Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds

Johnn Johnston

New member
May 4, 2008
andrewbrownster said:
Why won't the Queen step in?
Because the Queen has no time for foolish Australian politicians. If he were a corgi, then yes, she would discipline him. As the matter stands, he is merely some ignorant fool barking by the window.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
He is not going to be voted out of office.

About Croydon
Labor polled with clear majorities at the last election. The Labor two-party vote scored above 70% in nine of the total 13 booths. The lowest scoring Labor booth was the Church of Christ Hall (Flinders Park) at 59.4%. The most popular booth for Labor was 76.8% at the Maltese Cultural Hall (Beverly). One booth - at the Church of the Nazarene in Croydon Park - attracted the highest primary vote (69.7%) in any booth.[/url]

It's the Labor Party's second safest electorate in the state. Hence his rather shocking bravado.

Only way he'll lose his job is if Labor (as a party) lose the next state election (Unlikely, the state Liberal party are pathetically ineffectual). Or some kind of backroom internal division within the state Labor government forces him to step down.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
Having never heard him speak, and not having seen a photo of him before, I've always imagined him to be like Les Patterson. His voice is always the voice I use in my head whenever I read his statements.

Judging by his attitude, I'm probably not too far off.

Dogmeat T Dingo

New member
Sep 4, 2008
andrewbrownster said:
Why won't the Queen step in?
I know that's probably a joke, but just in case anybody is wondering the crown has very little influence on Australian politics, its role is almost totally ceremonial. Sure every now and then you'll get an unethical prime minister convincing the governor general to veto a democratically passed bill they don't want (which is why we don't have same sex civil unions), but for the most part the crown's role is to rubber stamp every bill that is passed by parliament. Even that will be abolished when Australia becomes a republic, something that's been on the cards for a long while but which will probably happen in the next few decades.

As for Atkinson, you have to wonder why he rails so much against 18+ video games if he has all these other pressing matters to attend to. Seems like he's neglecting the electorate in order to further his own political ambitions. He's got to be one of the few pollies that would make me consider voting for the conservatives, just to get rid of him.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
Dogmeat T Dingo said:
As for Atkinson, you have to wonder why he rails so much against 18+ video games if he has all these other pressing matters to attend to. Seems like he's neglecting the electorate in order to further his own political ambitions.
Exactly. He claims he has bigger things to worry about, well then why is he being so obstinate about this? Kind of a double standard, really.

This only kind of further enforces my belief that the people most against videogames have the mindset of an 80s cartoon villain.


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Say murder simulator.. SAY IT.. I know you have it in you Attorney General.. SAY IT! Confirm what we already know!


New member
Jan 10, 2009
"Their vote is hardly likely to hinge on the "right" to score gamer points on the computer screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her (Welcome to the world of R18+ computer games)."

Ha! I think this guy might have a few problems of his own, besides, since when was there a game where you had to rape a mother and her kids? Who the hell would publish that? I've never heard something be so overly exaggerated


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Well, as a South Australian... I'm trying to figure out how many of these "refugees" in his electorate are actually allowed to vote? If they're stuck here and they still haven't found accomodation and jobs yet... chances are they haven't been in the country long enough to be allowed to vote, at least that's my understanding, I could be wrong.

But, if I'm right then... he's putting the priorities of his non-voting constituents over those of people who can legally vote. And lets face it, in his mind, he is likely thinking that "the only people with a problem are kids who can't vote anyways."

I'm tempted to see if I can move to his electorate now.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Malygris said:
Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds score gamer points on the computer screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her (Welcome to the world of R18+ computer games).

Thanks to you, welcome to the world of 15+ computer games! IGNORANT BLISTER!


New member
Aug 22, 2008
I would come up with a serious response to this, but I have no time to bother with ignorant Attorney Generals

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Why does Australia have Attorney Generals? And why are they effecting matters of media if they "have more important things" to be doing?

He's contradictory and insulting, how did he get in?


New member
May 15, 2008
Low Frost said:
Australians, you need to revolt or something. Vote from the rooftops, it's the American way.
You guys vote?

Atkinson is a ignorant wanker. My mind leaps to the conclusion that he fears something he doesn't understand, and that isn't admirable. However, I will give him credit for not wavering in his stance. It's nice to know there are politicians who have a backbone. Even if he isn't for a decent reason.

Johnn Johnston said:
andrewbrownster said:
Why won't the Queen step in?
Because the Queen has no time for foolish Australian politicians. If he were a corgi, then yes, she would discipline him. As the matter stands, he is merely some ignorant fool barking by the window.
"Look what you did on the carpet, Mister Atkinson! Naughty boy!"

Booze Zombie said:
Why does Australia have Attorney Generals? And why are they effecting matters of media if they "have more important things" to be doing?

He's contradictory and insulting, how did he get in?
It's something to do with the Queen. Or am I thinking of something else?


New member
Sep 5, 2008
theSovietConnection said:
The_root_of_all_evil said: screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her...
So that's Carmageddon, Rapeplay, Counterstrike(?), Fallout 3, don't know this one?, and GTA.
The third one could possibly be a misinformed opinion about Narc, that's my best guess
I think it's a football (U.S football, not soccer football) game... Blitz: The League, I believe.

Didn't this man ride to a nazi's house on a bike or something? Oh wait I found a link


New member
Jul 11, 2008
fix-the-spade said:
SuperFriendBFG said:
Anyways this guy is a total dickwad. There's only one thing that needs to be said about him: here []. (Heh, that video is so good. I still find myself watching it).

Not that I have problem with that, you just might want to warn people before they watch it on their work pc...
Still, there's something almost...musical about it.

Its so simple, all games get rated, except online only ones.

Once rated, if its a 15/17/18 rated game and stores are caught selling them underage, they get similar penalties as with alcohol, tobacco, and films.

If it's not even going to qualify as an 18, it doesn't get to come out. However they should be fairly rated as similar to the movie industry.

We need more politicians to realise that gaming is a huge industry, employing and entertaining many VOTERS, and bringing in huge piles of TAX money.


New member
Jan 21, 2008
Hmm... maybe if we start calling him 'undemocratic' more, the pressure'll get to him. I mean, he has responded to this letter, and that's something he doesn't do often.