Arkham Asylum Pirates Get a Gimpy Batman


New member
Feb 13, 2009
It's not a bug in the game's code, it's a bug in your moral code.[/blockquote]


I wish more developers did this. Like, maybe, when the game started, the screen would explode into a rick roll video, that would play endlessly.

Triple AD

New member
Apr 1, 2009
ChocoFace said:
if they do that to Final Fantasy XIII, i'd pirate it just so i could see that herd of chocobo kill everything.
Same here "to the youtube mobile"


New member
Jan 27, 2009
That's kind of impressive, releasing a flawed pirated version :D

Now they just need to attach a virus that sends your information to the local police so they can bust you

Arbitrary Cidin

New member
Apr 16, 2009
I wonder if Square Enix knows that people would pirate the game just to get that feature? Also, I RARELY use magic in FF games and get through just fine...


New member
Nov 1, 2007
karmapolizei said:
So I read the first three pages, and because (to my endless surprise) nobody has said it yet, I doubt I'll find it on the next five, so here we go:

This is NOT awesome. Again: ABSOLUTELY NOT AWESOME.

You know why? See, I've got a legit copy of Mass Effect for the PC sitting on my shelf. Apart from standard-issue SecuROM, this game also had that kind of "innovative" DRM. Among other things, it makes overheated weapons NOT cool down unless you reload your game if it thinks it's pirated. Which it DOES, although it's legit.
See my point? This kind of scheme is a million years old and it needs to die already, because this kind of crap happens more than the developers and publishers can want it to happen. It affects (and has affected) a small, but not unsignificant share of honest customers. Imagine buying a game for 50 bucks only to find out it doesn't work right because it THINKS you're a pirate. Just like any other kind of DRM, it hurts the honest customers and doesn't really affect pirates. So yeah, way to go, Eidos.
Well unlike every other kind of DRM it didn't negatively effect me. That's why I'm for it.

There is no other kind of DRM that hasn't burdened me.

The game was awesome, I've seen no legit folks having issues, and the game was awesome. Those are three fantastic reasons why this is a step in the right direction.

The right direction being no intrusive DRM at all. I'd say this is less violent than SecuROM at least :p.


New member
Oct 4, 2007
Well, I hope no one here is calling this a "unique" idea. As much as I think GTA4 sucked, they did it first. Basically in pirate copy, Niko is permanently drunk and any car you enter catches fire. Among many other things.

But yeah, that is pretty awesome. It doesn't make piracy IMPOSSIBLE, but like Valve's AntiCheat (which delays the ban, so hackers can't just do a quick "is it undetectable?" check) it makes it REALLY freaking annoying for hackers.


New member
Jul 19, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:
scotth266 said:
I have to say that this is quite possibly the best idea I've ever heard of. Good work on the part of Rocksteady.

Next step: "leaking" a "cracked" version of a game on the net, which turns out to be a demo that shuts down 20 minutes in to say: "Insert Credit To Continue" or "You are NOT morally superior."
"Insert Credit to Continue" Would be perfect.

No! "The police are on their way". Oh my god, if I could record their reaction...
You sir, win. I want to see this form of DRM progress and blossom into a beautiful flower of dev wrath. I'm thinking screamers and alternate games where you can be decapitated by Dr. Salvador.

The Lost Big Boss

New member
Sep 3, 2008
I have a great idea for this type if thing. Make the game, but make a version with it that is broken, then release that version on the internet. Make it so the start of the game is fine, but then start introducing game braking glitches. Then make "fixes" for said glitches and release them on sites, but in the process brakes the game another way (Doing this without anyone knowing that you are the makers) Continue this till a final fix patch. Then make it so that if they are half way through the game you will die, but have a message say "Insert 60$ to continue, also the FBI will contact you". I think that this could scare and piss pirates off.

L4Y Duke

New member
Nov 24, 2007
hansari said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Arkham Asylum Pirates Get a Gimpy Batman
ChromeAlchemist said:
Why can't more devs do this?
I'm gonna be honest...when I saw the words "gimpy batman"...I assumed the worst and thought this was gonna be another "hot coffee" fiasco...except, you know...involving masochism...
That on its own would be impressive DRM.

"OK, let's just boot this up an...OH MY GAWD! MY EYES!!!!"


New member
Sep 26, 2008
theultimateend said:
There is no other kind of DRM that hasn't burdened me.

The game was awesome, I've seen no legit folks having issues, and the game was awesome.
Yeah, that's really surprising with a game that isn't even released yet.
Let me say it again: With every kind of DRM, false-positives are bound to happen - read: A portion of legit copies will be falsely recognized as pirated, and I have no reason to believe Arkham Asylum will differ from that in any way.

On reflection, I think in terms of customer relations, this kind of copy protection does even worse than the regular kind. If an online activation DRM or a regular copy protection mechanism fails to recognize a legit copy, they will tell you the why's and how's, so a customer at least knows what's wrong. But what will a regular customer (who does not follow the gaming press closely) think if they come across this crap? Probably something like this: "This game is broken. Sucks"

Katana314 said:
Well, I hope no one here is calling this a "unique" idea. As much as I think GTA4 sucked, they did it first. Basically in pirate copy, Niko is permanently drunk and any car you enter catches fire. Among many other things.
Well, the first game I remember to have this kind of copy protection is "The Settlers III", an RTS in which iron smelters would produce pigs if you had a pirated version (or something that vaguely resemled it), and that was, like, 1998. And I bet even they weren't first.


New member
Mar 10, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Square-Enix has announced plans to use similar DRM in its upcoming Final Fantasy XIII, where any attempt to use magic will always result in summoning a rampaging horde of Chocobos to crush the party, the player, and anyone they've ever loved.
that I want to see makes me kind of consider.... no but maybe if I can find it on youtube


New member
May 8, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:

Why can't more devs do this?

Terramax said:
It shouldn't take long for a pirate to re-program it to include all the original moves.

I do agree with this unfortunately, however it does waste your average pirates time, so all is well for now.

for the most part it gives people that love programming something to do actually. if someone CAN patch it to include the moves they will do it and enjoy doing it because its fun to program stuff. :)


New member
Oct 22, 2008
actually this game has been fully cracked, so yeah.

and besides, the good thing i have to say about piracy is that it keeps money out of the hands of shitty publishers, like EA and such. granted this can hurt smaller developers, but at least it fights back unreasonable costs and charging for shit like DLC... which should be free anyways.