Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds


New member
Dec 20, 2007
The_root_of_all_evil said: screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her...
So that's Carmageddon, Rapeplay, Counterstrike(?), Fallout 3, don't know this one?, and GTA.

Could Mr Atkinson then explain why Neighbours(Car Crash), Irreversible(9 minute rape sequence), Mad Max?, Bad Taste, Trainspotting or Sin City haven't been banned? In fact I believe since 1995, a total of five films have been banned. One of these wasn't banned for its autoerotic asphyxiation storyline, but the idea that it happened to a child.

Nice play of what happened to the refugees though. Forgive me for thinking this, but wasn't it governments that didn't want to listen to their voting public that actually did that to them practically?
Oh, but movie watcher's are not "nerds". According to Mr. Atkinson.

pha kin su pah

New member
Mar 26, 2008
I never really cared for Atkinson, i figured he'd be a reasonable man, yet several interviews later, it seems he is beyond reasoning.

However, considering he isn't working on this political issue, and Croydon is still as much of a shithole than it was 10 years ago, i'd like to know what is it he actually does...


New member
Nov 14, 2007
He's challenged someone, anyone, to run for Parliament (Kotaku). Oh, such arrogance.

I would welcome a challenge in Croydon at the next general election (due in March 2010) about my record on censorship. Any reader who would like to challenge me should write to me c/- 488 Port Road, Welland 5007 and I will send him or her a nomination form to stand for Parliament.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Arkfeller said:
He's challenged someone, anyone, to run for Parliament (Kotaku). Oh, such arrogance.

I would welcome a challenge in Croydon at the next general election (due in March 2010) about my record on censorship. Any reader who would like to challenge me should write to me c/- 488 Port Road, Welland 5007 and I will send him or her a nomination form to stand for Parliament.
Seriously? Wow. He's going down, I can see it already.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
pha kin su pah said:
I never really cared for Atkinson, i figured he'd be a reasonable man, yet several interviews later, it seems he is beyond reasoning.

However, considering he isn't working on this political issue, and Croydon is still as much of a shithole than it was 10 years ago, i'd like to know what is it he actually does...
Sits at his desk with the shadows obscuring his face, pressing a big red button marked "screw over gamers" while cackling to himself and petting his cat.


New member
Feb 7, 2008
Politicians are generally the nerds who got picked on the most, became sociopathic and as such seek power to oppress others. Kudos to Atkinson for the whole sociopath thing, but fuck off for your ignorant scare-mongering rants, you close minded douche. "Video games made the dinosaurs extinct, created cancer and ran over your dog." Actual quote from Michael Atkinson, citation needed...

Rolling Thunder

New member
Dec 23, 2007
If I win the UK general election, I hereby promise to annex/invade Australia and restore the rule of law and reason. After kicking Brown in the shins, having him chained to the wall and berating him for trying to tax my beloved games for 'being violent'. Dear god man, what is wrong with you!

I will also have to:

Ban the Daily Mail, Sun, Star and Express. Forever.
Legalise and tax marjuana and prostitution.
Recolonise Ireland.
Bet Jeremy Clarkson ten thosand pounds he can't go for three months without opening his mouth and making an ass of himself.
Build giant work-camps for the hoodies wandering our streets, so they can pay back their debt to society through building bridges.
Double the defence budget.
End farm subsidies for UK farmer and cease payments to the EU in regards to these.
Begin the 'Hunt plan' of socio-economic controls. (Lit. Interest rates and taxes will start at their lowest during the current recession. They will then steadily, unfailingly rise, in particular interest rates and taxes on investments, to promote saving. An increased sales tax may also be levied. Please note- this may be inconvenient, but it promises that we will not have another repeat of this current recession.)
Promote the ideals of individual liberty, freedom and equality. (Liberty of the individual first and foremost, not of government and companies.
Crack down on extremism.

Then I will be coming to save Australia...from itself.


New member
Sep 18, 2008
Broloth said:
What game do you rape a mother and two daughters in? I want to check it out if anything but for the spectacle; and the most I've cut people in half with in shooting games is a chain saw where are these high calibre "knife" bullets?
...Rapelay if memory serves, haven't played it myself (for obvious reasons) but apparently there was a huge scandal regarding it because a few copies were sold by amazon...

Anyway, I truthfully feel bad for all of the "nerds" in Australia. I don't know a thing about your politics, but I hope your elections happen soon and you can get someone else in office -- Someone who isn't a closet everything. (Now to add the hint of american) I can almost here the strong southern accent to go along with the ignorance...


New member
Feb 12, 2009
a very dumb man who is very ignorant in everything he says about games. WHERE IS HE GETTING HIS INFORMATION!


New member
Mar 26, 2009
I dunno, I'm inclined to think that he may have some semblance of a good point, and I'm disappointed that some of us take our hatred of Atkinson to an extreme. However, the fact remains that he is ignoring a huge chunk of the people he is in charge of representing while at the same time demonstrating a disturbing level of arrogance in blatantly ignoring gamers. He uses the fact that, "most people do not play video games" as an excuse to overlook those who do, and in doing so fails to realize that those who do play video games are the only ones really affected by his stubborn refusal to allow Australia an R18+ rating. His actions are shortsighted and unnecessary.
Still, that's no reason to lose our heads. Let's handle this like mature adults/teenagers/tweens/old people/martians.
By egging his house.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
yeah but that rapelay game is a japanese porn game and there r Fuckloads of them and its also been banned around the world it is also sumthing that based on the rules cant be rated anyway since sexual violence is meant to be a big no no in movies to normally doesnt get a movie banned as its not direct enough to warrant it


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Their vote is hardly likely to hinge on the "right" to score gamer points on the computer screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her (Welcome to the world of R18+ computer games).

I don't think vary many of those actually feature in games that I have ever heard of.

Cutting people in half with large calibre shells, killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her, running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement. Havn't seen any of the others anywhere.