Yeah, I definitely care about discs, and will continue to care about them until I have the security that any digital game, ANY DIGITAL GAME is never, ever going to be unattainable. Give me the security I crave, and have in discs, and you might be on to something.
Do what sony does at times. Bundle digital downloads with other stuff like day one, and another game. I got Quantum Conundrum, 3 outfits, and some other stuff with Tomb Raider downloaded from PSN, and it was a tax free average game cost.
Sweeten digital, and give us instant gratification, or it's no deal. Especially if the companies are going to reel in the leash game companies want to keep gamers on.
I've got hundreds of Disc based games from my life gaming, and even a few cartridges keeping my ability to play those games safe.
Oh, and make hard drives cheaper, or make it way faster to download full games, too. Preferrably both. Do this across the globe. Hard drive space is finite, especially in consoles. Not everyone's going to have a 500 gig hard drive.
I have over 900 individual downloads on my PSN account, and it grows by the week. I had to reformat not too long ago. Guess what I had to do soon after reformatting?
I'm not going to pretend that there's no benefits what so ever to being digital, but the cons outweight it too much right now. Especially on consoles.