Australia's Atkinson Has No Time For Nerds


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Broloth said:
What game do you rape a mother and two daughters in? I want to check it out if anything but for the spectacle; and the most I've cut people in half with in shooting games is a chain saw where are these high calibre "knife" bullets?
The rape game he mentions is a really messed up thing in japan only. He's not a smart man if he thinks anywhere ELSE in the world would support it.

I did a quick count of the things he suggested were all going to come about because of R18+ games and as it currently stands... 4.5 of the things he mentioned are already out on the market available to 15 year olds thanks to him. (I'm only half counting the 'injecting drugs to win an athletics event' one because you CAN inject yourself with drugs for boosts in alot of games, but I can't think of any that are specifically athletics related)

as it stands, these are whats already out on the market:
running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, GTA's, Saints Row's, and a few other games of the same style which I can't remember the name of. (far more then just one or two)
raping a mother and her two daughters. One Japanese game that is sick by most peoples standards
blowing oneself up in a market, Same list as the pedestrians, maybe a few more too.
cutting people in half with large calibre shells. At the LEAST Fallout 3 allows you to cause body parts to explode off of people, plus theres other games that do that aswell.
Injecting drugs to win an athletics event. Drugs that boost your abilities. Ignoring all the ones where it's a side thing (which is A LOT of games) there is Haze, where it's not only a bonus but apart of the story line to do it.
killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her. Specific example: GTA Vice City.

Anybody want to have some fun with who this man REALLY is? Just how outdated he is?
He has officialy stated that he is (in effect) in favor of bringing around 'The Stolen Generation' again

How stupid can one man be?


New member
Feb 24, 2008
It's actually quite funny, how much I hate him.
I don't usually wish for people to actually die but I'll make an exception in this case.


New member
Jul 2, 2009
Royas said:
Politicians! Can't live with 'em, and it's illegal to kill them.
You should probably get that copyrighted, case god knows I'm using it from now on :p

ucciolord1 said:
I dunno, I'm inclined to think that he may have some semblance of a good point, and I'm disappointed that some of us take our hatred of Atkinson to an extreme. However, the fact remains that he is ignoring a huge chunk of the people he is in charge of representing while at the same time demonstrating a disturbing level of arrogance in blatantly ignoring gamers. He uses the fact that, "most people do not play video games" as an excuse to overlook those who do, and in doing so fails to realize that those who do play video games are the only ones really affected by his stubborn refusal to allow Australia an R18+ rating. His actions are shortsighted and unnecessary.
Still, that's no reason to lose our heads. Let's handle this like mature adults/teenagers/tweens/old people/martians.
By egging his house.
As long as the eggs are rotten. *wields a rotten egg like a grenade* For the Aussie gamers! For our brothers and sisters!


New member
Jul 15, 2009
I hate this guy. i hope someone kills him with syringe. in his eyes. then he should be teabagged. Calling anyone a "nerd" is straight up one of the worst kinds of bully tactics. He should burn in the deepest depths of hell.

To clarify, i dont like him very much.

Xan Krieger

Completely insane
Feb 11, 2009
What Atkinson needs to think of is not the children but the taxpayers because they are the ones who want the 15+ rating. He needs to think of the people who pay his salary before he thinks of the children.


New member
May 22, 2009
This man is doing nothing but lengthening the list of people who want to murder him.

He's a dumb fuck with closed minded views and bugger all regard for a medium that deserves just as much respect as any other. Arsehole.....

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Malygris said:
raping a mother and her two daughters
What the hell kinda games has he been playing?

Jesus Christ, that guy has got a sick mind.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
Broloth said:
What game do you rape a mother and two daughters in? I want to check it out if anything but for the spectacle; and the most I've cut people in half with in shooting games is a chain saw where are these high calibre "knife" bullets?
this, it's totally ridiculous exaggeration.


New member
Mar 9, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
Atkinson's letter trimmed slightly:

Their vote is hardly likely to hinge on the "right" to score gamer points on the computer screen by running down and killing pedestrians on the pavement, raping a mother and her two daughters, blowing oneself up in a market, cutting people in half with large calibre shells, injecting drugs to win an athletics event or killing a prostitute to recover the fee one just paid her (Welcome to the world of R18+ computer games).
What the hell sort of game has he been playing? Someone should tell him that 18 rated games aren't a cess pit that perversions breed in.

Also, Your Government representative, ladies and gentlemen! A name-calling idiot who refuses to do research on what he's opposing.
Mar 26, 2008
I'm sure refugees are flocking in their droves to his constituency in Croydon. He's just kicking the political football when it suits him. I can imagine him sitting at his desk going, "see I care about the big issues like *rifles through newspaper* whether Brad and Angelina a breaking u.... I mean refugees emigrating to Australia"


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
Hookman said:
Also,in what game do you rape a mother and her two daughters,become a suicide bomber and use steroids?!
Rapelay to the first, no such game to the second and third.
Actually, there was an "extreme" football game a while back that had you use steroids. Don't ask me for a name, though: it didn't sell well and fell off the radar.

Atkinson has no time for his constituents? Well, I guess that means he must have no time to do his goddamn job, either.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Khell_Sennet said:
You know what... I have to agree with him. Yes, there are far more important things for him to be focused on than game ratings. Which begs the question: if he has so many more pressing matters to deal with, how does he keep making time to oppose R18+ games? Either he's a negligent AG, or a hypocrite. Either one could be used as leverage to oust him.
Well said, I was thinking the exact same thing.

Could anyone here, instead of merely calling him names and reiterating how ignorant he is, explain how he deals with other problems in his constituency? Because I really would like to know how he is at his job OUTSIDE of the ill-informed and irrational hatred.