Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds

Low Frost

New member
Nov 6, 2008
Australians, you need to revolt or something. Vote from the rooftops, it's the American way.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
SuperFriendBFG said:
You can already tell that Atkinson and Thompson probably have gay sex behind the scenes.
And that sentence has what to do with his refusing to grant 18+ age rating to the Australian people?


New member
Jan 7, 2008
The reference to earning "Gamer points" by doing these things just prove he's suffering underPac-Man Fever [] and general misapprehension of how the WORLD works. I mean seriously, "The refugees support me and there are a cabal of evil 'gamers' who hate life and decency. Also, games cause all evil everywhere."?


New member
Sep 14, 2008
kawligia said:
Abedeus said:
kawligia said:
If 18+gamers == nerds && 18+games == violence
Then nerds == violent

And If violence == crime && crime == jail
Then jail == nerds

Else nerds != violent && Atkinson's == fail
You thought prisoners are not nerds?

They are the nerdiest of all.
You're right. The line between gangster and chess club member is VERY thin.
You have no idea how angry a chess player can get.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Malygris said:
Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds

Their vote is hardly likely to hinge on the "right" to score gamer points on the computer screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her (Welcome to the world of R18+ computer games).

Holy shit is he serious? How thick can you be? Raping a mother and her two daughters?! Injecting Drugs to win a athletics event? Cutting people in half with large calibre shells?

First off, there has been no game with that rating that you rape a mother and her two daughters.
Steriods hero?
They have chainsaws for that you know...


New member
Feb 24, 2009
Abedeus said:
kawligia said:
Abedeus said:
kawligia said:
If 18+gamers == nerds && 18+games == violence
Then nerds == violent

And If violence == crime && crime == jail
Then jail == nerds

Else nerds != violent && Atkinson's == fail
You thought prisoners are not nerds?

They are the nerdiest of all.
You're right. The line between gangster and chess club member is VERY thin.
You have no idea how angry a chess player can get.
Everyone gets angry. The dividing line is if and how you act on your anger. Most "nerds" don't commit crimes because they are smart enough to understand/care about the consequences of their actions. Gangsters or other criminals do not.


New member
May 29, 2008
SuperFriendBFG said:
You can already tell that Atkinson and Thompson probably have gay sex behind the scenes.

Anyways this guy is a total dickwad. There's only one thing that needs to be said about him: here []. (Heh, that video is so good. I still find myself watching it).
i find myself wondering if each one of those is actually a swear word, or if they just duplicated it(and by swear word i mean between Each one you would actually find a sentience)


New member
Jun 17, 2008
Read somewhere on here that his son a professional gamer and I'm sure he has shown his dad classic examples of games what banned but are no where near as bad as he depicts and how misinformed 3/4 of that statement is so if he can't do it no one can. But then again his son probably the reason he opposes games so much as he games to spite for not respecting him (as who would with) so his dad blames games for his parental problems.

Saying that might be a good way to stir him by asking dose his son export 18 rated games and if so how come he not a serial rapist and murder? And if goes on that was due to his parental responsibility then say well don't the rating system help guide parents on the matter and ask why and follow that line of enquiry. Failing that get the most foulest and vile 18 rated films available to buy and ask him hows stuff this graphic and horrific is available what more often than not don't show consistences for their actions more realistic than any game could ever be as actually humans not pixels depicting the deed and say is he seriously suggesting GTA is more damaging to youth than this?

Avatar Roku

New member
Jul 9, 2008
xmetatr0nx said:
I dont live in australia and if i did i would probably agree with this man. I dont know the first thing about his politics and for all intent and purposes he probably is a twat but his simple statement is probably true. He does have a high placed job with more important decisions on his desk than why someone cant buy GTAIV for their xbox.
True. But you'd think he'd at least learn about what he's banning or stay quiet, rather than parading his ignorance about.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Man, this guy is a grade A moron, I hope he never becomes the leader of australia, because I would expect some type of ban on video games if that happens(or an attempt to ban video games).


Senior Member
Jan 21, 2008
He says "Their vote is hardly likely to hinge on the "right" to score gamer points... etc" but exactly what justification does he have for taking that right away? An 18+ rated game would (or at least should) only be available to legal adults, who ought to be quite capable of making their own decisions about what they want to do with their spare time.