Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds


New member
Aug 20, 2009
Has he ever a played a video game? Beyond what, GTA 3, Vice City and San Adreas I don't know any other game where you can have sex with a hooker then kill her for your money back, but as for running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event I'm not aware of any games that give you gamerscore for that.. Is this guy living in some sort of magical world of contraversy and offensiveness? Or has the Aussie heat finaly driven him mad?

But whatever he wants, I'm safe in the knowledge that Australia is populated by the dregs of Victorian Britians society, while we here in the UK don't have to deal with these pickpockets turned good. Pip pip, get me a cup o' tea!


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Nerds? NERDS!?!? It's on now you crooked toothed bastard!!! But he said a lot about refugees, is he supporting the idea of refugees coming into Austrailia?


New member
Jan 16, 2010
And the little twerp wonders why he gets death threats. People get death threats in wars, and you know what?

The cocky prick who ignores them always gets killed.

In this situation, what will happen is either his decisions piss off some kind of ARMED lunatic and he realises that maybe listening to the people who voted for him was a better idea, or -

He will simply be voted out - which will bring along the same realisation really. But we should have an option to force penalties upon politicians who do a terrible job and piss everyone off, shouldn't we? Something like barring them from their pensions? Fines? Jail time? Something....


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Dogmeat T Dingo said:
andrewbrownster said:
Why won't the Queen step in?
I know that's probably a joke, but just in case anybody is wondering the crown has very little influence on Australian politics, its role is almost totally ceremonial. Sure every now and then you'll get an unethical prime minister convincing the governor general to veto a democratically passed bill they don't want (which is why we don't have same sex civil unions), but for the most part the crown's role is to rubber stamp every bill that is passed by parliament. Even that will be abolished when Australia becomes a republic, something that's been on the cards for a long while but which will probably happen in the next few decades.

As for Atkinson, you have to wonder why he rails so much against 18+ video games if he has all these other pressing matters to attend to. Seems like he's neglecting the electorate in order to further his own political ambitions. He's got to be one of the few pollies that would make me consider voting for the conservatives, just to get rid of him.
Exactly right. Even the Liberals couldn't fuck things up as much as he is.


Tastes Like Chicken!
Apr 11, 2008
SuperFriendBFG said:
You can already tell that Atkinson and Thompson probably have gay sex behind the scenes.

Anyways this guy is a total dickwad. There's only one thing that needs to be said about him: here []. (Heh, that video is so good. I still find myself watching it).
That was awesome. An entire movie summed up in 30 mins. I can't wait for the 28th of Feb when all gamers and non-gamers in Australia get to tell him he's a failure.


New member
Nov 18, 2009
Is it just me, or is Europe really the place to be for videogames these days?


New member
Jun 29, 2009
He obviously has no idea what is in games today. "Points"? Really?

Also, it's nice to see a politician stoop so low as to call people "nerds". Because that makes him sound so mature and professional. He literally sounds like a Real life troll now.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Their vote is hardly likely to hinge on the "right" to score gamer points on the computer screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her (Welcome to the world of R18+ computer games).
I read this aloud to my boyfriend, who proceeded to start laughing histarically.
Seriously... What games has HE been playing? In what games can you rape a mother and her kids?

Those sort of claims are ridiculous and just make him seem like the worlds biggest idiot.
May 28, 2009
What the hell does he mean by "the old country"?

Because back in the day, "the old country" was the UK, and those "refugees" were criminals.

Hm, we really need a prison country again.


New member
Aug 26, 2009
Yes because everyone on the Escapist have been warped by video games and are now on the streets raping mothers and shooting pedestrians.

That's why we're all in jail right now and not say on a computer.

Nerds are probably the least likely creatures to do something bad, want to know why? - Low self-esteem.

Does it shock you to realize that sociopaths actually think quite highly of themselves?
Jan 29, 2009
I should make a browser game that is exactly what is described by him. And for comedic effect, you shall play as Atkinson himself.

(Curse him for bringing a bad name to the atkinsons. Just look at Rowan.)


New member
Feb 15, 2010
pdgeorge said:
Broloth said:
What game do you rape a mother and two daughters in? I want to check it out if anything but for the spectacle; and the most I've cut people in half with in shooting games is a chain saw where are these high calibre "knife" bullets?
The rape game he mentions is a really messed up thing in japan only. He's not a smart man if he thinks anywhere ELSE in the world would support it.

I did a quick count of the things he suggested were all going to come about because of R18+ games and as it currently stands... 4.5 of the things he mentioned are already out on the market available to 15 year olds thanks to him. (I'm only half counting the 'injecting drugs to win an athletics event' one because you CAN inject yourself with drugs for boosts in alot of games, but I can't think of any that are specifically athletics related)

as it stands, these are whats already out on the market:
running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, GTA's, Saints Row's, and a few other games of the same style which I can't remember the name of. (far more then just one or two)
raping a mother and her two daughters. One Japanese game that is sick by most peoples standards
blowing oneself up in a market, Same list as the pedestrians, maybe a few more too.
cutting people in half with large calibre shells. At the LEAST Fallout 3 allows you to cause body parts to explode off of people, plus theres other games that do that aswell.
Injecting drugs to win an athletics event. Drugs that boost your abilities. Ignoring all the ones where it's a side thing (which is A LOT of games) there is Haze, where it's not only a bonus but apart of the story line to do it.
killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her. Specific example: GTA Vice City.

Anybody want to have some fun with who this man REALLY is? Just how outdated he is?
He has officialy stated that he is (in effect) in favor of bringing around 'The Stolen Generation' again

How stupid can one man be?
I had a read of the article, i don't think he was in favor of bringing back the stolen generation, but his comments were INCREDIBLY insensitive given Australia's past.

I had a look at his history, can you believe that in 2003 he was the Minister for Multicultural Affairs? yet he virtually said that 49 Aboriginal minors should be locked up and the key thrown away?

WTF? How has he lasted so long?

If he gets reelected in March 2010 i will blow a fuse.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Thinking he's right and everyone else is wrong, even with the whole world against him.

I think we've found Uwe Boll's long lost brother.