Arkham Asylum Pirates Get a Gimpy Batman


New member
Apr 8, 2009
Now I want to illegally download games just to see what kind of hilarious bugs will be present.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Chibz said:
KarumaK said:
I might be more impressed if I wasn't sure this took about an hour to get around. Which the pirate probably did while eating and watching TV.

And all SE has done is created an Iron Man mode for the new FF. Yeah I'll take you on, without magic *****.
An hour? Child, I did it in ten minutes. This is, to me, not a deterrent. It's a CHALLENGE. Once they revealed this I HAD to get the game working against their will.

Such chumps.

Disclaimer: I'm not promoting anyone to commit the cool, and harmless crime of piracy.
Well I didn't want to totally destroy the developer's confidence. After all if I do I'll never get my Nightwing game.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
This put a smile on my face. (No pun intended) Now that's how you do DRM. I hope the thing about FFXIII is true too.


New member
Jun 22, 2009
Rocksteady Studios has become one of my favorite developers. First the great game and collector's edition, then the free DLC, and now I read this. Awesome.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
KarumaK said:
Chibz said:
KarumaK said:
I might be more impressed if I wasn't sure this took about an hour to get around. Which the pirate probably did while eating and watching TV.

And all SE has done is created an Iron Man mode for the new FF. Yeah I'll take you on, without magic *****.
An hour? Child, I did it in ten minutes. This is, to me, not a deterrent. It's a CHALLENGE. Once they revealed this I HAD to get the game working against their will.

Such chumps.

Disclaimer: I'm not promoting anyone to commit the cool, and harmless crime of piracy.
Well I didn't want to totally destroy the developer's confidence. After all if I do I'll never get my Nightwing game.
I want to destroy their confidence. The game was horrible! If I could, I'd demand my precious bandwidth back, as compensation for the game's utter lack of quality.

It would be immoral to charge full price for that game.

Either they were lazy and wanted to produce another mediocre-at-best game (Because those sell as well as amazing games), or they completely lack any talent in the game design field.

My bet is a combination of the two: Lazy and incompetent.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
Chibz said:
KarumaK said:
Chibz said:
KarumaK said:
I might be more impressed if I wasn't sure this took about an hour to get around. Which the pirate probably did while eating and watching TV.

And all SE has done is created an Iron Man mode for the new FF. Yeah I'll take you on, without magic *****.
An hour? Child, I did it in ten minutes. This is, to me, not a deterrent. It's a CHALLENGE. Once they revealed this I HAD to get the game working against their will.

Such chumps.

Disclaimer: I'm not promoting anyone to commit the cool, and harmless crime of piracy.
Well I didn't want to totally destroy the developer's confidence. After all if I do I'll never get my Nightwing game.
I want to destroy their confidence. The game was horrible! If I could, I'd demand my precious bandwidth back, as compensation for the game's utter lack of quality.
Irrelevant, opinions are subjective and easily overridden. I don't give two shit's who like it, I don't give two shit's if it's mediocre. I WANT NIGHTWING!


New member
Oct 21, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Arkham Asylum Pirates Get a Gimpy Batman

Did you illegally download a cracked version of Arkham Asylum for the PC? Hope you enjoy playing with a Batman who has conveniently forgotten some of his moveset, rendering the game unbeatable.

Do you know what I love? Creative DRM. Any developer can throw in a mandated online check, or give you a limited number of installs, or something boring like that, but then you have developers with a cruel sense of humor who make it so that pirates have their genitals attacked by ill-tempered ferrets, and the ferrets are on fire. That's going above the call of duty right there.

Apparently, one of said developers is Rocksteady Studios, creators of critical darling Batman: Arkham Asylum. Pirates who have illegally acquired the PC version of the game will find themselves playing the game with a Batman who has apparently forgotten how to use his moves, notably the glide-jump. In an amusing little thread on the Eidos forums [], one pirate came to innocently report a bug, claiming that instead of gliding when the appropriate input was given, the Dark Knight would instead just spread his wings and fall to his death in poison gas.

Quoth an Eidos admin in response:

[blockquote]The problem you have encountered is a hook in the copy protection, to catch out people who try and download cracked versions of the game for free.

It's not a bug in the game's code, it's a bug in your moral code.[/blockquote]

Since its acquisition of Rocksteady parent Eidos, Square-Enix has announced plans to use similar DRM in its upcoming Final Fantasy XIII, where any attempt to use magic will always result in summoning a rampaging horde of Chocobos to crush the party, the player, and anyone they've ever loved.

Do you ever stop making awesome news reports? You are sort of raising the bar here for other people here.

Awesome post. Although i would like to note that I hate Batman, but still, awesome post.


New member
Sep 14, 2009
That is actually amazing. Rocksteady, you have my respect. Please any developers reading this, take note. Do this, but make it funny, like the chocobo idea from Square-Enix


New member
Feb 18, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:

Why can't more devs do this?

Terramax said:
It shouldn't take long for a pirate to re-program it to include all the original moves.
I do agree with this unfortunately, however it does waste your average pirates time, so all is well for now.


CantFaketheFunk said:
Since its acquisition of Rocksteady parent Eidos, Square-Enix has announced plans to use similar DRM in its upcoming Final Fantasy XIII, where any attempt to use magic will always result in summoning a rampaging horde of Chocobos to crush the party, the player, and anyone they've ever loved.
Hilarious. Though wait, what does this mean? DRM for console titles? Because there's no PC version...right?
Exactly Irony at its best for pirates


New member
Jul 16, 2009
Absolutely perfect. Hilarious to boot, the boys at rocksteady must really hate them some hackers. And the intro to the story about ferrets, fire and genitals was a nice addition.

Aesthetical Quietus

New member
Mar 4, 2009
Rockstar did this with GTA IV, if your game was detected as pirated, any car you hopped into was instantly nearly completely wrecked, could not brake, and would continuously accelerate, on top of that you also were given the drunk camera instead of the regular one.

Their work was slightly undermined that pirates almost immediately had a fix for it, but still they also did it.


New member
Mar 14, 2009
I love this idea and the comment written by the admin so much ^__^ It just seems like poetic justice to me, perfect and hilarious justice


New member
Nov 1, 2007
williebaz said:
awesome, I want this pirating crap to stop
Then make sure you do what really helped and make excellent games.

Fixing this sort of issue is childsplay. But I wouldn't pirate Arkham Asylum, it is just too damn good.

Just like I didn't pirate World of Goo or Evil Genius. They have a quality to them that just draws me in and makes me feel like the worlds biggest asshole if I don't buy them (which I end up doing pretty swiftly).


New member
Mar 3, 2008
A buddy of mine in the US just bought the PC game(it doesn't release in Europe until friday), and guess what? Physx, the thing they delayed the game for, the thing that was in the demo, the thing that could be enabled via ini editing in the gimped version.. it's not in the full game. It will be released as a patch tomorrow. Also editing the ini to enable it in the full original retail causes a big fat crash.
I'm all for treating people who pirate games like crap, but treating people who buy the game the same way, that's just acting like a jerk, something publishers will always do. Keep in mind, if the game won't sell didly on the PC, it will be because of this stunt, and God knows what they did with it.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have some timbers to shiver.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
ChromeAlchemist said:

Why can't more devs do this?

Terramax said:
It shouldn't take long for a pirate to re-program it to include all the original moves.
I do agree with this unfortunately, however it does waste your average pirates time, so all is well for now.


CantFaketheFunk said:
Since its acquisition of Rocksteady parent Eidos, Square-Enix has announced plans to use similar DRM in its upcoming Final Fantasy XIII, where any attempt to use magic will always result in summoning a rampaging horde of Chocobos to crush the party, the player, and anyone they've ever loved.
Hilarious. Though wait, what does this mean? DRM for console titles? Because there's no PC version...right?
To be honest, I'd LOVE to actually see that happen xD A horde of Chocobo's...BWEH! X3


New member
Mar 8, 2009
So here's a new joke.

What do DRM and Bane have in common?

They both cripple Batman.