Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds

The Undoer

New member
Sep 13, 2009
Not gonna read every comment, but towards the original statement from the foo' himself (Michael Atkinson), he seems to be incapable of realising the whole idea of a 18(21)+ rating is that these games don't reach impressionable people, but only people mature enough to handle it. Though you have to admire his determination. There was a British MP who said something about labels being ignored a few weeks back... That's the kind of area that needs to be adressed really (I don't think 8 year olds should be playing GTA4... Maybe 14+?). Personally, I think "MA" has the views of "Frumpy Middle Aged Women" or what ever her name was who claimed "VIDEO GAMES ARE MADE BY SATAN" and followed it up with Voldemort.
Mar 26, 2008
yersimapestis said:
Booze Zombie said:
Why does Australia have Attorney Generals? And why are they effecting matters of media if they "have more important things" to be doing?

He's contradictory and insulting, how did he get in?
I dont know. can some SA resident shed some light?
Our Attorney General is also the Minister for Racing. Yeah, go Victoria! No conflict of interest there what-so-ever.
In all fairness I've heard Rob Hulls on the radio and he seems to be pretty grounded. Too busy worrying about the use of whips and the abolition of jumps racing to be concerned about video games. Sorry Attkinson, but unless you're petitioning games with cruelty to horses you are SOL there mate.


New member
Nov 2, 2009
The more I hear him talk, the more I wish he'd shut the fuck up.
Now I'm so nervous I need a cigarette... Thank you for supporting my addiction Mr. Atkinson.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
Soxfan1016 said:
Broloth said:
What game do you rape a mother and two daughters in? I want to check it out if anything but for the spectacle; and the most I've cut people in half with in shooting games is a chain saw where are these high calibre "knife" bullets?
...Rapelay if memory serves, haven't played it myself (for obvious reasons) but apparently there was a huge scandal regarding it because a few copies were sold by amazon...

Anyway, I truthfully feel bad for all of the "nerds" in Australia. I don't know a thing about your politics, but I hope your elections happen soon and you can get someone else in office -- Someone who isn't a closet everything. (Now to add the hint of american) I can almost here the strong southern accent to go along with the ignorance...
Excuse me: We southenahs ah just as learned as y'all nouthen folks! Blame the Alaskuns, gorramit! At least, ONE Alaskan...

OT: While it may be a long shot, Australians, I would suggest looking into the man's past, his current political movements and ideals, and start a grass-roots campaign based around someone either from the same party or elsewhere to force this man out. Don't focus on gaming, that's a sure way to lose, focus on his political leanings and his effectiveness in improving his district/territory.

The more people know about him (especially the less desirable stuff), the less likely he is to be re-elected. Bonus points: As much as possible, take the high ground. Smear as much as you want, but do it smart. Let HIM slander, let him call names, let him make himself as juvenile as he's trying to make you look, while you take the high ground...

Best of luck folks, I feel for ya.

Jing the Bandit

New member
Jan 4, 2010
Broloth said:
What game do you rape a mother and two daughters in? I want to check it out if anything but for the spectacle; and the most I've cut people in half with in shooting games is a chain saw where are these high calibre "knife" bullets?
Man, I was going to link to Uncyclopedia's 'Weapons that Don't exist, but should', but it seems that it's been taken down.
There was a bit on 'guns that shoot swords', too.

EDIT: Weapons that Shoot Other Weapons []


New member
Nov 20, 2008
he is an asshole. Period
and the way he refers to gamers as "nerds" leads me to beleive he was always an asshole


New member
Jun 29, 2009
And the world gives America stick for voting in bush.

I don't know much about Australia's voting system but I assume you guys voted in to a powerful postion, even though clearly he is idiot.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
yeah obviously as an American I'm not affected by him by law, but DAMN he is SUCH a JERK =.=


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Crikey - he's been playing some hardcore stuff.

Anyway, no one's saying that an 18 rating is more important than housing and whatever else he listed, but you can't just dismiss it. And yes, he's being undemocratic and unprofessional.

And an ignorant fuck.

I don't understand why EVERYONE has to agree? Surely the majority wins the vote?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
his examples are like...individual instances, not core gameplay?

or maybe that one with the rape thing, but most of us never heard of such a game (guess it was shot down worldwide real fast anyway)

Retardinator said:
The more I hear him talk, the more I wish he'd shut the fuck up.
Now I'm so nervous I need a cigarette... Thank you for supporting my addiction Mr. Atkinson.
my hope for mankind has just sunk another -10 points (I'll never break even...)
thank you Mr. Atkinson, your power...ful insults reach across the oceans
it's like having the oldest snarkiest bully on the playground ever


New member
Dec 25, 2008
orannis62 said:
xmetatr0nx said:
I dont live in australia and if i did i would probably agree with this man. I dont know the first thing about his politics and for all intent and purposes he probably is a twat but his simple statement is probably true. He does have a high placed job with more important decisions on his desk than why someone cant buy GTAIV for their xbox.
True. But you'd think he'd at least learn about what he's banning or stay quiet, rather than parading his ignorance about.
yeah he probably has more politically grand decisions to face...but should someone with THAT attitude have the power with those more pressing grand decisions/issues??


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Broloth said:
What game do you rape a mother and two daughters in? I want to check it out if anything but for the spectacle; and the most I've cut people in half with in shooting games is a chain saw where are these high calibre "knife" bullets?
Its that god awful "RapeLay" game from (where else) Japan. Lets just say I'm not a fan. And the difference between shooting at people who are actively trying to kill you and raping 3 women for your own pleasure is manifold, but I won't get into that argument again here.

Basic; Atkinson, arsehole who needs to be kicked out - enemy of all gamers.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
To my knowledge, there's not yet a game that allows you to engage in "raping a mother and her two daughters." Sounds like someone is mixing their own sick fantasies in with the ones we "nerds" supposedly have.