Atheists who celebrate X-mas


Monster Befriender
Nov 19, 2010
ilspooner said:
I am an atheist, and I still have christmas. It brings the family together for a day, where we can all laugh, have fun, and eat good food. And presents. I love presents. :D
I think that sums up just about why every atheist celebrates christmas.

This may be a little off subject but i love your avatar. Waruvial is awesome.


New member
May 10, 2004
To all those saying Christmas is commercialized and it's become all about the gifts: I just want to remind you that something is what you make of it. If you decide it's all about the gifts, then it is, but if you want it to be about family or friends or the birth of your Savior, then it becomes that. Don't let other people tell you what to think.


New member
May 31, 2010
i celebrate it because my family celebrates it and as much as i try to explain that id rather not celebrate it it doesn't work so i buy gifts and play along because it would be awkward if i didn't and they brought presents its all just to much noise to me though


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Because Christmas allows the viewing of something as simple and beautiful as the below, without irony or cynicism.

Plus you can be an Athiest or non-believer and still think that some of the basic tenants of Big G, Spooky and JC's teachings are worthwhile without being either an easy convert or an asshole. My girlfriend is a Catholic, I've been in church with her for various reasons even though I have no clue what the hell is happening most of the time. Simply because my love of her outweighs any apathy I have for organised religion.


New member
Aug 18, 2010
The Cheezy One said:
ThatLankyBastard said:
The Cheezy One said:
ThatLankyBastard said:
I'm an Atheist with a very Christian family...

... does that make me special?

...I hope not...
Personally, I like people like you. You find people at my church who assume they are Christian because their family is. Find God your own way!
Somebody likes me??

It's the best Christmas ever!
Man hugs?
Man hugs!


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Its the holidays, people get together with their friends and family's and give gifts.

Whats not to like?


New member
Feb 9, 2008
True it really just is all about the giving part now

But thing is what do christians do differently from atheists at christmas? (besides attending church sermons)

mirror's edgy

New member
Sep 30, 2010
The U.S. worked hard to commercialize the religion out of Christmas and it would be disrespectful of me not to celebrate that!


New member
Nov 18, 2010
I have never bought presents for anyone, yet I still attend Christmas services.

what about conspiracy theorists?! what about their Christmas? "CHRISTMAS IS JUST A CONSPIRACY BY THE *insert names here* TO GET MORE MONEY!!"

Edit: Everyone in the world over-commercializes it. But it's like "I made it another year!"


Mexican Fugitive
Feb 7, 2008
Man, Solstice Festivals were going on LONG before Christianity came around, as far as celebrating in December goes, Christianity is downright LATE to the party, one could almost accuse them of jumping on the bandwagon >.>

Regardless as Western Society is founded on Christian Principles, Christmas is thus our societies Solstice Festival, and who doesn't like a good excuse to celebrate eh?
Jun 11, 2008
SL33TBL1ND said:
Glademaster said:
Well like nearly every single Christian Festival it has been just placed on or adapted another Pagan Festival. Personally if it makes them happy and gets them closer to their family or whatever no harm is done then go for it.

SL33TBL1ND said:
Sightless Wisdom said:
Christmas has nothing to do with Christianity, never did. The pagans made it an the Christans stole and renamed it. Now it's a commercial holiday celebrated by most people regardless of religion. People like getting gifts and spending money, why not celebrate it?
Well said, too many Christians fail to realise that their most important holiday has nothing to do with their religion.

OT: I get presents. That's what Christmas is about, now anyway.
Actually Easter is regarded as the most important holiday to Christians. So no Christmas is not the most important. Not everyone thinks of Christmas as just getting as well too.
Well, considering the Christians I know, they all seem to regard Christmas as the most important. You can't have the death of Christ without his birth.
Em regardless Easter is the most important. Yes with no birth no Christ but Easter is considered the most important in the Liturgical Calender.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Bambi Puce said:
ExaltedK9 said:
The Bibles integrity has been proven many times over by bibliographers,
Wait, wait... so, those guys whose job hinges on the very unproven possibility that the Bible is true tout the fact that the Bible is true? Say it ain't so! The Bible proves nothing. That road leads to circular logic unless you have some tactile evidence, and not just, "It's God's word!"
As... as a... whatever... (I call myself a Luminist, not sure if there are any others out there...) I celebrate Xmas because the rest of the family does. Personal preference will put my tradition in the middle of SUMMER when it's my decision.
Nobody's job hinges on how authentic the bible is. They confirm how legitimate documents are, and if they believe the bible's legitimate, it's from an emotionless neutral third party stance.

But its not my job to educate. If you want your tactile evidence, watch a documentary.

Just for context, you might want to mention what a luminist is? (I'm guessing its a minority belief, just based on your post).

So... luminist as in the band? The snowglobe?


New member
Feb 10, 2010
I love my family and friends, I love good food and booze, and I love to occasionally exchange gifts. I don't need a religion to appreciate that for a day.


New member
Apr 13, 2010
Headsprouter said:
ilspooner said:
I am an atheist, and I still have christmas. It brings the family together for a day, where we can all laugh, have fun, and eat good food. And presents. I love presents. :D
I think that sums up just about why every atheist celebrates christmas.

This may be a little off subject but i love your avatar. Waruvial is awesome.
Why thank you kind sir. Looking forward to Christmas tomorrow. :D


New member
Aug 22, 2010
Kukakkau said:
Gordon_4 said:
Because Christmas allows the viewing of something as simple and beautiful as the below, without irony or cynicism.

Uh really?

What the beauty of the original must somehow be tarnished cos some marketing hack decided to turn it into a beer advert?

Stay classy mate.


New member
Jul 5, 2010
Headsprouter said:
ilspooner said:
I am an atheist, and I still have christmas. It brings the family together for a day, where we can all laugh, have fun, and eat good food. And presents. I love presents. :D
I think that sums up just about why every atheist celebrates christmas.

This may be a little off subject but i love your avatar. Waruvial is awesome.
Amen, I've always wondered why people feel that they need a God to be friendly and kind to other people. i and most of my friends are atheist and none of us are bad people because we don't believe.


New member
Feb 9, 2008
Gordon_4 said:
Kukakkau said:
Gordon_4 said:
Because Christmas allows the viewing of something as simple and beautiful as the below, without irony or cynicism.

Uh really?

What the beauty of the original must somehow be tarnished cos some marketing hack decided to turn it into a beer advert?

Stay classy mate.
I'm just saying that is the christmas advert for irn-bru which really changes peoples look at the snowman after seeing it.

And um irn-bru isn't a beer - it's a fizzy drink/soda


New member
Aug 29, 2008
Not religous at all but i love christmas.

Whats not to love about far flung family members coming home and sitting around the house watching tv, drinking beer and eating turkey and stuffing sandwiches =D

Deacon Cole

New member
Jan 10, 2009
Christmas was originally a pagan holiday to celebrate the winter solstice that the church first tried to stop and then they usurped it, saying jesus was born in December when we really have no idea when he was born (or if he was born at all.) Many of the traditions in the christmas celebration come from the pagan traditions. So I don't understand the question.