In most elections, only about 40 percent of the population votes. Mostly, it's because the issues involved are such that the people DO NOT CARE. I myself have skipped many elections for this reason alone. I find it to be kinda disturbing that there are people out there that vote every chance they get. Just because I don't vote regularly doesn't mean some dipshit politician has the right to say my vote would make the election invalid because I chose to use my vote to do something right! Contrary to popular belief, the government does NOT exist to enforce conservative morals! Morals and law are two completely different animals. That's a very dark path you take when you make them one and the same.
Yes, by his reasoning gamers who are above 18 should NOT be allowed to vote because they would be able to get games that are designed with an audience above the age of 18. And kids would not be able to get these games because they are not 18, but will get them anyways and play games like rapelay all the time. It's precisely BECAUSE they are directly affected by his asshattery that gamers will show up and vote for the R18+ rating. Anybody who would vote against it is a complete douche that just wants to keep adult gamers from playing mature games. Poor Australia, it's bad enough that you guys get games late, but to have to deal with this crap from your politicians is beyond crap.