyone lacks a moral code, it's Eidos for releasing such an un-enjoyable pile of rubble.
I hope you're not implying that because you personally did not enjoy the game, it should be OK to illegally distribute.


New member
Apr 10, 2008
As much as I am totally against DRM in most aspects, I think this one will actually be pretty fun, if at least you no longer need to go through endless other security checks before that.

I actually think to remember a retrospective video about a game that came out about 10 years ago... dunno really what it was but it was some kind of Settlers type of game, not unlike the Early Anno XX0X games. Eitherway, if you forgot to put in the CD while playing the blacksmith produced COWS..... yea.... :p


New member
Jan 12, 2009
ukslim said:
The problem with all DRM is when it prevents you from doing something you should be entitled to. For example, buy a game and play it on more than one computer (at different times).

The problem with this kind of *sneaky* DRM, is that you might be trying to do such a legitimate thing, only to find the game is unplayable after wasting lots of time on it.
Umm... no. It is only there for the pirated version. Which is far from legitamate.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
matrix3509 said:
Anarien said:
matrix3509 said:
To repeat what terramax said above, it should take pirates all of about a day to release a fix for it through the torrents.
Sure, but traditional DRM is also going to get cracked. It's just anti-consumer. But at least this DRM was creative and unintrusive to the legitimate customer.
Thats true, at least this kind of DRM is consumer friendly.

I'm not in favor of DRM, especially when it hinders the customer instead of actually providing the benefits that should come with legally acquiring a game.

What we've seen in most cases is that whenever DRM is applied, the legitimate customers come out as the losers.

However, I have to admit this "DRM Trap" is pretty ingenious. It won't last forever and soon enough someone will correct the issue, but it's good enough to show people that the developers are aware of the scenario and that they are worried about applying restrictions to those who didn't pay for the game.