Atheists who celebrate X-mas


New member
May 11, 2010
Christmas stopped being about Christ when Disney stopped molesting children and started drawing mice.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
1. ...sorry you're wrong? I don't really know what to say except that neither of us can prove this one way or another because 2. we don't have definitive places to pull facts from. Show me irrefutable evidence that the Christians created this holiday on their own and began celebrating it and I will believe you, otherwise... I'm going to think you know nothing about the actual origins of these celebrations.

Now, on the topic of how relevant Christianity is to Christmas today... the name has nothing to do with it. 3. We kept the name because it would be stupid to change it, the fact that it has the word Christ in it does not mean that only Christians celebrate or even that mostly Christians celebrate it. Everyone I know celebrates Christmas, 4. a lot of them are atheists and some are even Muslims. The 5. reason they celebrate is not to acknowledge the birth of some deity, but to 6. give and receive gifts, eat more food than they should, and just have some fun.
1. To answer your question, no I am not wrong.

2. I do, while you obviously don't. And before you can ask, The bible, a history book, wiki, the fact that it's still recognized as a christian holiday... except by you Take your pick.

3. You want to know WHY it would be stpid to change it? Because its the celebration of the birth of Christ.

4. Yay? Again, I must refer you to a previous post. But please follow up on that before you forget how to read.

5. Some might not... Like the people you mentioned. But (and I'm about to blow your mind) Alot of christians celebrate Christmas, which literally translates to "Birth of Christ". Surely you've seen at least one nativity scene in your life.

6. Yea some. The party who favor the secular view, like I've already said. Instead of spewing more ignorance, read some of the stuff I've already written.

And please, do let me know what its like to have to wear a helmet 24 hours a day.

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
Ok, this is getting ridiculous. Show me some facts. I don't care what the bible says(and actually last I checked it has nothing about the birth of Christ being celebrated in December... certainly not the old testament at least.), I care that any historian you ask will tell you that the Christians adopted many of the traditions of Saturnalia(celebrated from the 17th-25th of December) in order to convert some pagans. Turns out, it worked, and they kept the holiday and made it seem more Christian by saying the 25th was a celebration of Christ's birth, hence the name(the one they created for this exact purpose, not the other way around). They adopted the Christmas tree from the pagans(they often praised trees, and the forest played an important role in their religion), they took the gift giving, the drunken celebration, the dressing up, the singing in the streets... all of these things were parts of Saturnalia before Christmas ever existed.

You can call me ignorant and illiterate all you want, but right now there's no merit to your claims.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
Ok, this is getting ridiculous. Show me some facts. I don't care what the bible says(and actually last I checked it has nothing about the birth of Christ being celebrated in December... certainly not the old testament at least.), I care that any historian you ask will tell you that the Christians adopted many of the traditions of Saturnalia(celebrated from the 17th-25th of December) in order to convert some pagans. Turns out, it worked, and they kept the holiday and made it seem more Christian by saying the 25th was a celebration of Christ's birth, hence the name(the one they created for this exact purpose, not the other way around). They adopted the Christmas tree from the pagans(they often praised trees, and the forest played an important role in their religion), they took the gift giving, the drunken celebration, the dressing up, the singing in the streets... all of these things were parts of Saturnalia before Christmas ever existed.

You can call me ignorant and illiterate all you want, but right now there's no merit to your claims.
I told you where you could get the facts, but I guess AGAIN I need to repeat myself. The bible. I don't care if you don't think its credible, its been proven legitimate, down to the letter, and has the seal of approval from your beloved historians.

And no shit it isn't mentioned in the old testement, considering that Jesus hadn't been born until the new testament! If anyone's low on credibility, its you.

Yes, for the LAST FUCKING TIME, it was pushed to December to avoid scrutiny, and convert people to christianity.

And I agree, this is getting ridiculous. For you to say that the religious rots of Christmas are irrelevant is blatant ignorance.

But I'm not surprised by your stance, given that you have a fucking pentagram on your avatar.

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
Awww.... you mad? Who has proved to bible to be factual again...? those mysterious men in the sky.... hmmm I don't know if I trust them.

what I mean is you're pulling this out of your ass. The Bible is not factual, we don't know that the world was created by God. I read a good chunk of the bible... did you know the every female human in the world started out as a rib plucked out of an unconscious man's chest? And... that's factual? Crazy shit man.

Anyway, I realized awhile ago that this argument would eventually get into the whole Christianity debate, and there's no way to win that one. Why bother arguing with a religious person?

(Oh, and it's not a pentagram, it's a baphomet.)

Merry Saturnalia bud.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
Awww.... you mad? Who has proved to bible to be factual again...? those mysterious men in the sky.... hmmm I don't know if I trust them.

what I mean is you're pulling this out of your ass. The Bible is not factual, we don't know that the world was created by God. I read a good chunk of the bible... did you know the every female human in the world started out as a rib plucked out of an unconscious man's chest? And... that's factual? Crazy shit man.

Anyway, I realized awhile ago that this argument would eventually get into the whole Christianity debate, and there's no way to win that one. Why bother arguing with a religious person?

(Oh, and it's not a pentagram, it's a baphomet.)

Merry Saturnalia bud.
I'm not mad. I'm actually a bit amused at your subtle attempts at sarcasm. Its gonna take me a good few seconds to get over that burn. (High Fivez!)

I'm not pulling anything out of my ass. The Bibles integrity has been proven many times over by bibliographers, scientists, and that one guy... the one with all the documentaries? His name escapes me, but you can look him up if you really care. (you probably don't)

Theres crazier shit.

Yea, I guess it was inevitable that it would spiral into a theistic debate. I didn't know that we were arguing though. Here I was enjoying our little exchange of opinions...
Good thing it wasn't an argument though, cuz you know how arguing with religious people can be? They completely ignore good points!


But to get back on topic, Christmas = Christ Centric.

Theres no denying it. But all the same, I wish you a merry... gift exchanging day?

Sightless Wisdom

Resident Cynic
Jul 24, 2009
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
ExaltedK9 said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
I disagree, I think there's much denying it. Many people in fact do deny it. Regardless, I'm just going to agree to disagree as it were. Enjoy your holidays.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
well I celebrate christmas as a way to appease the dark gods of capitalism, lest they become displeased and bring a new dark age of... gasp, Socialism!,
it also helps that no one celebrates a "festivus for the rest-ivus"


New member
Oct 9, 2009
akibawall95 said:
I think Christmas is no longer just a religious holiday. I believe in god but I know several atheists who celebrate Christmas and some of my other Christian friends do not think they should be celebrating if they do not believe in Christ. I believe it has gone past that to just a holiday to come together and show each other we care.

Edit: If you read what I said: I think atheists should, do and can celebrate Chirstams.
I guess I am an athiest, and I celebrate Christmas. Nobody knows the exact day Jesus was born anyway, so Christmas technically doesn't make that much sense on a religious standpoint. It has evolved into a holiday for everyone, and honestly I like that.


New member
May 13, 2010
humor_involuntario said:
LadyRhian said:
SaneAmongInsane said:
I prefer the commercialized version of the holiday, that it's about giving gifts, helping our fellow man, spending time with loved ones, getting wasted on egg nog, and watching holiday movies on the boob-tube. My atheist best friend very much agrees, but also claims he's merely just celebrating the Winter Solstice. Hell I wish we could de-religionize it so everyone could enjoy it.

That being said, I don't celebrate Easter because of the religious reasons. Not that I'm an atheist, I'm agnostic, I just don't feel right celebrating it if my hearts not in the subject matter.
As has been said, Christmas was never Christian, and Jesus was born when Shepherds had their flocks in the fields by night- which is autumn, specifically September or October. Pretty much everything in the holiday comes from Pagans. Decorated trees? Pagan. Giving gifts? Pagan. Holly and the kissing thereunder? Pagan. Even Eggnog is pagan, coming from the North. Also, the idea of the rebirth of the sun and light is pagan. It's Winter Solstice under a "Christian" name. Winter Solstice celebrates the rebirth of the sun and the days getting longer, which it starts to do now.

And, Easter is also a pagan holiday, Sacred to the goddess Eostre. And the imagery of that is also pagan. It's a celebration of fertility, thus the imagery of eggs, chicks, and rabbits (rabbits especially having lots of mating, there's a reason it's called "boinking like bunnies").

In some countries, they light fires on Easter (The Netherlands being one of them). This is probably a holdover of the pagan "Jumping of the fire" where a bonfire would be lit and people jump over it.

I started out Christian, went pagan, and am now an atheist (with a steady stream of agnostic- I really just don't care, honestly).
again, easter is a holiday celebrated b many cultures and religions. pagans brought the whole rabbit and egg thing, but easter was celebreated by the jewish people as their exodus from egypt, and it was probably given in other places.
amd just one extra comment for the whole pagan stuff: you know, pagans were not THE big thing, so I came to this conclucion: If there were so many pagans that the power hungry medieval church had to create important holidays for them. why they didn't did it for the jewishs? or the gypsis? "The pagans did it first did not explaind everything, and even if the church was probably the worst thing that happend to man at that time, I don't think they had to re-write their whole agenda for a minority. (again, easter as it is celebreted is pagan, but the other methods of celbreating that certain holiday are not, as most are from jewish origin [the chrisian part is for the resurection, that happend around the same time the jews were celebrating their holiday, as a reason to imprison him])
You're a bit out of date there. Most of this happened in the days of Pagan Rome, or at best the dark ages. The middle ages came much, much later, and by that time, most people were already Christian. Ireland was somewhat Christianized by the 4th Century AD, although their church was very different from the Roman Church. They had monasteries where men and women lived in harmony and matrimony, and their children were brought up there. They were called "Conhospitae" or "Double Houses", and the Roman church had already begun advocating for Celibacy in their priests and Monks.

But, getting back to the holidays stuff, when it was done, Pagans were in the majority, and the church was desperate for converts. They wanted to assure Pagan converts that they could still celebrate the holidays they loved, but with a Christian bent. They were also in competition with the Church of Mithras, another God-man sacrificed on behalf of his followers, who had baptisms and secret rites. Mithras nearly beat out Christ in the competition for followers. In fact, the writings of Justin Martyr (2nd Century) accuse the Mithraists of diabolically imitating the Christian communion rite. But Mithraism was older than Christianity and originated somewhere in Germany.

December 25th was accounted the birthday of Mithras, as well.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
boradis said:
shabobble said:
They absolutely should. Like it or not, Christmas is now a secular holiday.
Always has been.

shabobble said:
Sure, it has religious roots,
But not in your religion. Seasonal celebrations predate Christianity, Judaism and even their precursor of Zoroastrianism. People in the temperate regions and further north are naturally huddled together at this time of year because of the weather and have very little to do. Hence the partying.

shabobble said:
but opening presents around a tree and eating dinner with your relatives is a tradition so far removed from those roots
That is the root. When the church was converting the people of Europe by hook or by crook they couldn't get the people to just give up their yearly festivals -- so they rebranded them.

shabobble said:
you might as well call it something else.
Solstice, Saturnalia, whatever. I say "Christmas" for the same reason I use phrases like "Oh my god" to express surprise -- for better or worse it's part of the language.

shabobble said:
Same thing with Valentine's Day,
Hardly. Valentine's Day is a mere 1,500 years old, while solstice celebrations are older than recorded history (which is about 5,000 years).

shabobble said:
that was originally a religious holiday, but now its an excuse for Hallmark to peddle disgustingly mushy greeting cards and chocolate.
It was originally a strictly Catholic holiday.
Congratulations. You managed to break apart my entire post into small section to make it seem like I was saying the opposite of what I was actually saying. You would be a great Republican.

The Cheezy One

Christian. Take that from me.
Dec 13, 2008
ThatLankyBastard said:
The Cheezy One said:
ThatLankyBastard said:
I'm an Atheist with a very Christian family...

... does that make me special?

...I hope not...
Personally, I like people like you. You find people at my church who assume they are Christian because their family is. Find God your own way!
Somebody likes me??

It's the best Christmas ever!
Man hugs?


New member
Apr 22, 2009
As an American Christmas is a part of my culture (also a part of many others I imagine). So I would celebrate it because it is something I've always done, it is a good way to get closer with loved ones, and gives me something to look forward to and lighten up the winter months.

Bambi Puce

New member
May 28, 2009
ExaltedK9 said:
The Bibles integrity has been proven many times over by bibliographers,
Wait, wait... so, those guys whose job hinges on the very unproven possibility that the Bible is true tout the fact that the Bible is true? Say it ain't so! The Bible proves nothing. That road leads to circular logic unless you have some tactile evidence, and not just, "It's God's word!"
As... as a... whatever... (I call myself a Luminist, not sure if there are any others out there...) I celebrate Xmas because the rest of the family does. Personal preference will put my tradition in the middle of SUMMER when it's my decision.


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Living here in fools revolution as a resistance fighter against stupidity and arrogance, being an atheist, those days are nothing to celebrate, but it is good, to feel the peace and love around. So let us enjoy it!


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
Jesus isn't really the reason for the season, despite what a lot of bumper stickers would have you believe.

Christmas is, and has always been (even when it was called Saturnalia and was a winter festival dedicated to the pagan god Saturn) a time for communities to come together in the most inhospitable time of year, the winter solstice, and share whatever bounty they can, and appreciate being with those people while you still can.

It's a time for making other people happy, You look at the snow outside, and you make a little extra room on your hearth so that your friends can be close to you and not either by themselves or out in the cold. You think of your friends, and you make or purchase items that you think will surprise them and make them smile.

It really, has very little to do with jesus.

A lot of christian holidays are like that, just because of the way they were created. Take a pagan holiday, and then just add jesus stuff to it, and downplay the non-jesus stuff. Easter's the same way. "You can still have your spring fertility festival with all the eggs and rabbits, but ALSO, while you're doing that, just remember that jesus was ressurected, and that'll be great"

There are lots of reasons for athiests to be festive during the holidays.