Arkham Asylum Pirates Get a Gimpy Batman


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Brilliant. Is there really any more to add? This is how to get pirates properly, though I doubt it will work for long.


New member
Sep 26, 2008
theultimateend said:
karmapolizei said:
theultimateend said:
There is no other kind of DRM that hasn't burdened me.

The game was awesome, I've seen no legit folks having issues, and the game was awesome.
Yeah, that's really surprising with a game that isn't even released yet.
Let me say it again: With every kind of DRM, false-positives are bound to happen - read: A portion of legit copies will be falsely recognized as pirated, and I have no reason to believe Arkham Asylum will differ from that in any way.

On reflection, I think in terms of customer relations, this kind of copy protection does even worse than the regular kind. If an online activation DRM or a regular copy protection mechanism fails to recognize a legit copy, they will tell you the why's and how's, so a customer at least knows what's wrong. But what will a regular customer (who does not follow the gaming press closely) think if they come across this crap? Probably something like this: "This game is broken. Sucks"
Well I'm currently playing it on the PS3, but I'll leave it at that since that first sentence alone was pretty rude sounding. I'm not sure when people required that people be assholes when they respond on the internet.
Well, I'm sorry if that came out rude... but please tell me how I was supposed to know that you referring to the PS3 version, seeing as there's a 99% chance that the measures we're talking about here are only part of the PC version, and the article only mentions the PC version. Come to think of it, wouldn't make a lot of sense on consoles, would it?


Spoony old Bard
Feb 13, 2009
Should have done something like this in Clear Sky, the only reason I never bought that is because of the DRM... Shame, I pre ordered the first one and love it.


New member
Jan 1, 2008
Just like all other DRM, AA's is bound to fail at least some of the time, and this way just makes it more annoying for the unfortunate people it bugs out on. In fact, instead of being assinine like that, why didn't the admin just ask for the person who posted for their serial code, instead of immediately assuming he was a pirate? Antagonizing people like that just makes people want to illegally download you're game more.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
saikanoto said:
Doesn't anyone here remember the Earthbound anti-piracy measures? That game froze and deleted all your save game files in the middle of the final boss battle if it detected itself to be a pirated version. Surely that was the greatest/most evil DRM.
Funny thing about that is that Earthbound wasn't even a good game


New member
Jun 30, 2008
Oh, how I love it when the thieving bastards of the world get what's coming to them. Now if only someone could do that for the majority of the world's politicians.


New member
Sep 24, 2008
I might be more impressed if I wasn't sure this took about an hour to get around. Which the pirate probably did while eating and watching TV.

And all SE has done is created an Iron Man mode for the new FF. Yeah I'll take you on, without magic *****.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
KarumaK said:
I might be more impressed if I wasn't sure this took about an hour to get around. Which the pirate probably did while eating and watching TV.

And all SE has done is created an Iron Man mode for the new FF. Yeah I'll take you on, without magic *****.
An hour? Child, I did it in ten minutes. This is, to me, not a deterrent. It's a CHALLENGE. Once they revealed this I HAD to get the game working against their will.

Such chumps.

Disclaimer: I'm not promoting anyone to commit the cool, and harmless crime of piracy.

Low Key

New member
May 7, 2009
What everyone should observe here is the game sold amazingly well. That's what happens with good games; people tend to buy them. If they are steaming piles of shit, then they won't, which is why certain games don't sell. Not because of pirating, almost the first thing to be blamed when sales numbers are terrible.

There is a certain group of people who pirate. They always have, and most likely, always will. I'm not sure if game companies actually believe they will make those people buy a legitimate copy, because it's not gonna happen.


New member
Feb 13, 2009
WAit for it wait for it...
The problem you have encountered is a hook in the copy protection, to catch out people who try and download cracked versions of the game for free.

It's not a bug in the game's code, it's a bug in your moral code.
GOTCHA *****!

I knew it would happen, I can still remember my comment on Shamus' article about creative DRM and i said that some idiot pirate is gone try to report it asa a bug, or something similiar to that. I love it when stuff i say will happen happens. Like that tornado that went through Atlanta awhile back, i said "I wonder what it's like when a tornado goes through a big city. HAHA.


New member
Jul 11, 2008
This is utterly hilarious. Also, it's much more practical than restricting installs.

Just when I thought I couldn't love Arkham Asylum any more, it pulls this. Amazing.